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Estudio Cavernas用夯土和竹子为难民和移民建造学校
Estudio Cavernas Builds School for Refugees and Migrants Using Rammed Earth and Bamboo


Estudio Cavernas和Orbe Architecture为Min Tu Won 学校建立了一座全新的教学楼,这是一个社区组织,为难民和移民社区提供教育。根据泰缅边界的气候特征,建筑师和非营利组织设计的Mae Ku学习中心使用了低技建设系统的理念,该系统可由非技术工人建造,并且使用现有的材料和技术。

Estudio Cavernas and Orbe Architecture have constructed a new educational building for the Min Tu Won school, a community-led organization that provides education for a local community of Burmese and Karen refugees and migrants. The architecture and construction non-profit organization based in the Thai-Burma border designed the Mae Ku learning center according to its philosophy of using low-tech constructive systems that can be built by all workers and adapted to available materials and skills.

All photos courtesy of Estudio Cavernas and Orbe Architecture

Estudio Cavernas和Orbe Architecture与国际设计和建筑组织(INDA)合作,让项目的受益者参与设计和施工过程。 曼谷朱拉隆功大学(Chulalongkorn University)的二十多名学生通过在校学习的相关课程,他们也参与了该项目,并参与现场的建筑施工。 这座建筑位于泰缅边界附近,宛若隐匿在田野之中。两个巨大的夯土体量,被竹皮包裹,内部空间适应性强,是一个集教学、学习和互动于一体的多功能空间。

Estudio Cavernas  and Orbe Architecture collaborated with the International Design and Architecture (INDA) program to involve the beneficiaries of the project in the design and construction process. Through a course taught at the Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, twenty students worked to refine and document the project and participated in the building construction on site. The building stands near the Thai-Burma border as a monolithic structure nestled amidst the fields surrounding it. Two large, rammed earth, interior volumes wrapped in bamboo skin integrate adaptable, multi-functional spaces for teaching, studying and interactive learning.

许多游学者会选择到此参观,他们远远地就可以望见这座教育中心/The center is visible from afar, an enticing destination for the long distance that many students travel to come to school

竹皮外表与环境呼应,在阳光直射和下雨的时候遮挡内墙,又能带来新鲜空气和微风。 室内空间通过天窗形成柔和的自然光线,并且为学生们带来自然的气息。大型教室内有黑板、嵌入墙壁的长椅和储物空间。整座建筑通过天然本土材料建造而成,切合周围环境。

The bamboo skin acts as an environmental mediator, screening the interior walls from direct sunlight and rain while welcoming fresh air and breeze to pass through. Illuminated with soft, natural light through skylights, the interior spaces form a world of passages and openings for students to explore. The large classroom volumes feature blackboards, built-in wall benches and storage spaces. Natural, locally-sourced materials are used throughout the building to blend the structure within its surroundings.

这座建筑通过有趣的体块组合在一起,供儿童参与和探索/The building is designed with playful, massive shapes assembled together for children to engage with and explore

精致的竹子犹如皮肤般包裹室内区域,形成走道空间/A delicate, veiled bamboo skin wraps the interior spaces, creating a world of passageways and spaces

阳光穿透百叶,洒满建筑/Sunlight is filtered through, adding depth and volume to the building

灵活的开放式阅读空间/An open floor plan allows for flexibility in the arrangement of the learning areas

教室里有黑板、嵌壁式长椅和存储空间/The classroom spaces feature blackboards, built-in wall benches and storage space

两大室内空间组合成教学、学习和互动的开放式场所/Two large interior volumes form an open floor area for teaching, studying and interactive learning

夜景/Night view of the structure

多功能教育中心/The center is a multi-functional educational space for the min tu won school

该项目通过低技设计策略,广泛适用于各技术层面的工人/The design of the building uses low-tech constructive systems that can be built by workers of all levels of skills




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