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“Earth Roots Renascence” International Design Competition for Ruichang, China


“地脉复兴”是2017年瑞昌—— L&A设计之星大赛的主题。以江西江州造船厂原址为对象,其中围绕山脉、水体、城镇为设计单位。要求设计师研究新的“旅游+”模式;考虑该地区的工业遗产,其中包括铜陵遗址、旧459工厂、491厂、红霞人民工厂、新民机厂等旧址;考虑建设基本生态设施、创意旅游、艺术和公共教育基地;并通过适当的规划来发展现代文化旅游。在这场比赛中,瑞昌被作为具有全球视野的“一对一”旅游体验对象 ,致力于推广优质的旅游资源。



竞赛场地位于长江下游南部,匡庐以东,毗邻九江县;西枕幕阜,与湖北省阳新县毗邻;长江以北,与湖北省武穴市隔江相望。是长江流入江西的首选地,水陆交通便利。它是全国范围内重要的有机城镇之一,自古为长江通商古埠,,被誉为“黄金镇”。 江西江州造船厂位于长江以南的江西省瑞昌市境内,这家现代造船厂拥有40多年的历史,是江西省最大、最有实力的船舶生产基地之一。


  • 深圳市宣传部
  • 深圳文化旅游局
  • 瑞昌政府
  • 深圳市设计推广办事处
  • 中国海洋工业集团有限公司


  • 瑞昌市旅游发展委员会
  • 瑞昌市文化局新闻出版社
  • L&A设计集团/ L&A非营利基金会


  • 深圳南山区文化产业发展办公室
  • 深圳智慧城市协会
  • 深圳城市规划学会
  • 深圳勘探设计协会
  • 深圳文化创意产业协会
  • 招商地产
  • 中国招商局物业发展有限公司
  • 南海E酷
  • VO艺术联盟



“旅游+”充分适应中国“一对一”旅游观念的发展模式,构建了新的旅游发展格局。根据中国社会发展的方向,促进旅游发展应该具有创意、和谐、绿色、开放、共享的特点; 激发旅游转型升级,提高质量效益;加强旅游与第三产业的融合,开发文化艺术、公共教育、科学普及化的需求;规划文化娱乐、生态旅游、商业展览、休闲度假、乡村旅游等多功能产业;从而推动“一对一”旅游要素的融合,提升区域旅游业的整体实力和竞争力。













4.3.2 LOGO:瑞昌“一对一”旅游行业体验的品牌标志,颜色标准、排版、口号、标准色,设计描述超过100个字。标志设计应包括墨稿,徽标单色反转,标准化图纸或网格制图和标准组合准则。



5.1申请人有资格获得“2017瑞昌 - L&A设计之星”徽章。







6.2.1以JPG或PDF格式提交所有A0海报电子文件。绘图文件分为打印和网页浏览:用于打印,尺寸为A0(1189 mm x 841 mm),尺寸为300 dpi以上,格式为JPG或PDF格式; 对于Web,使用JPEG格式为72 dpi,建议绘图尺寸为1500像素×2000像素,文件大小应低于3MB。所有这些文件必须用页码命名,如“瑞昌竞赛_01.jpg”。所有图纸和文本应为中英双语。



“2017瑞昌 - L&A设计之星”委员会,中华人民共和国深圳市南山区蛇口兴华路南海e-cool大厦5栋302室。

7.3所有电子文件应在2017年11月24日(星期五)北京时间12:00之前发送至。这其中应包括PPT报告,JPG或PDF的海报,DOC中的设计说明和JPG / AI / CDR中的其他图纸文件。





9.时间安排(北京时间UTC / GMT + 08:00)

9.1预热期:2017/08/31 - 2017/09/04;
9.2官方注册时间:2017/09/04 0:00 am - 2017/11/27 12:00 pm;
9.3“最佳场地调研奖”申请截止时间:2017/11/06 12:00 pm;
9.4在线注册和提交截止时间:2017/11/27 12:00 pm;
9.5评审时间:2017/12 / 01-2017 / 12 / 13;
2017/12 / 02-15(地点:深圳)
2017/12 / 24-31(地点:瑞昌)


