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Winners of 2017 "Rethinking The Future" Awards Present Radical Solutions to Present-Day Problems


建筑竞赛“重新思考未来(RTF)”已经宣布获奖者,每年颁发的“重新思考未来奖”,共收集了来自30个国家的500多个作品。 来自印度新德里的设计竞赛RTF始于2012年,旨在通过设计“针对当前面临的挑战的解决方案”,从而形成“建筑设计的国际新趋势”。


“‘重新思考未来’奖项旨在推出建筑设计领域最具创意的设计项目,从而创建最高标准的互动式教育平台 - RTF。”

提交项目有十五个大类。 以下是每一类作品的第一名获奖者:


Architecture platform Rethinking the Future (RTF) has announced the winners for their annual “Rethinking the Future Awards,” collecting over 500 entries from 30 countries. Established in 2012 in New Delhi, India, RTF aims to create a “new window on international trends in architecture and design” by considering “radical solutions for the present day problems facing the domain.”
“Each of these projects represents the best of architecture and design across the globe, where innovation and creativity are intersecting,” says RTF on the 18 winning entries covering projects ranging from residential to cultural architecture. The competition was open to both students and professionals and drew a diverse collection of built and unbuilt works.
“Rethinking The Future Awards aims to bring out the most creative and innovative projects in the field of architecture & design and hence create an interactive educational platform of highest standards – RTF”
There were fifteen broad categories under which the projects were submitted. Read on for the list of all first place winners:

Winning Entries:


文化类(已建成) ——Cocoon(茧) | Manasaram Architects


Cultural (Built)- Cocoon by Manasaram Architects
"The cocoon has been constructed as a Multi-use space that accommodates 40 persons simultaneously acting as an exhibition area for Krishi Vigyan Kendra. It is a unique project that qualifies as socially relevant because of the method in which it has been realized. Bamboo was required to be used for an unconventional form as it proved to be the most economically viable. Through this project, a wide spectrum of participants were brought together blurring social and cultural boundaries."


文化类(概念设计) ——寻找幽灵的根源|Cheng Chieh Li


Cultural (Concept) - Seeking Roots With The Ghosts by Cheng Chieh Li
"Our living place is our culture claim, which is called “ Civic Museum”. The Civic Museum should included a market and festival, which cohesion everyone’s daily life. A market is a place not just for trading, but for communicating. The culture value is created by interacting with people, which can shorten their distance."


酒店建筑类(概念设计) ——无限森林|Yitan Sun & Jianshi Wu

“我们的项目,名为‘无限森林’,是一个酒店项目,其设计灵感来源于对曼哈顿历史传统的挖掘与思考,这个项目展示了过去400年所沉淀的文化基石 ,这将是一个全新的充满树木和池塘的自然公园,也许,其中的内涵要追溯到17世纪的历史文化当中。”

Hospitality (Concept) - Infinite Forest by Yitan Sun & Jianshi Wu
"Our Project, named Infinite Forest, is an unprecedented type of hotel that strives to bring Manhattan‘s long-forgotten hilled land back. By excavating one of Manhattan’s block down, the project reveals the hidden bedrocks that were buried over the last 400 years, upon which will be a new, natural park filled with trees and ponds what one would likely to only encounter back in the 17th Century. "


居住类(概念设计) ——盒子外的世界|Nudes

“生态机器对现存的住房条件、人类健康、消费模式与总体福祉之间的关系进行了批评,这个项目探索了城市住房的原型,将各项功能整合在一起的效果明显大于各部分的总和, 我们通过整合住房、卫生、城市农业、可持续发展和社区空间,提高居民和整个社会的生活质量,整个项目通过机械装配策略完成。”

Housing (Concept) - Out Of The Box by Nudes
"The eco-machine critiques the relationship between existing housing conditions, human health, consumption patterns and general well being. This project humbly explores an archetype for super dense urban housing that is significantly larger than the sum of its parts by actuating an effective eco-mechanic assembly by integrating housing, health, urban farming, sustainability, community space to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants and society at large."


