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Escape Vehicle #9——艺术家们应对自然灾难的“诺亚方舟”第1张图片

应对自然灾难的Escape Vehicle #9/Studio Morison
Studio Morison designs Escape Vehicle #9 for when nature reclaims the planet


Studio Morison为荷兰艺术节设计了黄色PVC装置,游客有机会在这个封闭的环境中休息。

这款名为Escape Vehicle#9的轻型可拆卸小屋专为想象中的未来而设计,当灾难降临时,使用者仍然可以在其中自如地生活。

Studio Morison's yellow PVC pavilion provides visitors to a Dutch art festival with the chance to sleep in one of the darkest places in the Netherlands.
Called Escape Vehicle #9, the lightweight demountable shelter is designed for an imagined future when nature reclaims the planet, leaving humans to "tread quickly and lightly on the land they occupy".

Escape Vehicle #9——艺术家们应对自然灾难的“诺亚方舟”第2张图片

英国艺术家Ivan Morison和他的妻子共同创立Morison工作室,他在采访时解释说:“第一次想象Escape Vehicle #9时,我就有了未来飞行的愿景。”

“我在黑暗中看到了未来的希望,而Escape Vehicle #9可以带我们走向希望。”他继续道。

"When first imagining Escape Vehicle #9 I had a vision of a flight into the future," explained British artist Ivan Morison, who founded Studio Morisona longside his wife Heather.
"I saw a lightness from that future within the darkness of the present, and this is where the Escape Vehicle can take us towards," he continued.

Escape Vehicle #9——艺术家们应对自然灾难的“诺亚方舟”第3张图片



The design comprises a circular chamber for living and sleeping that is elevated above the ground on four pyramidal aluminium legs.
The chamber, which sleeps two people, is built from a protective outer layer of specially commissioned aluminium expanded mesh, and a taut inner curving membranous weather layer of yellow PVC.

Escape Vehicle #9——艺术家们应对自然灾难的“诺亚方舟”第4张图片

Escape Vehicle #9——艺术家们应对自然灾难的“诺亚方舟”第5张图片




The chamber is accessed via a ladder and trap door in its underside while a conical "navigational buoy" made from bent sheet aluminium sits on its roof.
The interior is a minimal space with a metallic floor and a double bed at its centre that sits directly under the the concical navigation buoy.
The ceiling of the chamber is lined with a quilted foil insulation layer that helps maintain a habitable temperature day and night.

Escape Vehicle #9——艺术家们应对自然灾难的“诺亚方舟”第6张图片



The pavilion has been installed at a site in Holtingerveld in the Netherlands, which was the site of the earliest settlers to the country 10,000 years ago. Described by the artists as a "primordial landscape", it is one of the darkest places in the Netherlands and at night you can see many stars and planets.
A hatch in the chamber's metallic ceiling, provides access to a deck, from which occupants can view these surrounding nightscapes.

Escape Vehicle #9——艺术家们应对自然灾难的“诺亚方舟”第7张图片

装置为亲近大自然的游客设计,用于逗留过夜,这条艺术流线位于Drenthe古老的景观中。该项目一直持续到2018年9月16日,展览中还包括Olafur Eliasson、Adrián Villar Rojas和Susan Philipsz等设计师的作品。

艺术家们表示,Escape Vehicle#9的使用者将能够亲身体验“黑暗、孤独、不稳定和即将到来的可能”。

The pavilion is designed to be slept in overnight by visitors attending Into Nature – a biennial art route that is laid out in the ancient landscape of Drenthe. Running until 16 September 2018, the trail also includes works by Olafur Eliasson, Adrián Villar Rojas and Susan Philipsz among others.
The artists said that occupants of Escape Vehicle #9 will be able to experience first hand "the sense of darkness, of solitude, of instability and the possibilities of what is to come".

Escape Vehicle #9——艺术家们应对自然灾难的“诺亚方舟”第8张图片



In the morning the shelter's interior has a slowly rising intensity of yellow as the sun rises, with rays of light creating ever-changing shadows across the shelter's inner membrane.
As the day progresses the yellow illumination becomes more intense rotating around the curved wall. The artists said that the strong yellow glow within the chamber has an enveloping and calming effect, which is emphasised when the occupant emerges into the stark white light of the outside world.

Escape Vehicle #9——艺术家们应对自然灾难的“诺亚方舟”第9张图片


2018年上半年,建筑师Dina Haddadin和Rasem Kamal公布了混合式小屋和水塔的设计方案,建筑由Corten钢管和编织山羊毛建造而成,该项目可以应用在约旦的沙漠中,为使用者带来休息的绿洲空间。

摄影:Studio Morison

The pavilion is conceived as a set of connecting components and is fully demountable. The legs are supported and anchored by four Spirafix screw anchors, so that the shelter leaves as little impact as possible on the landscape.
Earlier this year,  architects Dina Haddadin and Rasem Kamal unveiled a design for a hybrid shelter and water tower made from Corten steel pipes and woven goat hair that could provide oasis-like respite in the deserts of Jordan.
Photography is by Studio Morison.

Escape Vehicle #9——艺术家们应对自然灾难的“诺亚方舟”第10张图片

Escape Vehicle #9——艺术家们应对自然灾难的“诺亚方舟”第11张图片

Escape Vehicle #9——艺术家们应对自然灾难的“诺亚方舟”第12张图片

设计概念:Heather and Ivan Morison
委托方:Into Nature
设计和安装:Studio Morison
金属加工:Leominster Engineering
织物图案和制作:J & J Carter

Project Credits:
Concept: Heather and Ivan Morison
Commissioners: Into Nature
Design and installation: Studio Morison
Engineering: Artura
Metal fabrication: Leominster Engineering
Fabric patterning and fabrication: J & J Carter




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