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Diversity and Warmth Showcased by Rustic Cotta Cafe in Melbourne第1张图片

Diversity and Warmth Showcased by Rustic Cotta Cafe in Melbourne

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Welcome to a cafe interior that stands out due to its diversity, style and dynamics. Cotta Cafe in Melbourne, Australia was envisioned and implemented by Mim Design as a gathering space where guests can unwind and enjoy good company. The new cafe  is described by the designers as a place “providing a warm and rustic interior escape from the hustle and bustle of the West End precinct. Mim Design was contracted to complete the graphics and branding, uniform and packaging design, full accessories styling and visual merchandising, design of custom furniture pieces as well as the full interior design scope.” With a long central isle flanked by tables and plenty of unique decorating items put on display, this cafe is probably considered by most a miniature museum. Imagine being a first time guest here- chances are you will take some time to have a look at all the cool features of this place before deciding which table to occupy. The wonderful mix of materials and textures contribute to Cotta’s powerful design personality, one that will surely stick with the client and make him/her want to return very soon.
欢迎参观这座以造型百变,生动时尚闻名的Cotta咖啡吧.这座咖啡吧建造于澳大利亚墨尔本,从创意到实施都是由Mim Design公司设计完成的,意在为顾客打造轻松亲切的休闲时光。新咖啡吧被设计师描述成这样一个场所“在这座温暖原始的咖啡吧里,人们能够暂且忘却伦敦西区的吵杂繁闹重归宁静。Mim Design公司负责设计的全部内容,包括品牌设计、包装设计和所有室内设计,作为视觉营销的有力手段。”长长的中央走廊,两边摆放着各式各样造型经典独特的餐桌椅和精致的室内装饰,新建成的咖啡吧更像是一座小规模博物馆。第一次来这里的客人很难不会流连忘返,材质纹理烘托出Cotta咖啡吧的精彩和强烈个性,毫无疑问会吸引无数的回头客再次光临。

Diversity and Warmth Showcased by Rustic Cotta Cafe in Melbourne第2张图片
Diversity and Warmth Showcased by Rustic Cotta Cafe in Melbourne第3张图片 Diversity and Warmth Showcased by Rustic Cotta Cafe in Melbourne第4张图片 Diversity and Warmth Showcased by Rustic Cotta Cafe in Melbourne第5张图片 Diversity and Warmth Showcased by Rustic Cotta Cafe in Melbourne第6张图片 Diversity and Warmth Showcased by Rustic Cotta Cafe in Melbourne第7张图片 Diversity and Warmth Showcased by Rustic Cotta Cafe in Melbourne第8张图片 Diversity and Warmth Showcased by Rustic Cotta Cafe in Melbourne第9张图片 Diversity and Warmth Showcased by Rustic Cotta Cafe in Melbourne第10张图片 Diversity and Warmth Showcased by Rustic Cotta Cafe in Melbourne第11张图片



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  • 小子丫头czh
  • 2012.11.19 09:08
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  • 风华刹那
  • 2012.11.19 00:00
    不错 不错 真心喜欢
    • 0

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