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A company along with its workers and a factory where breeze dwells


Hengfeng Material Technology (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd is a national high-tech enterprise dedicated to the production and research of new high-tech environmental-friendly materials. Located in Jiashan National Economic and Technological Development Zone, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, it serves as a core demonstration zone for the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, and enjoys a unique geographical advantage. The picturesque Fengjing Tanghe River and municipal leisure landscape trail lie to the south and west of the base, while a 15-meter-wide green belt twists its north and east side. Beautiful green as such gives the factory warmth and vitality!

▼项目鸟瞰,Aerial view of the project ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第1张图片

▼优美环境孕育的温情工厂,Fantastic factory developed in amazing environment ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第2张图片



A street where breeze dwells evokes the warmth of a modern factory
Today's factories excessively emphasizes intensity and efficiency, leading in an apathic and stiff inter-person relation between workers and leadership. Contrastingly, in the 1980s and 1990s, factories were composed of cozy, slow-life streets and courtyards, which resemble a warm and nurturing extended family. TZG has consistently strived to reintroduce warmth and sense of belonging that once characterized factories in the new designs. From the outset, we deviated from the modern emphasis solely on intensity and efficiency. The factory layout unfolds around a central street, linking the main entrance, entrance plaza, office and research area, recreational zone, production area, and a riverside leisure promenade.

▼整体空间序列分析图,Overall spatial sequence analysis diagram ©田字格建筑
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第3张图片

▼庭院设计草图,Garden design sketch ©田字格建筑
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第4张图片

▼街道设计草图,Street design sketch ©田字格建筑

美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第5张图片


The organic fusion of the central street and natural courtyards allows wind, sunlight, and rain to permeate the entire factory, improving lighting and ventilation while also serving as a space with a sense of belonging for the workers . It is the sound of workers greeting each other under the morning light; it is the breeze brushing their faces as they rest in the courtyard under the afternoon sunlight; it is the warm back silhouette of workers striving for their families under the sunset. It represents the human touch of the factory, serves as an energy station for the workers’ families. The street and courtyards not only beautify the factory, but also serve social and community functions, which provide a green and sustainable place for people’s social interactions.

▼主入口广场为职工儿童提供了玩耍空间,The main entrance plaza provides space for fun ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第6张图片

▼中心庭院让工厂充满欢声笑语,The centre courtyard creates a mirthful factory©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第7张图片

▼中心庭院成为了工人的社交场所,The centre courtyard——a place for socializing©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第8张图片

▼厂房之间形成了慢生活的街道,Between the factory buildings, slow-paced streets have been created ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第9张图片

▼工厂中心街道成为了工人的生活轴线,The central street of the factory has become the axis of the workers' daily life©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第10张图片

▼夜幕降临时静谧的工厂街道,Quiet street at dusk ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第11张图片



Semi-open street
The design incorporates buildings arranged in a scattered pattern along the riverbank, naturally forming living courtyard spaces that are open to the south, facing the river. This allows for the ingenious infiltration of wind, sunlight, rain, and the beautiful river scenery into the central street. Additionally, small gates are reserved along the riverside walkway in the comprehensive living area, connecting the internal streets of the factory with the external pathways. This stimulates interaction between the internal and external spaces, transforming the factory into a "semi-open space" that enhances its warmth and living atmosphere.

▼面向河道敞开的工厂空间,Broad factory space embracing the river ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第12张图片

▼厂区东侧被城市绿化环绕,The eastern side of the factory campus is surrounded by urban greenery ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第13张图片

▼厂区北侧被城市绿化环绕,The northern side of the factory campus is surrounded by urban greenery ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第14张图片


In our design of the detailed spaces, we also prioritize the experience of the workers. For example, in traditional factories, non-motorized vehicle parking areas are often located in concealed and dim corners, yet they often leave the first impression on workers as they arrive for work. However, in this factory, we have planned the non-motorized vehicle parking area in the southeast corner of the site, which enjoys good sunlight and is adjacent to a lush municipal greenbelt. In the early morning, the sunlight casts tree shadows onto the translucent membrane roof, creating a dynamic ink painting-like effect when the breeze blows, bringing a wonderful start to the workers' day!