  • 江西省政府相关领导、专家
  • 九江市政府相关领导、专家
  • 瑞昌市政府相关领导、专家
  • 张晋文 深圳市文体旅游局 艺术处处长
  • 欧阳进雄 深圳市文物局非物质文化遗产保护办公室、文物管理办公室 主任
  • 黄士芳 深圳市特区文化研究中心主任
  • 林清波 深圳市文体旅游局 艺术处 副处长
  • 张士宏 中海重工集团有限公司 总裁
  • 李迪华 北京大学景观设计学研究院副院长、副教授;《景观设计学》杂志副主编
  • 康文玲 台湾台北华山文创园区台湾文创发展(股)公司合作策展召集人;曾任嘉义县文化处处长等
  • 高鲁东 建筑师 杭州大清谷旅游风景区开发合伙人 原奥运选手、皮划艇亚洲冠军、国家队教练
  • 刘晖 西安科技大学建筑学院教授;风景园林系主任 学科带头人
  • 伍晓雯 中央美术学院景观设计学士;美国罗德岛艺术学院景观设计硕士;华东师范大学设计学院环境艺术设计讲师
  • WILLIAM L. CRUMP 奥雅设计旅游规划设计总监,30年规划与景观设计经验遍及世界各地、超过25个国家与区域
  • 刘子明 奥雅设计 设计总监
  • 李方悦 奥雅设计董事总经理、洛嘉儿童主题乐园创始人


  • 一等奖:1名,奖金¥50,000RMB及证书和奖杯;
  • 二等奖:2名,奖金¥30,000RMB及证书和奖杯;
  • 三等奖:3名,奖金¥10, 000RMB及证书和奖杯;
  • 优胜奖:10名,竞赛优胜奖荣誉证书

  • 最佳创意奖:1名,奖金¥2,000RMB及证书和奖杯;
  • 最佳表达奖:1名,奖金¥2,000RMB及证书和奖杯;
  • 最佳逻辑奖:1名,奖金¥2,000RMB及证书和奖杯;
  • 最佳场地调研奖:1名,奖金¥2,000RMB及证书和奖杯;
  • 最具网络人气奖:1名,奖金¥2,000RMB及证书和奖杯;
  • 最佳跨界组织奖:1名,奖金¥2,000RMB及证书和奖杯;
  • 最佳视觉IP设计奖:1名,奖金¥2,000RMB及证书和奖杯

  • 维欧最佳可持续奖:1名,奖金¥2,000RMB及证书和奖杯;
  • 维欧最具多元化奖:1名,奖金¥2,000RMB及证书和奖杯;
  • 维欧最佳适应性奖:1名,奖金¥2,000RMB及证书和奖杯;

  • 丰厚的奖金回报;
  • 设计之星奖杯,以及盖有深圳市文体旅游局、瑞昌市人民政府公章的获奖证书;
  • 来自设计界、文创界、投资界的重量级专家对作品全方位的点评;
  • 获奖作品有可能获得投资落地的机会;
  • 获奖作品将有机会在其他平台进一步推广;
  • 获奖者将有机会免试进入奥雅设计工作;
  • 获奖者将有机会获得海内外权威院校的升学推荐信。







竞赛联络人: 021-60498482 金春 柴建宇
在线作品提交邮箱 / 联系邮箱

报名截止日期:2017/11/27 09:25
投稿截止日期: 2017/11/27 09:25

"Earth Roots Renascence" is the theme of the 2017 Ruichang – L&A Design Star Competition. It takes the former site of the Jiangxi Jiangzhou Dockyard as the focal point of the competition, including the surrounding mountains, waterbody, and towns as the design site. Designers are asked to research the new "tourism plus" model; to consider the area's industrial heritage, which includes the Tongling Site, the Old 459 Factory, the 491 Factory, the Hongxia People Factory, the Xinmin Machine Factory and other old sites; to consider basic ecological establishments, creative tourism, art and public education; and to generate modern cultural tourism through appropriate planning. With this competition, Ruichang is envisioned as an “all-for-one” tourism experience with a global perspective, and a promotional tourism resource.

