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全球领先的酒店室内设计公司Hirsch Bedner Associates(HBA)为万众期待的京都四季酒店打造非凡设计。酒店于2016年10月15日隆重开业,落户于日本保存最完整的古都之一,宫殿庭园及寺庙神社林立四周。

Hirsch Bedner Associates (HBA), the world’s leading hospitality interior design firm, has completed the highly-anticipated design of the new Four Seasons Kyoto, opening October 15, 2016, located within one of the best-preserved historic cities, with intact palaces, gardens, Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines.

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The Four Seasons Kyoto features 110 standard rooms, 12 suites, one presidential suite and 57 condo unites. Designed to be a haven of quiet dignity and discreet expression, the Four Seasons Kyoto’s design narrative was carefully planned surrounding the 800-year-old Ikeniwa Pond, inviting guests to engage with nature through its blueprint. A rich model of modernism resonates throughout the hotel while carefully maintain traditional Japanese conceptions of architecture.

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HBA首席执行官Ian Carr先生表示:“这次的设计项目既要注重与邻近的新日吉神宫、京都国立博物馆及受保护的池庭在文化上的契合度,也要满足酒店方的要求,最后我们揉合不同元素,创造出古今交融、简约奢华的设计。我们很高兴能与才华洋溢的工匠及艺术家合作,为日本打造全新的地标酒店。”

HBA合伙人暨项目首席设计师Agnes Ng女士表示:“我们于五年前开始着手进行此项目,很快便注意到京都和池庭背后的辉煌历史,并通过高雅低调的设计、简约的风格与精致的细节将此呈现出来。从酒店的每个方向眺望,都可饱览池庭景色,让客人可在这隐世之所静心思考。这个别出心裁的设计有助衬托出池塘景致,而非喧宾夺主。”

“This project made many demands of our design team: the proximity to the culturally sensitive Imahie Jingū Shrine, The Kyoto National Museum, the protected Ikeniwa Pond and the exacting standards of the Four Seasons Hotels team,” said HBA Co-CEO Ian Carr. “Our team brought all these influences together and created a design tour de force sitting harmoniously between tradition and modernity, simplicity and luxury.  Working with a talented team of artisans and artists, we are proud to have played our role in creating a new landmark in Japan’s hospitality landscape.”
“Five years ago, we began working on the design for the Four Seasons Kyoto and immediately recognized the tremendous respect and honor the region and Ikeniwa Pond commanded,” said Agnes Ng, partner and lead designer on the project for Hirsch Bedner Associates (HBA). “Our concept paid respect to both aspects of the property with our understated, graceful design, which had minimalist undertones featuring intricate details. The hotel is meant to be a haven for contemplation – we designed every facet of it to open up to views of Ikeniwa, allowing the design to serve as a window to the pond, never detracting from it.”  

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Lobby and Arrival Experience
Guests are greeted into the hotel by an alluring bamboo forest that leads to a Japanese garden sanctuary. As one of the only cities in the world with four distinct and highly photogenic seasons, Kyoto flourishes with spring cherry blossoms, swaying bamboo in summer, brilliant red autumn leaves, and the blanket of winter snow – each one framed by expansive windows.

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Bringing the outdoors to the interior, the vast lobby space seamlessly adapts with every season to evoke constant, yet ever-changing emotions with guests. The use of locally sourced traditional shoji paper screens create interesting soft shadows as light casts through them. HBA designers used natural Aji stepping stones to pave the ground, reminiscent of a Zen garden.

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Agnes Ng女士表示:“大堂的设计精髓在于其温馨简朴的格调,借着空间与自然环境的完美结合来映衬池庭美景。宽敞隐密的休憩空间与池塘的醉人风光映入眼帘,在简约优雅的环境中为宾客带来感官享受及崭新发现,进一步突显酒店的焦点所在──池庭。”

“The essence of the lobby lies in its simplicity and generosity of its gestures. The harmonious integration of space and environment lends to the importance of the site’s context – the pond,” says Ng. “Large discreet spaces of respite and dramatic linear views to the pond and beyond dictate the lobby space – the design orchestrates a sense a simple elegance, sensuality and discovery that reveals a further focal point to the pond.”

