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A plug and play getaway
The perfect getaway retreat should by definition be remote, smart but spartanious and surrounded by breathtaking nature. The vision is to simplify the process of creating your own getaway. When buying the Vipp shelter you buy into a design approach where choices have already been made based on a long experience within processing of solid materials with a defined aesthetic idiom. Designers and engineers have made the necessary deselections and defined the construction and material requirements. Prefabrication is an essential criteria in the construction meaning that the installation process can happen within a couple of days without an elongated process on a construction site. The only thing the customer has to think about is where to put it.   
Delivery time: 6 month
Price: $585.000
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Vipp is upscaling its classic accessories and recent kitchen and bathroom modules to build shelters. The driving ambition of the Danish company means that you can now match your kitchen and its accessories to your nature retreat. The result is a modern escape, powerful in its simplicity yet packed with exquisitely conceived details.

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A 55m2 steel object emerges in a rugged landscape framed by naked trees and a silent lake that mirrors in the sky frame window facade. The shelter stands as a solid rock in sharp contrast to its surroundings. Yet, with its steel frame embracing the large glass surfaces (skyframes), the rock becomes transparent and transforms into a shell projecting the landscape into the interior. The landscape is purposely framed, turning it into the predominant element of the interior space.

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庇护所的的本意是指一种仅仅满足最基本功能目的的生活,再加头上的屋顶。Vipp庇护所的出发点正是要回到基本;用基本功能定义出一个紧凑的空间,并带有清晰的美学连贯性和使用实体材料的Vipp 设计DNA。如此一来,庇护所变为了一个服务于自然假期的工具。
A shelter in its original sense has connotations of basic living serving a merely functional purpose and attending to our primal need of having a roof over our head. The starting point of the Vipp shelter is going back to basics; back to nature with basic functions defining a dense, compact space yet wrapped in the Vipp DNA with a clear aesthetic coherence and use of solid materials. In this way, the shelter becomes a tool that facilitates a nature escape.

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“我们的目标并不是要制作一幢房子或者一个可移动房屋。Vipp植根于工业产品的制造,所以庇护所一词成为了一种类型,让我们能够去把这个综合体定义为宽敞的,有一般功能的,可居住的物体。”——Vipp的首席设计师Morten Bo Jensen。
“The objective was not to make a house or a mobile home. Vipp is rooted in the manufacture of industrial objects, so the term shelter is a typology that allows us to define this hybrid as a spacious, functionally generic, livable object”. – Morten Bo Jensen, chief designer in Vipp.

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根据Morten Bo Jensen,这个假期的设计与市场上任何其他东西的最大不同在于它并不是由建筑师设计的。这个庇护所更像是一个产品而不是一个和周围环境融为一体的建筑。我们并不是由某个需要考虑周围环境的地点开始设计的。“世界上有非常多美妙的建筑,但我们想要设计一个与众不同的东西;以一个完全设计所有细节的物件的形式脱离生活压力,留给顾客的唯一选择就只剩下把它放到哪的决定。”对房子或者展馆进行的缩减产生出了Vipp庇护所这样一个产品。Vipp对这个产品的建议是在它的框架里生活。

According to Morten Bo Jensen, the biggest difference between this getaway compared to anything else on the market is the fact that he is not an architect. The shelter is conceived more like a product than a piece of architecture that melds seamlessly with its surrounding. We didn’t start with a piece of land on which we customized a house taking into consideration the natural surroundings. “There is plenty of amazing architecture out there, but we wanted to conceive something different; an escape in the form of an object designed down to last detail, where the only choice left to the customer, is where to put it”. Downscaling a house or a pavilion to a product has given birth to the Vipp shelter and what Vipp encourages us to do with this modern escape is to live within the frame of a product.

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关于灵感来源,Morten Bo Jensen解释:“大空间物体,比如飞机或者游艇明显是设计的参考,和这些产品类似,庇护所也是一个宽敞的,可运输的综合体设计。”
To where the inspiration comes from, Morten Bo Jensen explains; “Large volume objects like a plane or a ferry are a clear reference in the design, like these products the shelter is a voluminous, transportable, complex design construction.”

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设计的每个细节里都体现了Vipp DNA。钢是该公司1939年以来最喜爱的材料,也是贯穿着整个庇护所框架,外立面,厨房模块及其配件的一个反复出现的元素。由于空间里的物件很少,因此它们的设计和材料能够与极简的室内装饰配合得当就尤为重要了。功能重于形式,同时确保所有产品都是同一个可识别家庭的一部分,这是Vipp的产品发展反复出现的主题,也是这个庇护所设计的主要目标。因此,一种每个细节都经过精心设计的连续性空间感受是人们在这个Vipp庇护所里的第一感觉。

The Vipp DNA unfolds in every details and the company’s favorite material since 1939, steel, is a recurring element cutting across the shelter frame and exterior facade, the kitchen modules and down to its accessories. As there are very few objects within the space, it was critical that their design and materiality work well with the minimal interior finishes. Favoring function over form while making sure all products are part of the same recognizable family is a recurring theme in Vipp’s product development and also a primary objective for the development of the shelter. As a result, the sensation of a contiguous space carefully thought out to the last detail is what welcomes you in the Vipp shelter.

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The simple steel grid structurally supports the two level space, where only the bathroom and bed loft is shielded from the main living space. Within the transparent shell, nature is omnipresent yet with a physical blindage that provides shelter from the extreme winters in the north. The geometry is distributed with short distance to window frames accentuating the sensation of nature’s proximity from each angle in the shelter blurring the distinction of indoor outdoor space.

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“我们想要挑战所有围绕我们自身的东西都必须是高科技的这样一种趋势。”Morten Bo Jensen解释到。

“We are challenging the trend that everything we surround ourselves with has to be high-technological”, explains Morten Bo Jensen.

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Vipp takes on an analog approach in creating an operational living space that works and therefore begins with function. “If you are cold you heat up the fireplace centrally positioned in the shelter for an equal distribution of heat; if you are warm you slide open the xxm2 parallel windows to create natural air-condition. By locating the house in the deep deciduous woods, we are able to take advantage of the leaves as sun shading in the summer months. In the winter, when the trees lose their leaves, the building’s black exterior absorbs sunlight and with the fireplace, there is a reduction in fuel consumption”.

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The perfect getaway retreat should by definition be remote, smart but spartanious and surrounded by breathtaking nature. On top of this Vipp has added the criteria of simplifying the process of creating your own getaway. When buying the Vipp shelter you buy into a design approach where choices have already been made based on a long experience within processing of solid materials with a defined aesthetic idiom. Designers and engineers have made the necessary deselections and defined the construction and material requirements. Prefabrication was an essential criteria in the construction meaning that the installation process can happen within a couple of days without an elongated process on a construction site.

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