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Archisketch Drawing Contest


注册时间:2018年 2月28日

Open Screen Limited现正举办“Archisketch绘画比赛”,欢迎有意者积极参加,奖金超过2500美元。本次比赛可以免费参加,并向所有的Archisketch用户开放。本次比赛的目的是在iPad上使用Archisketch软件绘制各种作品,开发app更多的使用可能性。



Archisketch更新了众多草图绘制技术,现在可以将绘制好的草图传送到iPad上进行保存。应用程序中有建筑师和设计师常用的图层、符号、颜色、参考标尺、2D网格、轴测图和3D网格等,甚至有智能投影图、两点透视的3D图像来实现作品可视化,从而激发使用者的灵感。作品完成后也可直接打印(尺寸最大为A1),或导出为PDF格式文件,并且转化为CAD可打开的文件格式,亦可上传到Adobe Creative Cloud。


  • 参加本次比赛,您需授予Open Screen Limited对于提交作品的使用权,主办方将会在网站上使用您的提交作品进行宣传。Open Screen Limited、Archisketch或Archisketch绘画比赛组委会拥有将提交作品与第三方合作机构分享的权利。您保留对作品的所有解释权。
  • Open Screen Limited有权将提交作品无偿用于法律范围内的商业宣传,同时拥有评论权。
  • 提交的作品主要运用于Archisketch应用程序制作。
  • 由于以下原因,Open Screen Limited也有取消该作品的参赛资格:作品内容不合适、作品的深度不够。
  • 每个参赛者可以提交多个作品,并且由于每项作品都有不同的特点,因此参赛者可能同时赢得多个奖项。
  • 提交比赛作品须知,参赛者同意授权Open Screen Limited将作品用于商业宣传,如有违约,参赛者需承担法律责任。
  • Open Screen Limited拥有竞赛的最终解释权,如遇极段状况,将取消、终止、修改或暂停比赛。
  • 参赛者可以为作品准备一段简短的说明。
  • 参赛作品必须原创,不得直接运用发表过的作品,否则将被取消参赛资格。


Reza Farhad - Open Screen Limited的创始人、Archisketch的主要开发人员;
Pierre Baillargeon - Mixity Design Ltd的共同创始人,主要负责建筑、总体规划和室内设计;
Kevin Akey - AZD Associates的主要人员、建筑师;
Ahmad Sardar- Sardar设计工作室创始人;
评审工作单独进行,最终对每位评审成员的评审成果进行协商讨论,如有任何疑问,Open Screen Limited拥有最终解释权,评审过程不对外公开。




  • 2018年1月下旬开始提交参赛作品
  • 作品截止时间 - 2018年2月28日 -格林尼治标准时间24:00p.m(Archisketch应用程序内将无法提交作品)
  • 获奖通知发布时间 - 2018年3月初
  • 获奖者公布和颁奖时间 - 2018年3月下旬


Submission: February 28, 2018
Registration:  February 28, 2018
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Drawing Competition

Open Screen Limited is now accepting submissions for its “Archisketch Drawing Contest”, with more than $2,500 in prize monies to be won. The competition is free to enter and it’s open to all existing and potential users of Archisketch. The competition aims to demonstrate the wide variety of work that can be produced using Archisketch on the iPad.

About Archisketch
Archisketch is a scale-aware sketching program that’s ideal for architects, interior and landscape designers, product designers, design students, or anyone who does design work on an iPad.
Archisketch updates the traditional technique of sketching on a tracing pad and transfers it to sketching on an iPad. The app allows architects and designers to visualize, capture and explore their ideas using layers, symbols, colours, dimension guidelines, 2D grids, isometric and axonometric 3D grids, and even smart one- and two-point 3D perspective. When finished, drawings (up to A1 in size) can be printed to scale directly from the iPad, or exported to PDF, which can be included in a CAD application, or uploaded to Adobe Creative Cloud.

  • By submitting your work you agree that Open Screen Limited may use your submission(s), fully credited, for promotional purposes on their websites and/or as marketing collateral. Open Screen Limited also reserves the right to make the work available to other third party organisations in association with Archisketch or Archisketch Drawing Contest as it sees fit. You retain all copyrights to your work.
  • As a condition of receiving a Prize, winners grant Open Screen Limited the right to use their full name (first and last), image and likeness, voice, and comments for advertising, publicity, and promotional purposes without territorial, time or use limitations, including without limitation online announcements, and without additional compensation or notice, unless prohibited by law.
  • The submitted work must have been produced predominantly using the Archisketch app.
  • Open Screen limited also reserves the right to disqualify an entry for the following reasons:
    The content of the work is inappropriate.
    The work is not of a high enough standard to be included in the competition.
  • Each entrant can submit multiple works, and as each work is assessed on its individual merits, entrants can win multiple prizes.
  • By submitting work to the Contest, entrants agree to release Open Screen Limited, their advertising and promotional agencies, and their employees, representatives, agents, partners, shareholders, officers, and directors from all liability including responsibility for any loss, damage or injury, caused by their participation or their attempt to participate in the Contest or resulting from acceptance of the Prize or participation in the Event.
  • Open Screen Limited reserves the right at all times, at its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest, in whole or in part.
  • By submitting an entry, the contestant agrees to prepare a short description of the submission to be used in conjunction with the work, if deemed necessary.
  • Any work submitted will be disqualified if it is displayed on any web or social media pages prior to the end of the competition and the public announcements of the winning entries.

The Judges And The Judging Process
Reza Farhad – Founder of Open Screen Limited and the main developer of Archisketch.
Pierre Baillargeon – Cofounder of Mixity Design Ltd: Architecture, Master Planning & Interior Design
Kevin Akey – Principle at AZD Associates . Architects
Ahmad Sardar – Founder Sardar Design Studio
Other Judges to be announced
The judges independently select their winning entries, which are then amalgamated into the final result. In the event of any discrepancies, Open Screen Limited reserves the right to make the final decision, which is not open to dispute or question and is binding.

The following prizes will be awarded:
1 x 1st place $1000
2 x 2nd place $500 each
3 x 3rd place $150 each
5 x Special mention $20 each
Winning entrants will be contacted by email and the prizes will be transferred to the PayPal accounts associated with their emails.

Time Line
  • Competition opens for submissions – late January 2018
  • Closing date – 28th of February 2018 – Midnight GMT (The submission form will become unavailable from within Archisketch app)
  • Notification of winners – Early March 2018
  • Announcement of winners and awarding of prizes – Late March 2018

competition’s website:





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