机构类(已建成) —— Amanenomori幼儿园|Aisaka Architects’ Atelier


Institutional (Built) - Amanenomori Nursery School by Aisaka Architects’ Atelier
"A nursery school of a two-story building with rooftop terrace features 3-dimensional and circuit style structure located in Funabashi city. The concept of its design is to provide enough space for 160 children to play around in nature and also for all their parents and nursery staff to feel safe."




Institutional (Concept) - Horoshkola by Krost
"“Horoshkola” project is a part of the complete renovation of the residential district. The site restrictions shaped the volume of the school, making it quite high but discreet. Russian building code allows only for 4 floors for educational facilities."


室内设计类——商业(已建成)——AXL–Jewelry Boutique|Labscape Design & Architecture


Interior- Commercial (Built) -AXL–Jewelry Boutique by Labscape Design & Architecture
"The collaboration between the architects and jeweler AXL started with a precise brief matching the brand universe: feminine, elegant and precious whilst avoiding the trivial codes of luxury. What was created is a kind of contemporary boudoir combining a certain nostalgia of the past with modern elegance and sophistication."


景观设计类(已建成) ——Projet Bonaventure |  City of Montreal


Landscape Design (Built) - Projet Bonaventure by City of Montreal
"The vision for the project is built around three elements: (1) Create an entry to the city centre that is, at the same time, prestigious, functional and, convenient, (2) Promote the unity of neighbouring districts, in a North-South axis as well as East—West and (3) Support urban development with strategic public interventions."


景观设计类(概念设计) ——台北市城市绿色走廊——生态庭院|Chi Lin


Landscape Design (Concept) - Eco- courtyard of City- a Green Corridor in Taipei City by Chi Lin
"We try to redesign this urban poché with rich green quality and extend its publicity. The site is given with traditional spatial values and images, combined with the idea of urban landscape. Visitors will experience various activities and delicate natural environmental arrangement. The linear public eco-courtyard is set up like a green corridor of city. We expect this corridor to connect its neighborhoods and redefine an active community."


综合规划(概念设计)—— 想象垂直城市|Vijul Shah


Mixed Use (Concept) - Imagining The Vertical City by Vijul Shah
"The future of the Indian cities can be envisioned as a collection of utopian settlements with tall skylines and self-efficient ecological living systems comprised majorly of skyscrapers. The country needs to address its shortcomings in order to achieve a higher pace on the journey towards a superpower which can be produced by unfolding the potentials of Skyscraper Architecture into a VERTICAL CITY itself."


办公建筑类(已建成)——印度:“竹林舍影”|Manasaram Architects


Office Building (Built) - Bamboo Symphony by Manasaram Architects
"Our office Bamboo Symphony is the major project presented depicting our principles, the symbiotic character and culture of Bamboo and the physical, chemical, ecological and environmental properties of materials expressed in the architecture as form, function, and aesthetics of the building. The building connects the past to the future."


办公建筑类(概念设计) ——XO Skeleton|EYP Architecture & Engineering

“我们研究了通过在单一的集成系统中结合表皮和结构来减少高层设计中的耗费能量,并通过充分探索来寻找铝幕墙和玻璃幕墙的替代材质。 XO Skeleton提出了一种设计高层建筑的新方式,外观设计采用珊瑚礁等自然形态,从而将单一结构系统和表皮相结合。”

Office Building (Concept) - XO Skeleton by EYP Architecture & Engineering
"Our proposal investigates methods to reduce embodied energy in high rise design by combining skin and structure in a single integrated system and exploring alternative materials and systems to the traditional aluminum and glass curtain wall systems… XO Skeleton proposes a new way of thinking about high rise façade construction. Drawing from natural formations like coral reefs, we propose to combine structure and skin in a single X/O skeleton system."