1. Basic Information
The site for the competition project is located in Ruichang, Jiangxi. It is in the middle of the Yangtze River, at the foot of the Lushan Mountain, a famous scenic zone in China. Ruichang is a county-level city west of Jiujiang. As a satellite town of Jiujiang city, there is an expansive amount of land to be developed in Ruichang, which offers ample development space for the "Greater Jiujiang" regional economic area.
The competition site is on the south bank of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, east of Kuanglu, neighboring Jiujiang County; west of Mufu, adjoining Yangxin County in Hubei province; and north of the Yangtze River crossing the river from Wuxue, Hubei. It is the first place where the Yangtze River flows into the Jiangxi province and has convenient land and water transport. Nationally, it is one of the more important organic towns, known since ancient times as the "Golden Town," because of the old commercial port of the Yangtze River. The Jiangxi Jiangzhou Dockyard is where the competition site is located, to the south of Yangtze River, in the city of Ruichang. It is a corporate modern shipbuilder remold from the Jiangzhou Dockyard that belongs to China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC). It has a history of more than 40 years and is one of the largest and capable ship production bases in Jiangxi province.

  • Shenzhen Municipal Publicity Department
  • Shenzhen Bureau of Culture and Tourism
  • Ruichang Government
  • Shenzhen City of Design Promotion Office
  • China Ocean Industry Group Limited

Host Organizers:
  • Ruichang Municipal Commission of Tourism Development
  • Ruichang Municipal Bureau of Culture Press Publication
  • L&A Design Group/ L&A Non-profit Foundation

Support Organizations:
  • Shenzhen Nanshan District Cultural Industry Development Office
  • Smart City Society of Shenzhen
  • Urban Planning Society of Shenzhen
  • Shenzhen Exploration & Design Association
  • Shenzhen Cultural & Creative Industries Association
  • China Merchants Property Development
  • China Merchants Property Development CO.LTD
  • Nan Hai E-cool

2. Background
2.1 Shenzhen “Creative December”
Shenzhen has been awarded the title of “City of Design” in China. Creative December consists of a series of exhibitions held by the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, aiming to increase public awareness of creative culture and to encourage public participation in the development of Shenzhen’s creative industry. The L&A Design Star Competition is one of the special activities of "Creative December."

2.2 "Tourism Plus"
"Tourism plus" is the development model that fits China's “all-for-one” tourism concept, building a new tourist development pattern. According to the direction of social development in China, it promotes tourism development that should be creative, harmonious, green, open and shareable; it motivates tourism transformation and upgrade, improving the quality and efficiency; it enhances the integration of tourism and the tertiary industry, culture, art, public education, the popularization of science; it plans and exploits cross-boundary products of cultural recreation, ecological tourism, commercial exhibition, leisure resorts and rural tourism with their own characteristics and attributes; and it drives the convergence of “all-for-one” tourism elements, advancing the overall strength and competitiveness of a region's tourism.

2.3 "Industrial Renaissance"
"Industrial renaissance" has been a popular topic focusing on new culture and tourism. Nowadays, China is entering a new stage in which city development is upgrading from secondary to tertiary industry, raising concerns over the adaptable re-use and growth for urban renewal. A great deal of replacement of industrial architectural heritage and function are both opportunities and challenges. There are plenty of cases in the Western world of renovation and regeneration of industrial sites which are still hot topics and examples after several years.

2.4 Industry in Ruichang
Ruichang has abundant traditional and local culture. Ruichang is the birthplace of Chinese bronze smelting, and the location of the Tongling Ruins, the earliest bronze mining and smelting site in the world from about 3,300 years ago. It is called the "Hometown of Chinese Folk Art" due to the Ruichang scissor-cut and bamboo weaving techniques, which are included in the China's national nonmaterial cultural heritage list.
Jiangxi Jiangzhou Dockyard covers an area of 1905 acres with 1980 acres of waterbody. The overall available size is about 5000 acres including surrounding mountains. The ships and military enterprises have already been gone more than 40 years, leaving docks, workshops, living quarters, and warehouses with distinctive features. These witnessed the history of Chinese ships and military development, perfectly protected as an infrequent industry heritage site.

3. Competition Objectives
3.1 The competition aims to generate thinking and select proposals from all over the world, appealing to university students who major in design and planning or other creative fields. The primary aim is to contribute to an “all-for-one” tourism industry experience area in Ruichang, to give strategic planning and implementation suggestions for the cultural and creative industry, ecology and industry heritage.
3.2 Adopt the “DEEP plus” approach to planning and landscape design (design+, ecology+, economy+, planning+ and marking). Designers must take creative design and commercial considerations into account early in the design stage, in order to fully utilize the cultural and commercial value of the town.
3.3 Make clear the industrial image of the “all-for-one” tourism industry experience in Ruichang, and build the city leisure space with extremely regional characteristics.
3.4 Use design thinking to discover existing problems and to formulate solutions accordingly.
3.5 Finish the overall arrangement of the scenic spot and the other systems analysis.
3.6 Explore detailed planning of key nodes with the distinctive achievement in creative expression.

