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前不久为大家介绍了泰国景观事务所TROP的The Pool at Pyne项目,这次为大家介绍这个项目的The Forest部分,关于该项目泳池Pool部分,更多点击上方蓝色链接。

曾经TROP分享了他们的其它精彩作品,点击蓝色连接到达:Hilton Pattaya Landscaping 芭提雅希尔顿酒店的屋顶花园, The Serpentine Landscape of Hotel and Residences 飘在巨大水面之上的蜿蜒景观,Garden for Sales Gallery 陡峭的惊喜路径。

Appreciation towards T.R.O.P : terrains + open space for providing the following description:




Bangkok has changed. So have her people.

In the past, we may prefer to live in small houses outside the city areas, and commute in and out the city daily. Not anymore. To fit the present time's fast life style, New generation keeps moving in many condominiums inside the developed areas instead. Horizontal Living is out. Verticalone is the thing to do.

Currently, Bangkok's traffic is one of the worst in the World. At the moment, there are more than 8 million registered vehicles on the roads of Bangkok. Here, an average person spends at least 2-3 hours a day in his/ her car. As a result, Thai developers are competing hard for the perfectplots of land in town. They do not care much about how big the plot is, or how great the view it would get. As long as it is right next to the BTS(Bangkok's Sky Train) station, it is perfect.

However, a perfect site, commercial-wise, does not necessary mean that it is a perfect site for living. Our challenge is to create a good environment,using the landscape as the tool for better quality of life for Bangkok's new generation.

2010年,Trop受到Sansiri的委托为曼谷高档住宅区Pyne设计一座花园。上文提到过,Pyne的地理位置十分优越:繁华城市区域的正中心、步行5分钟即可到达曼谷最大的商场、占地面积2,900 平方米、正前方是曼谷天空列车车站—这也是该住宅楼最大的卖点。


In 2010, Trop got a commission to design a garden for Pyne by Sansiri, a high-end condominium in Bangkok. As mentioned earlier, its location isjust superb. Located right in the middle of busy urban district, just 5 mins walk from the city's biggest shopping malls, the plot is about the right size, 2,900 sqm. It also has a BTS station right in front of the property, which really helped selling residential units.

Convenience-wise, the site is perfect. Considering everything else, it is a nightmare for designers. Surrounded by 3 sides of old ugly buildings, including some noisy nightclubs, it is hardly a high-end location. To make it worse, the train station basically makes the whole space look evenmore crowded. It is designed as a huge structure, about a hundred meter long, 3-4 storey high. Basically, it is like placing a huge building right in front of your door steps. Together with other surrounding buildings, our project is tightly trapped among concrete boxes by all 4 sides.

↑ 左:曼谷繁华地带中心的城市绿洲。Left: The landscape is created as an urban oasis in the heart of Bangkok's busy district. 右:优越的地理位置,交通便利,四周环绕着盒状的混凝土建筑。Right: The perfect location, traffic-wise, means that the site is surrounded by thecity's concrete boxes.




Basically, our main task is to divorce our project from these not-so-good-looking neighbors. In order to separate the private space from the busyoutside world, our first move is to create a 3m tall wall with planters on the top. From the outside, the wall appears like a normal straight white marble wall, but, looking from inside, the wall is changed into a curvy line to get rid of the boxy feeling space. Green area is strategically locatedbehind the wall, in between the train station and the condominium. Instead of typical functional garden, an urban forest, with 10m tall trees, areproposed to reduce the impact of the station. Underneath the trees, a series of small green "hills" are created all the way from the boundary wall right next to the lobby. To maximize the soft surface, the hills move up and down, so the residents can see more greenery than they do flat garden.Perpendicular lines were avoided, replaced by angled ones with round corners. Steps are integrated into the hills for the easier walk, dividing the hills into some topographic patterns. To animate the forest, we designed some special sculptures, the Dearest Deers, as the inhabitants of the forest.On the flat area, a series of concrete pathways are orchestrated from one side to the other of the property. The contrast between green lawn and concrete paths creates delightful visual for our residents who live above.

↑ 森林作为缓冲媒介,降低位于该项目正前方火车站的突兀感。The Forest is used as buffering media, which helps reducing the domination of the train station right in front of the project.

↑ 穿过入口大门,居住者转瞬间从繁华喧闹的街道来到安静的绿色小区花园。The atmosphere could change in split second, from busy + noisystreet to green + calm residential garden, once the residents walk through the entry gate.

↑ 曲线线条主宰着地面花园,让人们忘却外面世界的喧闹;停车场顶端的泳池有着与花园不同的外观,却带来相似的宁静体验。Curve lines dominatethe ground floor garden, encouraging the residents to forget about the craziness outside, while the Pool on the top of parking structure offers differentlook, yet similar experience.

↑ 高高的本地树种—Dolichandrone Serrulata (DC.) Seem用来隐藏相邻建筑,并为花园带来阴凉。Tall local trees, Dolichandrone Serrulata (DC.)Seem, are used to hide the neighbors and to create shades for the garden.

↑ 为了减少地表流水,花园大部分区域覆盖了草坪,不仅有利于降低曼谷强烈阳光的反射热量,还能为住宅大厅创造宜人的微气候。In order to reduce surface running water, most of the garden floor is covered by Lawn. This can also reduce the reflecting heat from Bangkok's extreme Sunlight, creatingmicro-climate effect at the lobby.

