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游泳池渲染:工作流程视频/ Alex Hogrefe第1张图片

Pool Rendering: Workflow Videos


While these videos aren’t full on tutorials, they still walk through the my work flow of creating this illustration. As you will see, 90% of my time was spent in Photoshop.

第一部分介绍了应用材质,我把在 Kerkythea 渲染的SketchUp 模型图片作为底图。

Kerkythea软件的设置大约会花费一个小时,完成渲染大约用20分钟。整个渲染图从开始到结束,包括 Photoshop 的后期处理过程,差不多用了 6 个小时完成。

这张图是 Paul Lukez Architecture制作的,展现了金都展馆的内部环境。

Part 1 looks at applying textures. I used the Sketchup model rendered with Kerkythea as a base image. The Kerkythea rendering probably took about an hour to set up and 20 minutes to rendering. The entire rendering from beginning to end including Photoshop post processing took about 6 hours to create.
The illustration was created for Paul Lukez Architecture and represents an interior view of the Jindu Pavilion.

第二部分介绍了游泳池的水波和反射,以及创建反光的表面,例如,只在 Photoshop 里创建古铜装饰材料天花板。

Part II looks at the pool waves and reflections, as well the full creation of a reflective surface such as the copper ceiling with only Photoshop.


Finally, part III uses some techniques to add warmth and drama to the image. Like the other videos, these last few steps give the digital illustration a “painterly” look. The extent to which each step is used is subject to personal preference and can be controlled simply by adjusting the opacity of each layer.

最终效果图/The final rendering

游泳池渲染:工作流程视频/ Alex Hogrefe第2张图片





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