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“Future-focussed community”项目斩获2018雷克萨斯设计奖
Future-focussed community initiative wins Lexus Design Award 2018


纽约Extrapolation Factory工作室的设计作品在今年的雷克萨斯设计奖中脱颖而出,该项目鼓励社区对城市和日常生活的未来进行推测。


该项目的想法由两位布鲁克林的设计师 Elliott Montgomery 和Christopher Woebken提出,他们请市民就未来可能出现的问题提出解决办法。在研讨期间,他们对这些建议如何影响日常生活进行了构思。

建筑大师David Adjaye是今年的评委之一,他说:“今年的获奖者考虑了一个重要的问题,即设计对于我们不断发展和技术变革的社会中的作用,设计的产品并不重要,但是其设计的教育意义和思维模式却处于最前沿。”


New York studio The Extrapolation Factory has won this year's Lexus Design Award, with a project that encourages communities to speculate on the future of cities and daily life.
Testing Hypotheticals was announced as the winning project last Monday, 16 April 2018, ahead of Milan design week.
The idea, conceived by Brooklyn duo Elliott Montgomery and Christopher Woebken, invites members of the public to come up with solutions for possible future issues. During workshops, they then imagine how these proposals will impact daily life.
"This year's winner permeates the current thinking about the role of design in our evolving and technologically shifting societies," said architect David Adjaye, one of this year's judges. "Products play less of a role, and design education/teaching and thinking are at the forefront."
"How citizens and designers interact with products, processes and future is increasingly critical to mediating this influence of design in our increasingly future-oriented and technologically evolving world," he added.

2018年雷克萨斯设计奖的四名决赛者之一,Digitalab公司设计的编制软木CO-RK灯/The four finalists for the Lexus Design Award 2018 included Digitalab's CO-RK lamps made from woven cork strips

Extrapolation Factory工作室邀请了皇后区科洛纳的居民参加了最初的两部分研讨会,该地区靠近1939年和1964年的世博会地点。





The Extrapolation Factory invited residents of Corona, Queens – close to the site that hosted the 1939 and 1964 World Fairs – to participate in the initial two-part workshop.
Split into small groups, the locals came up with concepts that could become reality in the future and built models and props from a set of materials to demonstrate their ideas.
"We asked them to rigorously imagine futures through some of the processes being used by think tanks and strategy groups today," Montgomery told Dezeen.
These included growing food produce in subway cars, underground pipe networks that could distribute recyclable materials directly to different businesses, and connecting to memories from other places and times.
When they returned, the props were set up as a "test city" and a group of improv actors activated the hypothetical scenarios.

另一个入围作品是Aesthetid设计的“Honest Egg”,该项目通过智能油墨在蛋壳上打印而成/Another finalist, Aesthetid's Honest Egg project involves printing egg shells with intelligent ink pigment



“Testing Hypotheticals ”项目被评审团选为大奖赛获胜者,评审团成员有Adjaye和建筑师Shigero ban、作家兼策展人Alice Rawsthoron、现代艺术博物馆馆长Paola Antonelli、Designboom创始人Birgit Lohmann和雷克萨斯总裁Yoshihiro Sawa。





"We're really interested in the idea of taking this platform and doing it in lots of different neighbourhoods where it makes sense, maybe other communities that have different stories to tell," Montgomery said.
"Once we start to expand out this same platform across neighbourhoods, we'll get to compare and contrast, and see where these bottom-up versions of futures help us navigate towards a different world than the one we're currently in."
Testing Hypotheticals was chosen as the Grand Prix winner by a judging panel that included Adjaye and fellow architect Shigero Ban, writer and curator Alice Rawsthorn, MoMA curator Paola Antonelli, Designboom founder Birgit Lohmann and Lexus president Yoshihiro Sawa.
Entrants were asked to respond to this year's theme "CO-" – the Latin prefix meaning "with" or "together" – which resulted in a wide variety of projects based on relationships.
A dozen finalists were selected from over 1,300 entries from 68 countries, and all were exhibited at the Lexus pavilion in Milan's Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia.
Earlier in the year, the judges has further whittled down the shortlist to four projects, which were given funding to prototype their designs and ideas, and mentored by internationally renowned designers.
These prototypes were also showcased at the Lexus pavilion, where the panel finally decided on the winner.

Eriko Yokoi设计的再生纤维播种机也是这四个项目其中之一,这些项目都获得了资金资助,可以进行原型设计/Eriko Yokoi's Recycled Fiber Planter was also one of the four projects that was given funding to be prototyped

Extrapolation Factory工作室与意大利Formafantasma工作室合作测试了“Testing Hypotheticals”项目。


Aesthetid设计的“Honest Egg”项目是用智能墨水对蛋壳进行打印,来表达鸡蛋的可食用性。而 Eriko Yokoi使用回收的服装纤维制成模块,设计了悬挂式播种机系统。




The Extrapolation Factory worked with Italian studio Formafantasma to develop testing Testing Hypotheticals.
The other three finalists included Digitalab's CO-RK lamps, designed using parametric software and covered in a material woven using cork strips.
Aesthetid's Honest Egg project involves printing egg shells with intelligent ink pigment to indicates the edibility of the eggs, while Eriko Yokoi created a hanging planter system from modules made from recycled clothing fibres.
Milan design week took place from 17 to 22 April 2018. Lexus has participated in the annual festival for many years, and established the design awards in 2013. Previous winners have included a packaging product made from seaweed.
"Lexus is aiming to be an lifestyle automotive brand," said Sawa, speaking through a translator. "With that in mind, design is always an inspiration that solves issues and problems. It is important for Lexus to be here in Milan, where a lot of the design inspiration originates"
"We see the importance of working together and developing young designers who could contribute in the future and create a better society," he added.





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