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Ida & Billy proposes a ring with vernacular roof to embrace Korean memorial park


Ida & Billy 建筑工作室为韩国Yisabu Dokto纪念公园设计了方案,其主要理念是将场地内的几个体量连接起来,统一为集体。该项目象征着旧时韩国的统一,纪念了Yisabu将军和他前往Dokto岛的航行。环形体量将新旧织物编织在一起,为新的发展形成了更加清晰的定义。环形体量通过扩展和收缩,连接了现有的屋顶景观,同时为各种活动创造了足够的空间。

The main notion behind Ida & Billy Architects’ design proposal for Yisabu Dokto memorial park in Korea is to link up several volumes within the site to unify them as a collective entity. Symbolically, the project represents the unification of Ancient Korea by general Yisabu and his voyage to Dokto islands. ‘The ring’ weaves the old and new fabric together to create a clearer definition of the new development. The ring expands and contracts to connect itself with the existing roofscape and to create an adequate amount of space for various programs.

从主入口俯瞰博物馆和内部花园/Aerial view from the main entry overlooking the museum and internal gardens


The existing volumes are selected and kept for their aesthetic and cultural value – the vernacular roof. With their volume protruding on the plan, programs are inserted under these roofs; with their intricate structure retained. These volumes are connected via a ring with various widths to create a diversity in spatial quality both internally and externally. External pocket spaces are created where volumes are closely packed together. The largest volume, which is new, houses the symbolic Yisabu exhibition hall. This results in a hierarchy among the fluid roofscape.

游客中心主入口和Yisabu Dokdo展览空间/the main entrance to the visitor center and Yisabu Dokdo exhibition space

Ida & Billy工作室将环形空间划分为三个区域,各自分布在场地中,分别是游客中心、Yisabu Dokdo展览空间和艺术文化村。游客中心位于最靠近公众的地方,朝熙熙攘攘的街道开放,用于接待参观者。Yisabu Dokdo展览空间集中在东南面,面向Obun港,这是因为其具有通向Dokdo的历史纪念价值。艺术文化村经过稍加改造,将一些现有的商店和房屋改造成艺术展馆、工作室和艺术家的居所。这些商店和房屋经过了精心挑选和规划,充分利用了场地和各个开放空间,从而最大限度地利用社会资源,促进公众参与。在周边区域还将建造全新的住宅区,从而争取最大的空间用途。

Ida & Billy has divided the ring is divided into three zones spread across the site – the visitor center, Yisabu Dokdo exhibition space, and the art and culture village. The visitor center is placed nearest to the public, fronting the bustling street to receive visitors and tourists. The Yisabu Dokdo exhibition spaces are grouped at the southeastern side facing the Obun Port due to its historical significance as a point of departure to Dokdo. The art and culture village is slightly reorganized by re-purposing certain existing shops and houses into art pavilions, workshops with artists’ residence above and gallery. These shops and houses are carefully selected and curated to maximize social opportunities and public engagement through their placement, orientation, and the resulting open spaces. New private residences would be provided around the area in exchange for the spaces used.

Yisabu 展览空间内的内部花园视角/Yisabu exhibition space overlooks the internal garden

游客从街道进入门厅之后,会有两个不同的选择方向,一个通向游客中心,另一个通向Yisabu Dokdo展览空间。新方案主入口位置的选择是由于这里曾经是旧要塞(Jindongru)的东门,是过去的主要入口。进入门厅之后,游客可以沿着一条蜿蜒的小径,进入到高耸狭长的空间,一排排木雕狮子均匀地排列在内部花园旁侧。一束线性柔光从上方扩散,指向Obun港口。狮子中间保留的空隙是Yisabu将军的象征,提醒人们是他的智慧和远见造就了现在的韩国。之后游客可以来到Dokdo展览空间,在那里人们可以看到从粗糙玄武岩地面冒出来的Dokdo三维模型。人们离开展览空间后,可以进入到鹅卵石小径,途经 Misoo寺进入艺术文化村。在村内,艺术展馆、岩石花园和户外艺术作品等场景相互依存,沿途布置着艺术广场和绿色景观,这条小径一直通向游客中心的商店和咖啡馆。

Visitors enter the main foyer from the street, which splits it into two parts – one towards the visitor center, and the other towards the Yisabu Dokdo exhibition space. As the location used to be the east watch gate of the old fortress (Jindongru), the main entrance should also serve as the gateway to the new development. From the foyer, one starts their course through a winding path and descends into a heightened and long space, uniformly lined with rows of wood-carved lions that extend into the internal garden. A linear soft light diffuses from above, pointing towards the Obun port. An invisible void is left amidst the lions, embodying the symbolic figure of general Yisabu and his wisdom and vision that made up present Korea. Visitors then ascends to the Dokdo exhibition space where the highlight is the three-dimensional model of Dokdo that emerges from the rough basalt flooring. When one exits the exhibition space, they enter the cobblestone trail that leads to the art and cultural village while passing through Misoo Temple. Within the village, art pavilions, rock gardens, and outdoor artworks co-exist with the fabric. Art plazas and green pockets are discovered along the route. The trail ends at the shop and café area of the visitor centre.

Yisabu纪念馆,狮子雕像呈网格状布置,一直延伸至内部花园/Yisabu memorial hall with lion statues placed in a grid extending to the internal garden


The existing roof and structure that highlight the vernacular architecture are retained, while the new roof is covered with similar clay tiles to create a consistent language. Timber is mostly kept for structural purposes and to emphasize the bridging of the old and the new. A major part of the building is flanked with glass panels while the other is finished with raw and textured basalt stone on the exterior and smooth honed basalt on the interior walls. In the art and culture village, part of the walls is extracted creating openings to maximize visual interaction.

Dokdo体验空间中有着Dokdo模型与虚拟现实视频投影/Dokdo experience space with the Dokdo model ‘emerging’ from the basalt flooring and virtual reality video projection

环形体量将新与旧、历史与艺术、当地人与游客融合在同一屋顶之下/The ring ties together the old and new, history and art, locals and visitors, under a ring of roofs

平面图/Floor plan

从街道看主入口和屋顶景观/View of the main entry and roofscape from the street

主要房间剖面/Section across the major rooms




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