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Snøhetta和开普敦当地工作室为南非大主教德斯蒙德•图图(Desmond Tutu)建造了纪念性拱门
Snøhetta and Local Studio build tribute arch to Desmond Tutu in Cape Town


Snøhetta建筑事务所和开普敦当地工作室在今年的Design Indaba展会上设计了这座巨大的拱门,歌颂南非反种族隔离活动家德斯蒙德•图图(Desmond Tutu) 。

Architecture firms Snøhetta and Local Studio celebrate South African anti-apartheid activist Desmond Tutu with this monumental arch, which was unveiled in downtown Cape Town during this year's Design Indaba.


这个名为“Arch for Arch”的纪念建筑是为了纪念德斯蒙德•图图(Desmond Tutu),他是全国第一位黑人大主教,他在七十年代后期和八十年代初的民主运动中获得了“the arch”的绰号。


Called Arch for Arch, the memorial structure was created to commemorate the tireless efforts of Tutu – the nation's first black archbishop – in campaigning for democracy in the late 1970s and early 80s, earning him the nickname "the arch".
It it made from 14 intertwined lengths of bent wood, representing the 14 chapters of the South African constitution, which was played a pivotal role in the demise of apartheid.


“Arch for Arch不仅仅是大主教图图(Tutu)的纪念碑。”Snøhetta和开普敦当地工作室的设计人员解释道。


"The Arch for Arch is more than a monument for Archbishop Tutu," explained designers from Snøhettaand Local Studio, who collaborated on the project.
"It builds on the legacy of South Africa's foremost campaigner for democracy to create a platform for public participation in upholding the constitution," they said. "The arch will stand as a permanent tribute to what was sacrificed in the pursuit of democracy, and the vital necessity of protecting these rights for generations to come."



该拱门的设计首次在2017年的Design Indaba设计大会上公布,这个设计大会每年在开普敦举行,由创始人Ravi Naidoo领导。



The design of the arch was first unveiled during the 2017 edition of Design Indaba – the design conference that takes place annually in Cape Town, led by founder Ravi Naidoo.
Tutu came on stage to join the celebration, during which a 48-person choir surrounded a prototype of the arch to sing a chorus.
"The moment was unforgettable and there was not a dry eye in the audience," the designers told Dezeen. "The archbishop danced to the accompanying choral ensemble and the audience all connected in moment of unity, fulfilment, encouragement and energy."


在2017年10月7日图图(Tutu)86岁生日之际,拱门终于建造完成,并成为2018年Design Indaba设计大会的一个重要焦点。



The completed version was unveiled on 7 October 2017, Tutu's 86th birthday, and it formed a key attraction at Design Indaba 2018.
It is located between the national parliament and St George's Cathedral, on a site that Tutu himself used during anti-apartheid protests.
Measuring nine metres in height, the arch takes on a spherical form, intended to recall a globe. It is made from larch wood, which is expected to gain a tactile patina as its ages, and simple concrete benches wrap around its base.




"We felt it was important to move away from the conventions that are associated with the design of traditional monuments, by using warmer, tactile materials like wood, which invite people to engage directly with the piece," said the designers.
"Since the arch has been installed, we have seen people interact with it in a variety of ways, not just walking in, through and around it, but sitting on it, perched up for a better view," they continued. "This kind of social engagement is a better representation in our mind of Tutu's legacy."


此外,该项目的原型模型现已放置在约翰内斯堡(Johannesburg)的宪法山(Constitution Hill)。


In addition, the prototype model of the structure has now been installed in a permanent location on Constitution Hill in Johannesburg.
The aim was to create a link between this institution, which is South Africa's highest judicial court, and the national parliament.



该公司与约翰内斯堡的当地工作室共同合作,该项目得到了南非金融服务公司Liberty的支持,该公司是Design Indaba设计大会的主要赞助商。

Snøhetta is an Oslo and New York-based studio, famed for projects including the Oslo Opera House and the September 11 Memorial Museum in New York.
The firm was paired up with Johannesburg-based by Local Studio by Design Indaba. The project was backed by South African financial services company Liberty, which is one of the main sponsors of the conference.


拱门的设计首次在2017年的Design Indaba设计大会中亮相。

2月21日至23日在开普敦举办的2018Design Indaba设计大会 ,Dezeen是媒体合作伙伴。今年,该大会公布了开普敦的另一个新项目,这是一个由景观建筑师Peter Veenstra设计的布满植物的竹球。

The design of the arch was first unveiled during the 2017 edition of Design Indaba
Dezeen was media partners for Design Indaba 2018, which took place in Cape Town from 21 to 23 February. This year saw the event unveil another new project for Cape Town – a plant-covered bamboo sphere designed by landscape architect Peter Veenstra.


建筑设计:Snøhetta, Local Studio
委员会主办方:Design Indaba
结构工程:The Structural Workshop
智能土木项目:Wetworks, Paving & Electrical Contractors

Project credits:
Architect: Snøhetta, Local Studio
Commission organiser: Design Indaba
Civil engineer: Hatch
Structural engineering: The Structural Workshop
Timber contractors: Swissline Design
Smart civils: Wetworks, Paving & Electrical Contractors





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拱门 (14 articles)

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开普敦 (22 articles)

Snøhetta (49 articles)

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