In Myagi, Tokyo, architect Kengo Kuma has completed the whimsical interior design of a French restaurant ran by a Japanese chef who previously worked at a 3-star Michelin restarant in France.Named ‘Nacrée’, the focal characteristic of this space is defined by an unconventional element of architecture that wraps and curves around the floorplan to form a decorative and functional element.
The acrylic cylinders suspend from the ceiling to create a transparent curtain and partitioning between different zones of the restaurant; their light opacity allow the decorative stems of flowers fixed in-between to be the focus and diffuses the artificial light.Kengo kuma has extended the theme of floras and transparency in the remainder of the scheme which is furnished with timber furniture, floral tableware and white table-clothed tables.
假花被插在圆柱管之间/Fake flowers have been inserted into the cyclindrical tubes
植物和透明性在主题中延续/Florals and transparency is the continuous theme
餐馆位于日本Myagi/The restaurant is based in Myagi, Tokyo
在吧台区域的周围,仿真藤缠绕在竹棍上/Bamboo sticks wrapped in fake vines surround the bar area