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Classic Driade pieces reinterpreted for the moon by Studio Nucleo



在阿波罗11号登月50周年之际,意大利家具品牌Driade与意大利作家Gianluigi Ricuperati进行了合作,他们通过作品阐述了月球的户外设计理念。

这位作家委托Nucleo工作室来重新诠释设计师Philippe Starck,、Naoto Fukusawa 与 Enzo Mari设计的 Driade畅销家具。另外,Nucleo工作室由Piergiorio Robino领导,他们的设计师都来自都灵。

Italian furniture brand Driade has worked with Studio Nucleo to transform some of its most iconic pieces into 3D-printed versions fit for future life on the moon.
In the lead up to the 50-year-anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, Driade has collaborated with Italian writer Gianluigi Ricuperati – asking him what will outdoor design look like on the moon?
He tasked Studio Nucleo – a group of artists and designers from Turin led by Piergiorio Robino – with reinterpreting four of Driade's bestselling designs by Philippe Starck, Naoto Fukusawa and Italian artist and furniture designer Enzo Mari.




这些作品将在今年米兰设计周期间展出,Ricuperati和设计代理机构Wonder公司,以及设计公司Nucleo、Barbara De Micheli 和 Maurizio Cilli共同组织本次展览。

Using 3D printing methods, they recreated each piece using a soft sand similar to regolith – the layer of dust, soil and broken rock that covers the moon's rocky surface.
"I asked Piergiorgio of Studio Nucleo to think about the incredible heritage of Driade," said "We agreed that outdoor furniture for the moon or Mars was something capable of producing wonder while keeping a relationship with the past, so they created these astonishing homage artworks."
The pieces will all be on show during this year's Milan design week, in an installation designed by Ricuperati, together with design agency Institute for Production of Wonder, and designers Studio Nucleo, Barbara De Micheli and Maurizio Cilli.



本次“Moon Mission”展览将位于该市的Arti电影院展出,该影院装饰了一系列月亮主题的装置,由建筑艺术家Maurizio Cilli设计。

这座电影院的设计参考了欧洲航天局(European Space Agency),其中还包括了声音、电影和现场戏剧。

The installation is described by Driade as "a visionary project which looks to the future to celebrate the history of the Driade brand and offers an interpretation of what home spaces may look like in 2068 in an alien context."
The multi-sensory Moon Mission installation will be located at the city's Cinema Arti, which will feature a moon-inspired set created by artist and architect Maurizio Cilli.
Based on studies conducted by the European Space Agency, the set will also includes sound, film and live drama components.


Ricuperati 对Dezeen的记者说:“我想创作一部建立在遥远星球上的三维小说,但是地球上最好的东西是阖家欢乐,Driade系列家具就代表了这种幸福理念。”

展览还放置了一个3D打印的登月舱,由Maurizio Cilli和Barbara de Micheli设计。

"I wanted to generate a tridimensional novel set up on a distant planet, but with one of the best things produced on earth: domestic bliss," Ricuperati told Dezeen. "Driade is a maverick of domestic bliss and luxury."
Placed within the set, is a 3D-printed lunar capsule designed by Maurizio Cilli and Barbara De Micheli.


Ricuperati对Dezeen的记者说:“Cilli和De Micheli与我进行了深入的交谈,他们开发了月球穹顶,不禁让人想起苏联的登月舱。”

本次展览的装置还将被拍摄成一部短片,由Adriano Valerio 执导、Ricuperati编剧。

短片名为《梦幻月光(Moonage Daydream)》,拍摄时间在设计周内,故事包含了由模特Giannina Oteto 和演员Elena Radonicich两名宇航员之间的互动,另外,Elena Radonicich刚刚完成意大利电影《Il Principe Libero》的拍摄。

两位演员身着Veronica Toppino设计的太空服,在整个场景中跳舞,与太空舱和家具互动。

"After a series of conversations with me, they [Cilli and De Micheli] developed a lunar dome slightly reminiscent of Soviet LEM," Ricuperati told Dezeen.
The location installation will also serve as the set for a short film directed by Adriano Valerio and written by Ricuperati.
Called Moonage Daydream, the film will be shot during the design week and will consist of a sort of interplay between two space voyage heroines played by model Giannina Oteto and actor Elena Radonicich, who recently starred in the Italian film Il Principe Libero.
Wearing space suit costumes designed by Veronica Toppino, the two "terrestrial Venuses" will dance and move throughout the set interacting with the capsule and furniture.


为增加身临其境的感觉,Yar Audio设计的“星际音响机器”会播放宇宙主题的音乐。


To complete the experience, a cosmic-themed electronic soundtrack will be played out over an "interstellar sound machine" designed by Yar Audio.
Visitors can experience the soundtrack, which will consist of "sounds that recall the interstellar dimension, a full immersion that goes beyond categories of space and time", inside a dedicated "second shelter dome" created by Yar.


在今年米兰设计周期间,表达“星际探索”主题的其他设计师还有英国Lara Bohinc,她的行星式系列座椅将在Alcova展览上展出。同时,Lee Broom将展示一组建筑室内照明装置,该装置的设计灵感来源于建筑的外部空间。


Other designers exploring interstellar themes during this year's Milan design week include British designer Lara Bohinc, whose planetary-inspired chair collection will be on show at the Alcova exhibition. Meanwhile Lee Broom will present a collection of outer-space-inspired lighting inside a listed building.
Moon Mission will be on show during Milan design week between 17 and 22 April 2018, at Cinema Arti, via Pietro Ascagni 8.


家具品牌Driade由Enrico Astori在1968年创立,在很长一段时间内,它是意大利最具魅力和冒险精神的设计主导品牌。它与设计师Philippe Starck、Fabio Novemb与Ron Arad在家具、照明与家居用品上进行广泛地合作。

2014年,该公司濒临破产,意大利私营经济企业Creation Group为其投资了700万欧元的(约合600万英镑)资金,从而将该公司拖回正轨,在此之后,公司任命英国建筑师David Chipperfield为艺术总监。

2017年,该公司宣布Chipperfield已经辞职,取而代之的是一个“创意委员团队”。今年3月,Giuseppe Di Nuccio被任命为公司的首席执行官。

Driade was founded in 1968 by Enrico Astori and was for a long time one of the most glamorous and adventurous of Italy's design-led brands. It counts collaborations with Philippe Starck, Fabio Novembre and Ron Arad among its furniture, lighting and homeware.
In 2014, the company appointed British architect David Chipperfield as artistic director, shortly after Driade was rescued from bankruptcy by a

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