▼光影下的雨棚,为工人开启美好的一天,Shades of light open up a wonderful day for workers ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第15张图片

▼微风吹过,雨棚犹如一幅动态的水墨画,The breeze blows through, making the shed a live ink painting ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第16张图片



A warm gallery-style factory
Unlike the traditional construction approach of factories, we draw inspiration from the grand and cohesive spatial scale, sculptural elements, and the spatial tension created by the contrast of reality and illusion in galleries, creating a similar spatial effect. The modernistic facade in a light beige tone, combined with the garden-style factory ambiance, perfectly matches the company's cultural core of high-tech and environmentally friendly new materials. The facade design features horizontally expansive main lines, complemented by sporadic vertical lines, creating a grand, pure, and clean industrial aesthetic. To balance costs and aesthetics, we used glass, stone curtain walls, and metallic blinds at the main entrance of the research and development office building, while texture-coated paints and window systems are used on the rest sides. All facades of the production area are coated with such materials and systems as well.

▼东侧主入口街景,Streetscape of the east main entrance ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第17张图片

▼东侧入口广场,East entrance plaza ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第18张图片

▼办公研发楼立面,Elevation of the research and development office building ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第19张图片

▼综合楼立面,Elevation of the multiple-usage building ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第20张图片

▼生产车间立面,Elevation of the production hall ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第21张图片

▼夜幕降临下的生产车间,The production hall at nightfall  ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第22张图片

▼美术馆气质的工厂夜景,Night view of the gallery-style factory ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第23张图片



collision between industry and art
The integration of the industrial metal equipment pipes with the artistic architectural facade creates a harmonious blend. Amidst the lush greenery, round metal pipes weave freely among beige factory buildings, and highly reflective metal textures contrasts with the beige paint. This is a collision between industry and art!

▼设备管道形成的工业美感,Equipment piping poses an industrial aesthetic ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第24张图片

▼高反光的金属管道穿梭在厂房之间,highly reflective pipes weaving among factory buildings ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第25张图片


The entrance canopy is made of rough, large-span exposed concrete beams, bringing a powerful sense of industrial order, which strongly impacts the glass of the office building as well as the white texture of the factory. This is a beauty of collision between industry and art.

▼入口雨棚形成有力量的工业秩序感,The entrance canopy with powerful sense of industrial order ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第26张图片

▼工业感与艺术感的碰撞,Visual collision between industry and art ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第27张图片

▼倒影产生的艺术感,Sense of artistry created by reflections ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第28张图片



Sculpting details, presenting artistic texture
While handling details, we incorporated techniques commonly found in gallery design, such as form cutting, slanting facades, and overlapping of volumes. When reflected by sunlight, it would create a three-dimensional and layered light and shadow effect, enhancing the exquisite, sequential, and sculptural details of the architectural facade.

▼有序列感的金属百叶,Sequential metal louvre ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第29张图片

▼倾斜的金属百叶形成独特的光影,Inclined metal louvres make unique light and shadows ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第30张图片

▼有雕塑感的综合楼细部,Sculptural details of the multiple-usage building ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第31张图片

▼悬挑梁形成美术馆气质,Gallery temperament given by overhanging beams ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第32张图片


The convex concrete window covers of the facade effectively prevents overhanging and increases the three-dimensionality of the building. The vertical metal frames of the windows are mere 3cm wide and protrude 1cm from the horizontal ones, making the facade delicate and three-dimensional.

▼厂房外凸混凝土窗套,convex concrete window covers outside the building©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第33张图片

▼精致的厂房窗户细部,Delicate details of the windows ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第34张图片



When feeling weary from work, you could look outside the window and enjoy the scenery.
We take workers needs into consideration in actual design by empowering them to effortless appreciate the charming scenery outside the window to alleviate their labor pressure. The entrance lobby of the research and development office building is designed with transparent glass curtain walls to bring the courtyard landscape indoors. The surrounding greenery trees are 8-10 meters tall, allowing a clear view of the treetops and blue skies from the third floor. To optimize the landscape view, a river-view terrace and leisure platform are planned on the third floor (to be decorated). When stepping onto the terrace and leisure platform, the entrance canopy of the roof garden merges with the treetops and blue skies, creating a harmonious space that integrates nature and people. This brings relaxation and allows for the alleviation of work fatigue.

▼面向河景的观景大露台,The river-view terrace ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第35张图片

▼入口大雨棚的屋顶花园,Roof garden with a big entrance canopy ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第36张图片

▼窗外的庭院景观,Courtyard landscape outside the window©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第37张图片

▼透过序列的景框,看看窗外的风景,Enjoy the scenery through the sequential frames©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第38张图片


In the production workshops, the windowsills on the first and second floors (the main production spaces) are relatively low with more lighting. By improving lighting and ventilation, natural landscapes are brought indoors, which enhances the people’s work experience and showcases the company’s care for its grassroots employees and social responsibility.