↑ 草坪呈条纹状,中间设置了走道方便人们漫步景区。The Lawn is divided into stripe patterns, with steps in between each other, for easier walkup the landscape.

↑ 草坪走道特意设计成与风景融为一体,同时在某些地方设置了雕塑,不仅让花园更富生气,还鼓励了小区内孩童与雕塑、景区的互动。Pathwayis specially designed to integrated with the landscape, while, at some special places, sculptures are used to animate the garden, encouraging interaction with children who live in the property.




The residential tower is built on top of parking structure. Normally the parking part has a bigger floor plan than the tower, leaving the left over area as its swimming pool. The Pool @ Pyne by Sansiri is no different. It is designated to be on the 8th floor, which is also the roof of the parkingstructure. The area is a rectangular shape terrace, around 370 sqm.

In order to get rid of that boxy feeling space, our first move is to create a "loosed" floor plan. Instead of a typical rectangular pool deck, we proposeda series of smaller terraces integrated with the swimming pool. Perpendicular lines were avoided, replaced by angled ones with round corners. Aseries of "green" planters were also inserted here and there, combining all 3 elements, water, terraces and plantings seamlessly.

Again, most pools in Bangkok share the same name. They are called "Sky Pool", because of its location on top of the roof. The first couple ones sounded very exciting, but, after a while, it got boring. Our design task was not only to design a pretty swimming pool, but we also wanted to created a unique landscape feature that can identify the character of our residents.

To make our pool difference than others, the "Skeleton", a light cladded structure, was proposed to "frame" the swimming pool 3-dimensionally.Before, the so-called sky pool is just flat piece of water on top of the building. Sure, swimmers can enjoy a great prospect view outside, but, lookingback to the building, nobody recognize the presence of that pool from below. With the "Skeleton", the pool was fully integrated into the architecture.

Now the BTS passengers can look up and see the special space inside the frame. At night, the "Skeleton" glows, giving the architecture some "lightness" it needs badly in the crowded surrounding.

↑ 左:泳池设在停车场顶端,由四周连续的建筑立面围绕而成。 Left: Swimming pool is located on the top of the parking structure. The building's facade is continued all the way, becoming the pool's enclosure.右:泳池边上的特定区域栽种了另一种当地树种—Barringtonia acutangula。它们稍稍高出支架,枝丫穿过支架孔连接在一起,树叶大小适中。Barringtonia acutangula无需费心维护,阳光透过繁茂的枝叶在泳池上洒下斑驳的光影。Right: Another local trees, Barringtonia acutangula, are planted at certain areas on the pool deck. They are a bit taller than the skeleton, allowingtheir branches to integrate through the voids. Their leaves are not too big nor too small. They are easier to maintain, and also allow the Sunlight topenetrate down to the pool.

↑ 立面支架将泳池与其他构体区分开来。支架蜿蜒在泳池上,将天空分割成有趣的图案。The Facade Skeleton distinguishes this pool from others. The structure serpentines above the pool, dividing the sky into interesting pattern.

↑ 沿着建筑立面设置了格栅状金属板,方便在曼谷气候下生长十分迅速的山牵牛向上攀爬。Along the tower's facade, metal grating panels areinstalled as a climbing media for Thunbergia grandiflora, which thrives so fast in Bangkok's climate.

↑ 从居住单元俯视,池水也被支架分隔成有趣的蓝色图案。Looking down from residential units, the skeleton also divides the water intointeresting blue pattern.

↑ 泳池俯瞰图。泳池边的木甲板和植物与池水无缝连接,共同构成了独特的水景。The Pool from above. A series of wood decks and planters seamlessly integrate with the water. Together they combine into one unique piece of aqua-landscape.

Project: The Forest + Pool @ Pyne by SansiriLandscape Architects: TROP : terrains + open spaceDesign Director: Pok KobkongsantiProject landscape architects: Theerapong Sanguansripisut, Ekitsara Meedet Architects: Palmer & Turner (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. Location: Bangkok, ThailandArea: 2,900 sqmYear: 2010-2013Photographs: Wison Tungthunya, Tinnaphop Chawatin

TROP : terrains + open spaceTROP is a landscape architectural design studio with a team of designers and construction supervisors. Led by PokKobkongsanti, our philosophy is to create unique designs for each project that we work on. We believe that our design process is asimportant as the design itself, so we work very closely with each of our clients. Since 2007, TROP has been working on various projects throughout Asia. ......Currently, our works include Hospitality, Residential, Commercial and Installation design.We won an Honor Award in Residential Design from American Society of Landscape Architects, ASLA 2012, for our Quattro by Sansiri project. Our Garden of Hilton Pattaya is also short-listed for Hotel of the Year 2012 by World Architecture News and also won Thailand Property Award for Best Landscape Design.

Seascape, our first project in Singapore won Singapore Property Award, Residential Design Category as well.PokKobkongsanti graduated from Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, in 2000. Since then, he had practiced with Mr. George Hargreaves Associates and Mr. Bill Bensley of Bensley Design Studio.

MORE: T.R.O.P : terrains + open space




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