4. Design Principles
4.1 Design Proposal
4.1.1 Participants are supposed to explore the industrial history and future development of Ruichang and expound their views and understanding of industrial culture in Ruichang. Meanwhile, they should integrate the concept of an “all-for-one" tourism industry experience area.
4.1.2 The necessary deliverables include: a feasibility report, scheme description, development pattern of industrial heritage and industry tourism and tourism route planning. The deliverable should be typeset in A0 size.
4.2 Overall Planning
4.2.1 Research and analyze the site, build reasonable industrial distribution with the consideration of industry site renovation and cultural tourism; plan appropriate routes of industry heritage and tourism, including Tongling site, Old 459 Factory, 491 Factory, Hongxia People Factory, Xinmin Machine Factory and other old sites, which are union industry heritage and relevant industry of Ruichang Matou modern industry park, creating a distinctive industry tourism route in Ruichang.
4.2.2 Overall planning achievement: concepts extraction, master plan, aerial view, analysis graphics including functions, attractions, circulation, and visual lines, and industrial operation planning in unlimited manifestation;
4.2.3 The necessary deliverables include: tourism marking analysis for enforceable operation in the future; planning and construction ideas for the local creative, film and television production, publication and distribution, entertainment and animation industries; environment improvement by transforming the key nodes and optimizing buildings styles and functions.

4.3 Visual System and Creative IP
4.3.1 Participants are asked to study the history of the site and its natural geographic conditions, and to design an exclusive IP with caption.
4.3.2 LOGO: Brand mark of Ruichang “all-for-one” tourism industry experience area in colors, standard typography, slogan, standard colors, and a design description of more than 100 words. The logo design should include the ink draft, monochrome inverted of the logo, standardized drawings or grid mapping and the guideline of standard combination.
4.3.3 Required VI Application: visual signpost system, urban furniture, or other urban space design elements.
4.3.4 Taking the IP as the key, design cultural and creative products, which should be original and producible, with no limitation in quantity and category.

4.4 Schematic Design
The main part of the brief to be designed in detail is the renovation and renaissance of the Jiangxi Jiangzhou Dockyard. Participants are asked to plan creative and appropriate industries and functions considering the local culture, to mine the cultural and commercial value of the area, to build an attractive cultural tourist destination and creative experience area, conveyed by concept description, planning scheme, master plan, site design images by relevant analysis graphics and renderings.
One of the buildings in the submission should be designed in depth. Design achievements will include concept description, master plan, analysis graphics, and renderings, building plan, elevations and sections, which would express the design vision.

5. Site Investigation
5.1 Applicants are eligible to receive the "2017 Ruichang – L&A Design Star” badge.
5.2 For access to the Jiangzhou Dockyard with the badge for site research, considering the particularities of industrial heritage and industry tourism, the committee will organize two official site investigations in September and October, with an explanation and guide to the site. If you are interested in the site investigation, please pay attention to the official QQ group and notification from the Wechat official account called Aoya Design.
5.3 participants who plan to invest the site before Nov 6th 2017 will get the relevant information and free lunch or dinner at the service station.
5.4 Service station:
Address: Lobby of Ruichang Lixin Garden Hotel on the first floor, Yanglinhu Road 999, Ruichang, jiujiang, Jiangxi (near the coach station)
Name: Rongjun Hu
Telephone: 137-6726-6141
5.5 If your team plans to apply to the “Best Survey” award, send the relevant site information, including but not limited to site photos, video, music, and summary in WORD, with analysis diagram, to the E-mail before the deadline (12pm Nov 6th 2017 ).

