Designed by Glenn Howells architects in collaboration with engineers Buro Happold, the longest treetop walkway in the UK has opened to the public in the national arboretum at Westonbirt. The elevated route starts and ends at ground level, rising to a total height of 13 meters (43 feet) as it follows the valley floor. The sinuous 300 meter pathway meanders through the arboretum, offering visitors the chance to directly experience the native trees, and observe sweeping views across the historic downs landscape. At four key points, the walkway increases in size to form points where guests can better engage with their natural surroundings.
步道上升到13米(43英尺)的总高度/The walkway rises to a total height of 13 meters (43 feet)
The project has been developed through the use of advanced computational parametric principles, and uses materials that seek to complement the surrounding landscape. The distance between each pair of legs is the same (10.5 meters) – allowing for a continuous visual flow. Meanwhile, foundations have been carefully located to avoid impact on existing trees. The lightweight steel balustrade minimizes the amount of structure required, again reducing the impact on the environment.
蜿蜒的300米的步道穿过植物园/The sinuous 300 meter pathway meanders through the arboretum
‘We are very proud to have designed this unique treetop walkway for the historic and internationally renowned arboretum at Westonbirt,’says architect Glenn Howells. ‘The walkway allows all visitors, regardless of age or ability, to experience the site from the treetops for the first time. Focusing on visitor needs and materiality, the walkway is designed to disappear as a sinuous silver ribbon that meanders between trees and canopies. The aim is that this new feature will greatly enhance visitor experience and help to ensure Westonbirt’s popularity for many years to come.’
该方案提供给游客直接感受古老树木的机会/The scheme offers visitors the chance to directly experience the historic trees
Andrew Smith,植物园的领导补充说:“这一里程碑式的加建项目改变了游客游览体验,欣赏前所未有且美妙绝伦的风景。它还为游客感知世界上的各种树种提供了一个友好且有趣的方式!STIHL 林中漫道是Westonbirt的历史新篇章的开始,游客可以随着季节的变化去感受自然的变化。我们感到无比的骄傲,感谢所有为这个项目付出时间和金钱的信托、基金会、公司以及个人,谢谢你们让这个项目成为现实。”
Andrew Smith, arboretum director added: ‘this landmark addition transforms the visitor experience with incredible views, which have never been seen before. It also provides a family friendly and fun way for visitors to engage with the world of trees! The STIHL treetop walkway is the start of an exciting new chapter in Westonbirt’s history and can be enjoyed as the seasons change throughout the year. We’re incredibly proud of it and would like to thank all the trusts, foundations, companies and individual donors who have given their time and money to make this project a reality.’
2014年,Glenn Howells建筑事务所也完成了该基地的接待中心设计/In 2014, Glenn Howells architects also completed the site’s welcome center
The Westonbirt arboretum was laid out by three generations of the Holford family from the early 1800s, and has been recognized by english heritage as a grade I registered landscape and garden of special historic interest. The friends of Westonbirt raised £1.9m so that the walkway could provide visitors with a better understanding of the arboretum and its landscape, containing the ancient woodlands of silk wood and the downs. In 2014, Glenn Howells architects also completed a curved, timber-clad building that serves as an entrance to visitors of the arboretum.
all images by rob parrish
轻型钢栏杆最小化结构所需材料的数量/The lightweight steel balustrade minimizes the amount of structure required
每对支柱之间的距离是一样的——形成连续的视觉流线/The distance between each pair of legs is the same – allowing for a continuous visual flow