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用乐高堆成的柜台Kyoto芝士挞店/Yusuke Seki第1张图片

Kyoto cheese tart shop by Yusuke Seki features counter made of Lego


日本Bake芝士商店的最近一间门店使用了由Yusuke Seki工作室设计的乐高柜台来展示商品。

日本东京的Yusuke Seki工作室设计了京都连锁面包店的所有门店,在最近新开的一家店内,柜台是由黄昏色调的有机玻璃和定制的铝面砖组成的。

The latest outlet of Japanese cheese tart shop Bake displays its wares on a Lego counter made by designer Yusuke Seki.
Tokyo-based Yusuke Seki designed the Kyoto outlet of the single-item bakery chain, which also recently opened stores featuring a sunset-hued acrylic counter and bespoke aluminium tiles.

用乐高堆成的柜台Kyoto芝士挞店/Yusuke Seki第2张图片



The centrepiece of the design is the counter, which is shrouded in a brickwork of monotone Lego.
Seki chose to use the popular toy building bricks as his main material because it "connects" to visitors.

用乐高堆成的柜台Kyoto芝士挞店/Yusuke Seki第3张图片



"This architectural fabric serves as the shared language of communication between those whose spoken language may differ," said Seki. "Its appeal is universal, intuitive, and its attraction felt by nearly every generation"
"It evokes a sense of intimacy, creating a moment that connects people to this space."

用乐高堆成的柜台Kyoto芝士挞店/Yusuke Seki第4张图片




A second, complementary feature of the store is a lattice framework lining the walls on either side of the counter.
This feature employs the bamboo latticework technique known as shitajimado, which is traditionally used on the windows of Japanese teahouses.
Seki has put a contemporary spin on the classic technique, using a pale wood overlaid on partially exposed walls.

用乐高堆成的柜台Kyoto芝士挞店/Yusuke Seki第5张图片



"Left partially exposed, these walls allow customers to interact with a new iteration of tradition, while simultaneously encouraging an interaction the older exterior wall cladding," said Seki.
"The store is thereby given a firm sense of place, reverberating with a reverence for the region."

用乐高堆成的柜台Kyoto芝士挞店/Yusuke Seki第6张图片

用乐高堆成的柜台Kyoto芝士挞店/Yusuke Seki第7张图片

用乐高堆成的柜台Kyoto芝士挞店/Yusuke Seki第8张图片



Takumi Ota摄影。

The store includes an open kitchen in the back, where the cheese tarts are baked. A shelf on one side of the room holds stacks of Bake's bright yellow takeaway boxes.
Seki founded his studio in 2008 and has since worked on a number of shop interiors. Cement and pale wood often feature in his minimal interiors, including one devoted to hand-forged knives and another that sells kimonos.
Photography is by Takumi Ota.

用乐高堆成的柜台Kyoto芝士挞店/Yusuke Seki第9张图片

用乐高堆成的柜台Kyoto芝士挞店/Yusuke Seki第10张图片

用乐高堆成的柜台Kyoto芝士挞店/Yusuke Seki第11张图片

用乐高堆成的柜台Kyoto芝士挞店/Yusuke Seki第12张图片

用乐高堆成的柜台Kyoto芝士挞店/Yusuke Seki第13张图片

用乐高堆成的柜台Kyoto芝士挞店/Yusuke Seki第14张图片





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