6. Competition Entries
6.1 Paper files
6.1.1 Not more than 4 pages of A0 posters in vertical layout, including plan and analysis, function layout, spatial arrangement and aerial view.
6.1.2 Clearly label your full name, department and school or organization, major, and project name, at the bottom-right corner on the back of each page, covered by opaque paper. No personal information shall be disclosed on the front of any page, or you will be disqualified. All the drawings and texts should be bilingual in Chinese/English.
6.2 Electronic records
6.2.1 Submit all A0 posters in JPG or PDF. The drawing file is divided into print and web browsing: for print, drawing size A0 (1189 mm x 841 mm) with more than 300 dpi, in JPG or PDF format; for Web, use the JPG format with 72 dpi, drawing size is suggested to be 1500 pixels x 2000 pixels, file size should be under 3MB. All these files must be named with page numbers, like "Ruichang Competition_01.jpg." All the drawings and texts should be bilingual in Chinese/English.
6.2.2 Visual design documents shall include: JPG files in 300dpi at least, and original files in AI and CDR. Please make sure to retain resolution, so that the campaign organizers could use it in branding events. JPG file must be in RGB mode, in the size of not less than 500px by width, and height unlimited.
6.2.3 Check that all the JPG files are in RGB mode, avoiding color cast.
6.2.4 Submit design description and application form in more than 200 words in both Chinese and English, including design name, general overview, main features, zoning plan and team members with author name, department and school or organization, major and scanning copies of the student ID cards. All above should be in .DOC format.
6.2.5 Submit Design Proposal with .DOC format, including but not limited to: feasibility report, scheme description, reference images and activity operation planning. Word number is unlimited, drawing size should be more than 3,000px, 300dpi.
6.2.6 The top 8 participants should prepare a speech and a PowerPoint presentation of less than 40 pages in Chinese and English. Please explain the main idea of your design in the PPT report in both Chinese and English. Name your files in this format: “Author name, department, school / organization, project name, page number.” This presentation should be submitted before the report in the morning on December 23th. Any modification is not allowed after submission.

7. Submissions
7.1 The submission deadline: 12:00 pm, Nov 27th 2017, Friday. (Beijing time)
7.2 Delivery address for paper files:
"2017 Ruichang - L&A Design Star" committee, Room 302, 5# Block, Nanhai E-Cool Building, Xinghua RD, Shekou, Nanshan District, ShenZhen, People’s Republic of China.
The date on the postmark or expressage would be regarded as the actual date of submission.
7.3 All digital copies should be sent to before 12:00 pm Nov 24th 2017 on Friday (Beijing time). This should include the PPT report, posters in JPG or PDF, design description in DOC and other drawing files in JPG/AI/CDR.
If you are not on the Chinese mainland, it is not necessary to deliver the paper files to us, please just send your digital copies to the official Email: ladesign@vip.qq.

8. Eligibility
8.1 Participants must be undergraduates or postgraduates with any nationality. The competition is open to groups within 5 members, not for individuals. Inter-disciplinary collaboration is encouraged.
8.2 Works, renderings or analysis graphics published or presented for any other competition or public occasion is not allowed, or you will be disqualified.

9. Timeline (Beijing time, UTC/GMT+08:00)
9.1 Warm-up period: 2017/08/31 - 2017/09/04;
9.2 Official registration time: 2017/09/04 0:00 am - 2017/11/27 12:00 pm.
9.3 “The Best Survey" awardcapplication: before 2017/11/06 12:00 pm.
9.4 Online registration and Submission: before 2017/11/27 12:00 pm.
9.5 Judge panel review: 2017/12/01—2017/12/13;
9.6 Results announcement: 2017/12/15;
9.7 Exhibition:
2017/12/02-15 (Venue: Shenzhen)
2017/12/24-31 (Venue: Ruichang)
9.8 Awards Ceremony and summit forum:
2017/12/23 Saturday (Venue: Ruichang)

10. Judge Panel
  • Government Leaders and experts in Jiangxi province
  • Government Leaders and experts in Jiujiang city
  • Government Leaders and experts in Ruichang city
  • Jinwen Zhang, Division Chief of the Arts and Culture Sports and Tourism Administration of Shenzhen Municipality
  • Jinxiong Ouyang, Director of Intangible Cultural Heritage protection Office and Heritage Management Office in Shenzhen Cultural Relics Bureau
  • Shifang Huang, Director of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Culture Research Centre
  • Qingbo Lin, Vice Director of Art Department in Shenzhen Bureau of Culture and Tourism
  • Shihong Zhang, President of China Ocean Industry Group Limited
  • Ludong Gao, Architect, partner of Hangzhou Daqinggu Resort District, former Olympian Kayak Asian champion and national team coach
  • Dihua Li, sub decanal and associate professor of The Graduate School of Landscape Architecture, Peking University
  • Hui Liu, College of Architecture, Xi’An University of Architecture and technology
  • Wenling Kang, cooperation convener of Huashan Creative Park, Taipei / Taiwan Cultural-Creative Development Co. Ltd
  • Xiaowen Wu, Bachelor of Landscape Architecture in China's Central Academy of Fine Arts, Master of Landscape Architecture in Rhode Island School of Design, Lecturer of Enviornment Art Design in East China Normal University
  • William L. Crump, Design Director of Tourism Planning in L&A Design Group
  • Fangyue Li, L&A Design Group Managing Director
  • Ziming Liu, Design Director of L&A Design Group

