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The 6 Winter Stations Chosen to Warm Toronto's Frosty Beaches


在5年前,Raw Design、Ferris + Associates以及Curio共同举办了冬季小站设计竞赛(Winter Stations Design Competition),希望为多伦多冬季的海滩注入更多的创新理念。今年,4项设计作品从成百上千的参赛作品中脱颖而出,另外还有两项学生项目,让多伦多海滩的冬季小站焕发光芒。


“我们希望今年的设计主题能够保持对于全球事件的探索,同时为海滨地区带来设计与景观。冬季小站设计项目始终为加拿大寒冷的冬季景观带来一抹欢乐与温暖。”——Roland Rom Colthoff, Raw Design


Five years ago, Raw Design, Ferris + Associates and Curio founded the Winter Stations Design Competition to bring innovative design concepts to Toronto’s beaches in the winter months. This year, four designs were selected from hundreds of submissions and will be joined by two student submissions to dot the beachfront alongside vacant lifeguard stations.
The six successful design concepts explore the concept of “migration.” This concept was internalized by each team who generated six unique and original designs that explore contemporary social issues, political issues, and the human condition surrounding “migration.” From their investigations, each team brought a design to the seasonal waterfront, drawing people to the beach and inviting dialogue.
“We wanted this year's theme to continue exploring global events while bringing design and spectacle to the water's edge. Winter Stations has always been about bringing joy, warmth, and conversation to the long, cold Canadian winter landscape. ”
-Roland Rom Colthoff, Raw Design

Below, we have outlined the six winning entries for the 2019 Winter Stations Design Competiton. The pavilions are expected to be built early in the new year. More information is available on the competition's official website here, and from our previous coverage of the annual event.



该项目名为“墙之上”,由波士顿的Joshua Carel 与 Adelle York共同设计,游客们可以通过相互连接的楼梯登上一堵墙体的顶部。该项目环绕着现有救生站点而设计,它既是物理、也是精神象征,目的是激发人们的共鸣以及对禁止人们跨越边界等问题的讨论。设计师们构思着游客分别从两个方向走上楼梯,他们会在中间相遇,这是个从心理上统一的时刻。

Above the Wall
Designed by Joshua Carel and Adelle York of Boston, “Above the Wall” allows visitors to climb adjoining staircases that connect at the top of a solid wall directly in between. This barrier, constructed around the existing lifeguard stand, is both a physical and symbolic barrier meant to evoke feelings and start a discussion about attempts to strengthen boundaries and physically inhibit individuals from crossing borders. The creators imagined one visitor ascending a staircase on one side of the wall, and another visitor on the other. The act of meeting in the middle is transformed into a psychologically unifying moment.



该项目名为“心灵小站”,出自设计师Tomasz Piotrowski与 Lukasz Chaberka之手,它让游客们能够从全新的角度来欣赏海滩美景。游客进入到展亭内部之后,他们会来到一个圆形的底座之上,然后展亭的上部是一个一个小圆孔,然后游客们可以从小圆孔中伸出脑袋,而身体仍然停留在小站内部空间之中,游客们既可以在这里欣赏美景,同时也可以和其他游客进行互动。

Mind Station
Created by Tomasz Piotrowski and Lukasz Chaberka, Mind Station provides visitors with the ability to survey the beach landscape from a new position. Once guests gather together inside the pavilion’s wall, each individual is able to stand on a circular pedestal and insert their head through the circular holes in the pavilion’s roof. While the body remains underneath the platform, the head or soul of the visitor can survey the landscape or interact with the other guests that are having a similar experience in the pavilion.



该项目名为“蝴蝶森林”,设计师为Luis Enrique Hernandez,这代表了墨西哥Michoacan的一座真实森林。每一年,都会有大量的蝴蝶来到这片森林之中,看上去如同自然的奇观。这些蝴蝶从加拿大穿越飞行来到墨西哥,迁徙距离超过了4000公里。该项目由数控切割面板组装而成,旨在模仿蝴蝶的翅膀。

The Forest of Butterflies
Conceptualized by Luis Enrique Hernandez, The Forest of Butterflies represents a specific forest in Michoacan, Mexico. Each year the monarch butterfly migrates to this forest, performing a natural marvel. Many butterflies travel more than 4,000 kilometers from Canada to the Mexican forest. The beach installation is a constellation of CNC cut and assembled panels that mimic the shape of the monarch’s wing.



该项目由加拿大多伦多的设计师John Nguyen、Victor Perez、Anton Skorishchenko,、Abubaker Bajaman、Stephen Seungwon Baik构思设计,在“Cavalcade”项目中,设计师们对于人们对生活的追求、内在反应、社会关系进行了探索,该项目环绕着中央救生椅子而设计,周围是一系列的小装置,设计师们认为:“‘Cavalcade’表达了人们的运动以及集体精神,这种精神不仅仅存在于当今的全球迁徙的政治意图之中,而且存在于人们对于美好生活的向往之中,而这种想法永恒而普遍。这个项目表达了人们对于美好生活的追求。”

Designed by John Nguyen, Victor Perez, Anton Skorishchenko, Abubaker Bajaman, and Stephen Seungwon Baik of Toronto, Canada, the Cavalcade installation explores the human quest of life, inner reflection, and social connections with an interactive design that surrounds the masked lifeguard chair at its epicenter. The designers described their artistic intentions, stating, “Cavalcade is an installation that reflects the collective spirit of human movement and transversal. Not just in the contemporary political sense of global migration, but in the consensus that the human quest for a better life is one that is timeless and universal. Cavalcade depicts people migrating towards something better.”




Ground-Squared was created by students at Humber College in Toronto. The installation combines a series of elevated platforms each placed at a different height above the beach’s sandy floor. The experience of traveling from one platform to the next is meant to evoke the journey of migration and its shifting perspectives and fluctuating boundaries. Each platform, differing only marginally in height and beach location, provides a new place of reflection for the users who are encouraged to walk and climb from one geometric plateau to the next.





Intuit, designed by students at Sheridan College, embraces the existing structure of the lifeguard stand by replicating the structure as a physical element that is migrating itself. By manipulating the scale, position, and direction of the stand, the installation causes visitors to examine patterns in placement and location - exploding the familiar.
News via: The Winter Stations International Design Competition




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