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Buller and Rice沙龙是植物材料的展示窗口
Buller and Rice salon is a showcase of plant-based materials


东伦敦美发沙龙 Buller and Rice 开设了一家新店,其室内设计元素包括海藻、藻类、软木和蘑菇皮。

Buller and Rice Wanstead 美发沙龙同时也是一家生活方式用品店,销售从家居用品到葡萄酒等各种产品。

公司创始人Anita Rice和Stephen Buller亲自设计了店内装潢,里面摆满了设计师和制造商的定制作品,其中包括Natural Material 工作室的Bonnie Hvillum和哥本哈根的Jonas Edvard。

East London hair salon Buller and Rice has opened a new venue with an interior design palette that includes seaweed, algae, cork and mushroom leather.
Buller and Rice Wanstead is a salon that doubles as a lifestyle store, selling products ranging from homeware to wine.
Company founders Anita Rice and Stephen Buller designed the interior themselves, filling it with bespoke creations from designers and makers including Natural Material Studio's Bonnie Hvillum and Copenhagen-based Jonas Edvard.

▲ Buller and Rice Wanstead 是一家美发沙龙和生活方式用品店
Buller and Rice Wanstead is a hair salon and lifestyle store

Rice 说:“我们的目标是尽可能多地使用植物材料。我们想深入研究一下植物材料能产生什么效果。”

与 Hvillum(该公司在 2023 年 Dezeen Awards 上获得了首届 Bentley Lighthouse 奖)合作的成果是用一种黄色藻类材料制成的类似乳胶的帘子。

Rice told Dezeen their ambition was to use as many plant-based materials as possible.
"We wanted to deep dive into what could happen with plant matter," she explained.
The collaboration with Hvillum – who won the inaugural Bentley Lighthouse Award at Dezeen Awards 2023 – resulted in latex-like curtains made from a yellow algae-based material.

▲ 黄色调的室内装饰包括Jonas Edvard的纸灯和海草灯
The yellow-toned interior includes paper and seaweed lamps by Jonas Edvard

Edvard的作品是一系列用再生纸和海藻制成的黄色吊灯,与他之前为哥本哈根汉堡店 POPL 制作的吊灯类似。

Rice 说,她在那里享用汉堡时偶然发现了这些作品,当发现它们是由海藻制成时,她就知道它们是完美的。

Edvard's contribution is a series of yellow pendant lamps made from recycled paper and seaweed, similar to those he previously made for Copenhagen burger joint, POPL.
Rice said she spotted them by chance while enjoying a burger there. "When it turned out they were made from seaweed, I knew they were perfect," she explained.

▲ 由海藻制成的Natural Material 工作室的仿乳胶帘
Latex-like curtains by Natural Material Studio are made from algae

其他基于植物的细节包括软木墙和由海藻泡沫制成的椅垫,而由蘑菇皮革制成的坐垫将于 2024 年初加入。空间里还种满了植物,许多植物都安装在前窗后面。

Other plant-based details include a cork wall and seat pads made from algae-based foam, while cushions made from mushroom leather will be added in early 2024.
The space is also filled with plants, with many installed behind the front windows.

▲ 等候区的座椅垫由海藻泡沫制成
Seat pads in the waiting area are made from algae foam

Buller and Rice Wanstead 是该公司继Hackney and Walthamstow沙龙之后在伦敦东部开设的第三家分店。Rice 表示,该项目是公司探索环保材料之旅的最新一步。



Buller and Rice Wanstead is the third venue that the company has opened in east London, following salons in Hackney and Walthamstow.
Rice said the project represents the latest step in a journey of exploration into eco-friendly materials.
Initially, they focused on simple natural materials like wood and cork. They then started experimenting with materials made from recycled waste products, including a sheet plastic made from yoghurt pots.
"Our primary interest is in finding innovative and sustainable building materials that we can work into an aesthetically pleasing approach," Rice said.

▲ 室内贴满黄色瓷砖
Yellow tiles feature throughout the interior

此次翻新工程是对一家停业多年的前中餐馆进行彻底改造。整个沙龙以黄色为主色调,与 Buller and Rice 另外两家沙龙的粉红色调截然不同。这种色调出现在伦敦制造商 Smith & Goat 定制的水泥制品上,包括一张正交的接待台、一个壁挂式洗脸盆和两个造型台的柱状支脚。

The renovation involved a complete refit of a former Chinese restaurant that had been shut down for years.
A yellow colour scheme features throughout, marking a departure from the pink hues of the two other Buller and Rice salons.
This shade can be found on bespoke concrete pieces created by London-based maker Smith & Goat, including an orthogonal reception desk, a wall-hung washbasin and the column-like legs of two styling stations.

▲ 在整个空间中还可以看到遍布的植物
Plants can also be found throughout the space


定制的理发椅、无框拱形镜、黄色瓷砖以及生产商 Tarkett 提供的斑点乙烯基地板使整个空间更加完美。

Stainless steel features on both walls and surfaces, offering a utilitarian feel that contrasts the warmth of the yellow. "Practicality had a hand in that decision," Rice admitted.
The space is completed by custom-made barber chairs, frameless arch mirrors, yellow tiling and speckled vinyl flooring from manufacturer Tarkett.





摄影:Megan Taylor

The photography is by Megan Taylor.




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