▼落地窗形成的景观渗透与光影,Spacious windows generate landscape penetration, light and shadow ©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第39张图片



Take a leisure walk along the river trail after work
Most of the workers in the factory are farmers who come to the city for work. They leave their hometown and have deep feelings of missing their hometown. If we want the workers to have a sense of belonging to the factory, we should not only give them material care, but also spiritual care. The leisure sports area (to be decorated) and the surrounding natural landscape in our factory have created more possibilities for the workers' life after work. After work, the workers can do activities in the leisure sports area, or they can go out through the reserved small door and walk along the landscape walkway to return to the staff dormitory. Many interesting activities can happen on the way. They can go fishing by the river, take care of their own small vegetable garden, take a rest under the trees with a few friends, and enjoy a moment of family happiness here with the small families who work together!

▼厂区外的沿河景观步道,Scenic pathway along the river©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第40张图片

▼工厂旁树林下休息的工人,Workers resting under the trees©吕晓斌
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第41张图片

▼打理小菜园的工人,Workers tending to the garden ©田字格建筑
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第42张图片


The riverside pathway space around the factory expands workers' living space. It’s a carrier of workers' nostalgia for their home and courtyard space. It can also alleviate workers' longing for their hometown and increase their sense of belonging and happiness.



Let architecture serve the essence of sociology and explore the development trend of factories
The essence of architecture is sociology, and architectural design should confront current social issues. In recent years, with the rapid development of urbanization, terms like "fast-paced," "996(working 12 hours a day and six such days per week)," "involution," and "lying flat" have continuously become epitomes of urban workers. As social topics such as "delivering food or working in a factory" are frequently and fervently debated and trending, entrepreneurs and architects should indeed respond to the call of times, bringing about change for the development of factories in the new era, and providing better spatial environments and humanistic care for the working class.

▼送外卖还是进工厂,Delivering food or working in a factory©田字格建筑
美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第43张图片



Moments that truly moved me at the site
Recent years have seen the conduction of systematic analysis and research on the industrial buildings of the 1980s in China by TZG, which carries a sense of warmth during the industrialization process. We have been striving to find new directions to create a warm factory that is unique to Chinese manufacturing. Although this project is the first attempt in the “Warm Factory” series, when we revisited the project a few months after the new factory was moved into, we still witnessed some heartwarming moments. From the main entrance into the plaza, the rain shelter, and then into the central street, the entire process felt very open and transparent. Sunlight streamed through the courtyard, a gentle breeze brushed across our faces, bringing indescribable comfort. In the morning when workers arrived, everyone seemed relaxed, walking leisurely and greeting each other. Some even left their electric scooter keys in the vehicles. We saw birds nesting in the trees within the factory premises and many interesting small animals around the. At lunchtime, some people gathered under the trees near the gate to drink tea, chat, and smoke. We observed two young men coming for interviews at the factory. After work, we saw men picking up their wives, heading home together. We also noticed workers fishing and tending to their small vegetable gardens. Gradually, a sense of belonging among the workers towards the new factory takes root, and we hope the sense will grow stronger over time……


美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第44张图片

美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第45张图片

美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第46张图片

美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第47张图片

美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第48张图片

美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第49张图片

美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第50张图片

美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第51张图片

美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第52张图片

美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第53张图片

美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第54张图片

美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第55张图片

美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第56张图片

美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第57张图片

美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第58张图片

美术馆语境下的温情工厂 / 田字格建筑事务所第59张图片

建筑师:郭文君 、梁汉全、黄民涛、黄明、朱峰
项目地址:浙江 嘉兴
材料:石材 金属 混凝土 艺术涂料 玻璃

Project Name: Zhejiang HENGFENG Technology New Headquarters Factory
Project Type: Architecture
Designer: Tianzige (TZG) Architects, Hangzhou
Architectural Plan/Preliminary Design: Tianzige (TZG) Architects
Lead Architects: WANG Yuansheng, ZHOU Chao
Architects: GUO Wenjun, LIANG Hanquan, HUANG Minshao, HUANG Ming, ZHU Feng
Construction Drawing Design Partner: LIANCHUANG Architectural Design Co., Ltd., Jiaxing.
Design Team: ZHANG Xing, LI Fei, DAI Jun, NI Yangjia, YU Liying, FANG Yaoming
Completion Year: 2024.03
Project Location: Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province
Construction Area: 47,538㎡
Photography Copyright: LV Xiaobin, Tianzige (TZG) Architects, Hangzhou
Photographer: LV Xiaobin
Client: HENGFENG Materials Technology (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd.
Materials: Stone, Metal, Concrete, Artistic Paint, Glass





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