11. Awards
  • First Place (one entry): ¥50,000RMB, Certificate and Trophy;
  • Second Place (two entries): ¥30,000RMB, Certificate and Trophy;
  • Third Place (three entries): ¥10,000RMB, Certificate and Trophy;
  • Excellency Award (ten entries): Certificate.

Comprehensive Awards (one entry for each award):
  • The Best Creative Award: ¥2,000RMB, Certificate and Trophy;
  • The Best Presentation Award: ¥2,000RMB, Certificate and Trophy;
  • The Strongest Logic Award: ¥2,000RMB, Certificate and Trophy;
  • The Best Survey Award: ¥2,000RMB, Certificate and Trophy;
  • The Most Network popularity Award: ¥2,000RMB, Certificate and Trophy;
  • The Best Crossover Group Award: ¥2,000RMB, Certificate and Trophy;
  • The Best Visual IP Award: ¥2,000RMB, Certificate and Trophy.

Special Awards(one entry for each award):
  • VO-The Best Sustainability Award: ¥2,000RMB, Certificate and Trophy;
  • VO-The Best Diversification Award: ¥2,000RMB, Certificate and Trophy;
  • VO-The Best Flexibility Award: ¥2,000RMB, Certificate and Trophy.

Award winners’ benefits:
  • A generous cash prize
  • Design Star Trophy, and a prestigious certificate stamped by the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism and Ruichang Municipal People government
  • Insightful feedback from Highly renowned experts in various disciplines, including planning, creative industry and venture capital
  • Opportunity for investment of the award-winning works
  • Further publication on other platforms
  • A job opportunity in L&A Design Group
  • Recommendation letters addressed to internationally renowned universities

12. Copyright Statement
According to the relevant state laws and regulations, for any person who submits work on one's own initiative as "participant" or "author," the organizers have the right to believe the following irrevocable works copyright statement:
12.1 Original statement
The entries are original works, do not infringe any patent, copyright, trademark, or any other person's intellectual property rights; the work has never been published in newspapers, magazines, websites or other media, or applications for a patent or copyright registration work, and have not otherwise been used in commerce in any form. Award-winning designers ensure the entry would never be used in another design or be transferred to another party. Otherwise, the organizer will cancel the qualification of participation and recover the bonuses and awards. We reserve the right to pursue legal responsibility.
12.2 Intellectual property ownership
Entries receiving the first, second, and third prize or special-awards are belonging to the contest organizers except the right of authorship. The exercise of this copyright includes but is not limited to the following activities: redesign, production, sale, display, print and publicity rights. Any other groups and individuals (including the author) shall not use in any form without authorization such as copying, reproduction, broadcast or excerpts, publication, distribution, etc.
12.3 Please read the above terms carefully before submitting and fully understand and agree that the competition jury has the right of final decision towards all the winning entries.
12.4 The winners need to pay income tax according to the provisions of the state.

13. Contact Us
Contact: 021-60498482 Jensen and Jianyu Chai
QQ for contact: 3514462751 (nickname: L&A)
QQ Group for competition: 194082196 (group name: 2017瑞昌奥雅设计之星), the competition site information will be offered when you attend the QQ group
Click here to enter:
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Title:“Earth Roots Renascence” International Design Competition for Ruichang, China
Type:Call for Submissions
Organizers:Shenzhen Bureau of Culture and Tourism
Registration Deadline:27/11/2017 09:25
Submission Deadline:27/11/2017 09:25
Venue:Lobby of Ruichang Lixin Garden Hotel on the first floor, Yanglinhu Road 999, Ruichang, jiujiang, Jiangxi





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