流行及临时装置类(已建成) ——Shi-An|Katagiri Architecture+Design

“这个茶馆的灵感来自于稍纵即逝的美学特点,这代表了日本对于空间与环境的价值观念,我们使用” Washi “纸作为结构元素,阐述了当代传统空间的重要性。

Pop-Ups & Temporary (Built) - Shi-An by Katagiri Architecture+Design
"This tea house is inspired by the beauty of transientness which represents Japanese sense of values towards space and environment. By using solely "Washi" paper as a structural element, the materiality elaborates a contemporary space in tradition."


产品设计类(已完成) ——智能躺椅|Studio Symbiosis


Product Design (Built)- Smart Lounger by Studio Symbiosis
"Sustainability is at the epicentre of the product. The design intent was to investigate kerfing as a technique for creating curved forms with minimal wastage. This was achieved through coding and iterative loops by stress analysis and generating the kerfing pattern accordingly. There is minimal wastage of material in the product to create a contemporary shape and the technique allows enough strength in the wood that is can take the load of a person sitting on it."


产品设计类(概念设计) - Re [in] Spread Architecture|Efthymia Douroudi&Lantavou Maria Lantavou

“这个产品是一种新型的服装,它不仅可以呼吸,还可以改善人体与环境之间的关系,这种服装的实验设计程序也可以应用在建筑物中,为用户提供舒适的生活条件,因此,这个作品的标题为‘re [in] spired architecture’。”

Product Design (Concept) - Re[in]Spired Architecture by Efthymia Douroudi & Lantavou Maria Lantavou
"This project is about a new kind of garment, a prosthetic skin programmed to respire and improves the relationship between human body and environment. The experimental design procedure of this garment can also be applied in buildings, providing thermal comfort conditions to users, thus the title “re[in]spired architecture”."


公共建筑类(概念设计)——建筑图标的重生与重新解读|Deepankar D. Sharma


Public Building (Concept) - Resurrection & Reinterpretation Of An Architectural Icon by Deepankar D. Sharma
"This study examines and investigates various properties and phenomena associated with soap bubble intersection in nature. The investigated properties act as the driving rule for the form generative process. The rules along with the functional requirements for the program formed an algorithm which led to the global form of the structure through the local modules employed and intersected as per the functional needs."


居住类(已建成) ——泳池住宅|Corneille Uedingslohmann Architekten

“这个新建筑为了游泳池而设计,进一步使设计更加复杂的是,在充满限制的多边形图案的基础上开发出一种新形式,同时尊重已有的街道和邻近家庭, 通过计算产生的菱形对这些参数做出了精确的反应,同时实现空间的更多可能性。”

Residence (Built) - The Pool House by Corneille Uedingslohmann Architekten
"..the new building was designed for and around the desired swimming pool. Further complicating the design was the development of a structure that would fit within the restrictive polygonal plot while respecting the given lines of the street and neighboring homes.  The resulting diamond-shaped shell responds precisely to these parameters while exploiting the spatial possibilities of the pointed piece of land it occupies."


居住类(概念设计) ——拉各斯的木塔|HKA Hermann Kamte & Associates


Residence (Concept) - Lagos’s Wooden Tower by HKA Hermann Kamte & Associates
"The whole is oriented to maximize daylight and natural ventilation. The wooden envelope provides shading from the heat of the direct sun around the shape. Plants belt around each floor contribute to creating fresh airflow and keep a constant microclimate into living space while providing a visual comfort and aesthetic."


城市设计类(概念设计)——纽约地平线|Yitan Sun & Jianshi Wu


Urban Design (Concept) - New York Horizon by Yitan Sun & Jianshi Wu
"The goal of the concept is to reverse the traditional relationship between landscape and architecture. Instead of building distant, flat landscapes to surround and complement individual architectural buildings, the natural landscape is now the centerpiece. In this case, the dynamic landscape is surrounded by characterless architecture that tries to be nothing but mirror that reflects nature."





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