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This iPad App Can Make Your Client Meetings Fast, Efficient and Productive



Pooky的创意总监Sophie Amini解释道:“无论是在设计理念的构思还是设计的过程,我们都习惯先把想法表达出来。通过使用Archisketch,我常常将纸笔放在一边,而是在iPad上画出设计理念,在PooKy公司,我们与制造商的沟通非常密切,因此在决定制作样品之前,我们都会先通过草图进行讨论,然后将草图绘制成技术图纸,制造商也方便继续工作。”

Sketching is the best way to work through design problems. Since no designer is an island, sometimes sketching collaboratively is the best way of working through design problems together. Other times, you sketch a bit, create a proper drawing, and then present to colleagues, clients or stakeholders.
"Whether you're resolving a challenging condition by yourself, or helping a client to visualize, we all sketch it out first," explained Sophie Amini, Creative Director at Pooky. "With Archisketch, more often than not, even I prefer to put aside my paper and pencil and whip off a sketch on my iPad. At Pooky, we work very closely, both with each other and with the manufacturers. We talk through sketches and ideas at length before deciding which samples to get made up. Sketches are translated into technical drawings, from which the manufacturers can work."



Archisketch能够让设计师和客户在会议中直观地进行沟通。其中一大功能叫做“raw with Finger”,即你可以关闭绘图功能,那么为什么需要这么做呢?在这个程序中,使用者可以运用电子笔对图面进行绘画、编辑,同时也能够让客户直接在屏幕上进行指点,但这样不会影响整体的图面效果。这种触摸式的互动体验可以让每个人都能够清晰表达自己的需求,从而提升沟通效率。



Some apps, like Archisketch, let you sketch, plus provide tools and symbols to turn sketches into a bona fide scale-aware drawing. Layers hide and show a variety of options. You can move around symbols to refine your vision. When it is ready for discussion, you call a meeting with the client or a colleague.
Specific features of Archisketch facilitate collaborating in a face-to-face meeting over a coffee and an iPad. One of the best lets you turn off a standard feature, called "Draw with Finger." Sounds backward, right? Why would you want to turn off such a core capability? Because it lets a presenter draw, edit and make changes using all of the creative expressiveness from working with an Apple Pencil®, while still allowing the client touch all over the screen and not impact the actual drawing. For an interactive experience, the ability to touch the drawing without messing it up makes everyone happier.
Couple this interactive presentation style with the ability to show options using layers, which allows you to get your client "caught up" with your design options as fast as possible, so you can spend more time developing the design with them further.
The result is a faster path to decisions and solutions. But what if you want someone offsite to make changes, or you need feedback, or want to share the drawing and have a quick Messages chat while you're still in your meeting?


事实上这些都能够做到。最新版本的Archisketch更新了软件的自身建筑信息补丁“Plus Packs”,即插件模块,运用这个插件你可以直接运用iCloud Drive进行文件的分享与传输。

通过iCloud Plus Pack,你能够将Archisketch项目、图纸信息、PDF文件保存到iCloud Drive之中,同时还能为你的合作者赋予修改项目文件的权利。在开会时,你可以通过iCloud Plus Pack让那些无法到场参加会议的成员们也加入进来,这样客户能够感受到来自设计团队的重视,同时也不需要时刻悬着神经,因为只通过一次会议就能够完成大量的工作。


Now you can. The most recent version of Archisketch updated the software's own architecture to facilitate "Plus Packs," which are optional add-on modules. One of the first two available Plus Packs lets you use your iCloud Drive for file sharing and collaboration.
The iCloud Plus pack allows you save Archisketch projects, drawings and PDF files to and from your iCloud Drive, and to designate collaborators who can make changes to an Archisketch sketch, drawing, and project. In a meeting, iCloud Plus pack allows you to bring in other team members who aren't at the meeting so that a client really feels like they are really getting the full attention of the design team, and also reduces the amount of "follow up" so you can get more done in one meeting.
People you designate for collaboration do not need to be in your office. You can include an outside engineer, for example. Technically, your collaborators could be anyone, anywhere, on-site or across the globe.


Pooky 公司的Sophie Amini说:“在一件产品的生产过程中,需要经过多项流程,那么,与制造商的合作必不可少,因为每个细部、每个色调都有可能形成不同的效果。”

那么说到恰当的色调与细部,事实上,无论是电子制图还是手工绘画,在每次构思之中都可以运用诸如Plus Pack、Colour Plus等小插件。Colour Plus会让画面的色彩更加精准,在呈现给客户时不会出现太大的色差,能更好地解读你的设计作品。

Colour Plus Pack还支持色彩的渐变填充功能,这项功能能够让使用者通过一个窗口来表达光线,亦或是表达光晕的效果。渐变色调会让画面更加具有透视感,同时也为画面赋予了肌理效果。

"There is often a lot of to-ing and fro-ing to get the product exactly right. Collaboration with the manufacturers is essential as every millimeter makes a difference, as does the tone of a color or the right finish," said Sophie Amini of Pooky.
Speaking of the right tone of a color or the right finish, whether you are presenting drawings online or in person, every drawing can use a little pizzazz. The other Plus Pack, Colour Plus, has you covered. Colour Plus pack provides a more accurate color impression so the client doesn't get the wrong impression about your design ideas.
Colour Plus pack adds support for Gradient fills, which lets you show light streaming in from a window, or shining down like the halo of a street lamp. Gradients add a little depth to your perspectives or provide a texture effect.


除了渐变填充功能,Colour Plus还拥有多个色彩选项,如果你的画面中同时拥有室内、室外、景观空间,那么你可以为不同的图像选用丰富的色调。另外,你还能够直接从屏幕上吸取想要的具体色调,然后直接应用在图像中。



In addition to Gradient fills, Colour Plus extends the choices available on the existent color palette. Plus you can save and use multiple color palettes for drawings, for example, if you have different interior, exterior, and landscape colors. It even allows you to identify a color value you want and pull it in right from your screen.
You can create a global color palette, available for use in all drawings and projects. Consistently excellent color choices make for a cohesive company look that is always amazing.
Using great color choices and applying gradients are a couple easy tricks that make your drawings really pop for the client. Collaborating on drawings with the team keeps everyone a little more on the same page. In the end, whether early design or problem-solving, sometimes a quick Archisketch iPad drawing is also worth a thousand words.




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