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精美的图纸可以跨比例转述想法。 在南非,多元文化历史造就了一种涵盖多种建类型和建造方法的建筑。 从画廊到体育馆再到大型博物馆,这些想法延伸到各种绘图方法和设计师使用的各种比例。 如今,建筑师正在努力重构传统的建筑技术,同时为日常生活创造现代的功能性空间。

南非的多元文化景观在建筑环境及其绘图方式中得到了体现。 以下展馆和装置通过剖面图展示了建筑体系和体验。 这些图纸捕捉了每个项目的氛围和空间组织,还探索了在设计师继续重新诠释传统的过程中对于材料的使用和组装。 这些项目是展馆设计和新建筑着眼于未来的多元化代表。

Great drawings translate ideas across scales. In South Africa, the country’s multicultural history has produced an architecture that spans many building types and construction methods. From pavilions to stadiums and expansive museums, these ideas extend to various drawing techniques and the wide range of scales that designers work across. Today, architects are working to reimagine traditional building techniques while creating modern, functional spaces for daily life.
South Africa’s pluralistic cultural landscape is reflected in the built environment and the ways by which it is drawn. The following pavilions and structures showcase building systems, programs and human experience through section drawings. Capturing each project’s atmosphere and spatial organization, the drawings also explore how materials were used and assembled as designers continue to reinterpret tradition. The projects are a diverse representation of pavilion design and new architecture with an eye to the future.



Silindokuhle学前学校,Collectif Saga,南非伊丽莎白港

这所幼儿园为孩子们的新生活提供了绝佳场所。 该设计的初衷是提供对周围环境的广阔视野,并通过阴影和光线来揭示它的真实构造。 该社区项目位于Joe Slovo West,这是南非伊丽莎白港郊区的一个非正式地区。 该团队一直与当地居民一起在该区域内使用各种设施。 在幼儿园画廊的剖面透视图中可以看到多种空间和社区用途,其连接了功能和构造方式。

Silindokuhle Preschool by Collectif Saga, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
This preschool is a shelter for children’s new experiences. The design was made to offer expansive views toward its surroundings, playing with shadows and light to reveal the reality of its construction. The community project is located in Joe Slovo West, an informal area in the suburbs of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. The team has been working together with local residents on the implementation of various facilities within the precinct. The multiple spaces and the community uses are seen in the preschool pavilion’s section perspective drawing, which communicates both programs and construction methods.



Guga S’Thebe儿童剧院 GA Tech|  PBSA |  RWTH,南非 开普敦 兰加
2017A+Awards评审团优胜者,概念–建筑与学习; 2017A+Awards评审团优胜者,概念–建筑与协作

Guga S’Thebe儿童剧院位于南非开普敦兰加社区中心,其是现有的艺术和文化中心的延伸。 矩形建筑体以场地的轴向逻辑旋转,在新剧院和圆形剧场之间形成一个几乎是三角形的正方形。 建筑体量的位置和旋转是基于在种族隔离时代非正式增长的前军营和邮局之间的联系的现有路径。 从剖面上可以看出,这条通道和建筑物的广场是非正式交流的重要空间。

Guga S’Thebe Children’s Theatre by GA Tech | PBSA | RWTH, Langa, Cape Town, South Africa
Jury Winner, 2017 A+Awards, Concepts – Architecture +Learning; Jury Winner, 2017 A+Awards, Concepts – Architecture +Collaboration
The Guga S’Thebe Children’s Theater is an expansion of the existing Arts and Culture Center located in the heart of the Langa Community in Cape Town, South Africa. The rectangular building volume is rotated on the axial logic of the site, creating an almost triangular square between the new theater and the amphitheater. The position and rotation of the building volume are based on an existing path that grew informally during the apartheid era as a connection between the former barracks and the post office. Observed in section, this pathway and the building’s square was a vital space for informal exchange.



