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Rounds是2016 Ragdale Ring国际设计建造比赛的获胜项目,同时也是Adrian Smith奖金的获得者。这个产品是Ragdale基金会的临时剧场展示,位于芝加哥30英里外森林湖社区的艺术家集中区。脱离传统意义上的舞台和棚顶,一个尺寸和形状多样起伏波动的外貌,让观众和表演,舞台控制,座位选择之间展现出多种形式关系。小幅度的波动为观看者提供惬意的休息空间。中等幅度的波动给环形内部空间提供出入口,同时满足一些表演安排。最大幅度的波动设置为主舞台,这个舞台可以被拆卸来配合周围同时进行的其他演出。

Rounds is the winning design for the 2016 Ragdale Ring international design-build competition and the recipient of the Adrian Smith Prize.  The project is a temporary theater pavilion for the Ragdale Foundation, an artist colony 30 miles north of Chicago in the community of Lake Forest, Illinois. Departing from the convention of the bandshell structure and stage most commonly deployed in this setting, Rounds establishes a whimsical and inhabitable performance surface.  Through a multiplicity of surface undulation types and sizes, Rounds encourages a multiplicity of performer to audience relationships, performance types, stage arrangements, and seating options, generating a versatile outdoor venue and a fully encompassing experience.  Small-scale undulations in the ring surface act as a lounge spaces for viewers during performances, or artists to contemplate their work during non-performance times.  Mid-scale undulations in the surface provide entrances to the inner space of the ring, while also providing smaller scale protected stage areas.  The largest undulation is designed for the main stage area, a stage that can be broken down into smaller parts and distributed around the ring for several concurrent performances.

▼多样起伏的外貌,multiplicity of surface undulation types and sizes

环形舞台,美国 / SPORTS第1张图片

▼创造多种休闲空间,creates multi spaces

环形舞台,美国 / SPORTS第2张图片

环形舞台,美国 / SPORTS第3张图片

环形舞台,美国 / SPORTS第4张图片

环形舞台,美国 / SPORTS第5张图片

▼装置拉近表演者与观看者的关系,Rounds encourages a multiplicity of performer to audience relationships

环形舞台,美国 / SPORTS第6张图片

▼小幅度波动创造休闲区域, small-scale undulations in the ring surface act as a lounge spaces

环形舞台,美国 / SPORTS第7张图片

▼最大幅度波动设计为表演舞台,the largest undulation is designed for the main stage area

环形舞台,美国 / SPORTS第8张图片


环形舞台,美国 / SPORTS第9张图片

环形舞台,美国 / SPORTS第10张图片


环形舞台,美国 / SPORTS第11张图片

环形舞台,美国 / SPORTS第12张图片



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