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Guestrooms and Residences
A personal space inspired by tranquillity, the rooms at the Four Seasons Kyoto reflect the characteristics of a traditional Japanese house. The quiet and elegantly simple lines of wooden slats greet guests upon entering the space is enhanced by the deliberate shadows cast by light that sheds through. Fusuma screens decorated with artwork by local echo artists further celebrate the culture. The view to the outdoor sanctuary is framed by oak wood architrave that acts as a center point, immersing guests in Kyoto’s heritage. Traditional tatami was implemented in a modern way to preserve and respect Kyoto’s tradition by adding a Japanese pattern motif. A vibrant purple hue is used throughout the design, providing a stately and royal context for the country. Natural edge-carved oak wood flooring enhances the natural Japanese imperial villa experience. Restrooms are a luxurious space for guests to immerse themselves in the calming, soothing effects of water inspired by the pond. Decorative vertical stone walls and a luxurious rain shower create an oasis for guests to relax, simulating a waterfall within a bamboo forest.

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Wedding Chapel
Inspired by the natural movement of swaying bamboo leaves, the wedding chapel evokes an emotional response that offers an engaging relationship with nature. The design works to embrace the context between nature and the purity of spaces by framing the views and enveloping the interiors with motifs of bamboo leaves. The undulating structure envelopes around the space, while glass windows provide a frame for the soaring and sunlit spaces.

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结婚礼堂门前的阶梯结合现代设计及传统技艺,其摩登外型与传统和纸隔屏形成对比,塑造出明亮柔和的空间。隔屏选用由当地工匠堀木绘里子(Eriko Horiki)以古法制作的和纸,光线穿透而过,洒下朦胧的影子,营造出轻松悠闲的氛围,引领宾客在涓涓的水声伴随下步入礼堂。

Designed to be the gateway to celebration, the staircase offers a modern architectural form – the fusion of contemporary design with traditional skills. The form of the staircase contrasted by the softness of the traditional washi paper partitions create a characteristic Japanese space that is soft and luminous. Locally sourced washi paper specially designed by local artisan Eriko Horiki, who uses traditional methods in creating traditional Japanese paper, gives an ambient atmosphere through the textures of shadows created by light filtering though. Complemented by the gentle sounds of the trickling water feature, the staircase draws guests to move about the space.

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Acting as a theatrical expression of seasons, nature and celebration, the ballroom walls are adorned with locally sourced tapestries and artwork that references delicate bamboo leaves. The show kitchen, designed as a tea house, sits within the space and enhances the traditional Japanese experience with refined design touches. Carpet flooring reflects the pond in another exercise in paying subtle homage to Kyoto’s environment.

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The Spa at Four Seasons Kyoto is a haven of Kyo no Iyashi, meaning ‘Kyoto healing’ and features seven treatment and wellness-technology rooms, including a VIP couples’ spa suite. Roji path stepping stones to a waterfall cascading from a stone bridge usher guests into an oasis of calm and tranquility. The dramatic indoor swimming pool takes its design form from the pond, while a series of Japanese pavilions invite guests to lounge in an intimate setting.

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Bringing the outdoors and pond to the interior, the pool seamlessly adapts with every season to evoke a constant, yet ever-changing emotion with guests. The serene indoor swimming pool takes its design form through poetry, reflecting the Japanese way of contemplation, of viewing the moon framed and engaged through a pavilion setting, serving as a portal to the sanctuary beyond.



Meeting Rooms
Referencing imperial palace architecture, meeting rooms serve as transitional spaces that offer formal privacy with a reserved, sophisticated touch. The overall simplicity of the space is juxtaposed with intricate carvings demonstrated though cedar timber doors that showcase Kyoto’s seasons.

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来源:本文由Hirsch Bedner Associates提供稿件,所有著作权归属Hirsch Bedner Associates所有




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