Bosjes Chapel教堂,Steyn Studio,南非西开普省Witzenberg District
2019A +Awards年度项目; 2019A +Awards最受欢迎获奖者,文化–宗教建筑和纪念馆

在这个小亭子和小教堂的空间中,雕塑的形式和体量与山峦背景的自然形态相呼应。 该位置引人注目的周围环境使该地区被称为“小瑞士”。正如团队所指出的那样,开普敦荷兰庄园的房屋通常与此类环境进行了对话,例如在斯泰伦博斯和开普敦。 从其简洁优美的剖面图中可以轻松看出设计的灵感。

Bosjes Chapel by Steyn Studio, Witzenberg District, Western Cape, South Africa
Project of the Year; 2019 A+Awards; Popular Winner, 2019 A+Awards, Cultural – Religious Buildings & Memorials
In this small pavilion and chapel space, form and massing sculpturally respond to the natural configuration of its mountain backdrop. The site’s dramatic surroundings have given the area the nickname of ‘Little Switzerland.’ As the team notes, typically, Cape Dutch Manor houses set up a dialogue with these types of environments, as found in Stellenbosch and Cape Town. The design’s inspiration is readily seen in its concise and graceful section drawings.


Spens花园咖啡厅 Steyn Studio  南非 西开普省 Witzenberg District

在这个优雅的设计中,客户希望花园和建筑物和谐地交互。 灵感来自从最初居住在西开普省和早期荷兰定居者的San,花园咖啡厅便是其中之一,另一座是礼品店,隐蔽在广阔的新花园里。 剖面的灵感来自于Mat住宅和荷兰首批定居者住宅的形式。

Spens Garden Café by Steyn Studio, Witzenberg District, Western Cape, South Africa
In this elegant design, the client wanted the garden and buildings to communicate in harmony. Drawing inspiration from the San who first inhabited the Western Cape and the early Dutch settlers, the Garden Cafe is one of two sister buildings, the other a gift shop, carefully burrowed into new expansive gardens. The section shows the architectural forms that were inspired by the San ‘Matjieshuis’ (Mat House) as well as the first dwellings of the Dutch settlers, ‘KapHuis’ (Truss House).

南非伊丽莎白港Collectif Saga社区会堂

这个社区大厅项目通过不同的非营利组织之间的合作而实现。  SAGA集团由五位年轻建筑师组成,他们致力于与有需要的人实践,并分享他们的知识。 这种在社区参与的同时进行创造的冲动促进了该项目中心目标的推进,即开发可复制且直接的流程。 这些适应性强的系统在剖面中可以看到,他们的目的是为社区提供工具和知识,以此为自己的项目重现这些过程。

Community Hall by Collectif Saga, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
This community hall project was made possible by a partnership between different non-profit organizations. SAGA collective is a group of five young architects with a desire to practice and share their knowledge with people in need. This urge to create while involving communities contributes to the central objective of the project, which was to develop reproducible and straightforward processes. These adaptable systems are seen in section, and they were specified to give the community the tools and knowledge to reproduce these processes for their own development.

ArmadilloCrèche,康奈尔大学可持续发展设计中心 南非 约翰内斯堡
2013年A +Awards最受欢迎获奖者,学生–设计/建造项目

ArmadilloCrèche是位于南非约翰内斯堡的幼儿发展(ECD)中心,在展开时为各种活动创建不同规模的区域。 公共功能空间被置入在ECD的核心地带,即一个半户外的用餐空间和一个铺设好的游乐区。  被设计为教育用途的灯塔和凉亭的ECD中心位于抬高的位置上,使得边界与建筑物和景观融为一体, 在剖面图中可以看到这种展开空间和比例的变化。

Armadillo Crèche by Cornell University Sustainable Design, Johannesburg, South Africa
Popular Winner, 2013 A+Awards, Student – Design/Build Project
Designed as an early childhood development (ECD) center in Johannesburg, South Africa, Armadillo Crèche creates zones of different scales for various activities as it unfurls. At the heart of the ECD, center lie communal programs: a semi-outdoor dining space and a paved play area. Standing on an elevated site, the ECD center was designed to be a beacon and pavilion for education that integrates a boundary condition with the buildings and landscape. This unfurling and change in scale are both seen in the section drawings.




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