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Gustafson Porter + Bowman 工作室是巴黎“埃菲尔铁塔之旅”竞赛的获胜者,该竞赛旨在重新诠释埃菲尔铁塔所属的景观区域。该项目分为两个阶段,成为巴黎市2024年巴黎奥运会的主要项目。

在这个项目中,Gustafson Porter + Bowman工作室结合了法国本土的两种典型乡村历史景观,即法国古典园林与同城风景如画的花园。

Gustafson Porter + Bowman is the winner of the Site Tour Eiffel Competition in Paris, a contest designed to reinterpret the landscape to which the Eiffel Tower belongs. This project is divided into two phases to serve as the backdrop for the City of Paris for the Olympic Games in Paris 2024.
For this project, Gustafson Porter + Bowman proposed the union of two typical typologies of historical landscapes of the country, such as the classic French gardens, and the picturesque gardens of the same city.

项目鸟瞰/Overview of the Desing. Gustafson Porter + Bowman, Winners of the Site Tour Eiffel Competition. Image courtesy of ©MIR.

Gustafson Porter + Bowman工作室于2019年5月21日获选。该国际竞赛由巴黎市政府提议,旨在寻求能促使人们探索、互动、包容,并且面向本土的设计方案。

建筑师提议使巴黎古迹统一,并形成轴线,埃菲尔铁塔则位于该轴线中心,这条轴线还将连接特罗卡德罗广场(Place du Trocadero)、夏乐宫(Palais de Chaillot)、耶拿桥(Pont d’iena)、马尔斯广场(Field of Mars)和军事学校等处。这一建议代表着巴黎将成为弹性城市的实践先锋。



The studio of Gustafson Porter + Bowman was selected as the winner on May 21, 2019. The international competition proposed by the city of Paris, sought a design that would allow to discover, interact and offer an environment inclusive and oriented towards the environment.
The project proposes a unifying axis of different Parisian monuments that locate the Eiffel Tower in the center of a line that connects the Place du Trocadéro, the Palais de Chaillot, the Pont d'Iéna, the Field of Mars and the Military School. This proposal represents the vanguard of instituting environmental resilience in an urban context…
Every year 30 million people visit the Eiffel Tower, situated at the heart of Paris. Seven million choose to ascend the monument for soaring views over the city. One of the most iconic landmarks in the world, the site is a victim of its popularity. Fundamental issues like over-crowding, impaired accessibility, lack of services, and congested gardens have impacted the experience of the Eiffel Tower and its surroundings.
"We would like to thank the City of Paris for having run a competition that has been engaging and educative, challenging and rewarding,"
-GP+B responded to the winning announcement

Varsovie喷泉视角/View of the Eiffel Tower from the Varsovie Fountains by MIR, Gustafson Porter + Bowman, Winners of the Site Tour Eiffel Competition. image courtesy of ©MIR.

本次竞赛入围的事务所包括Gustafson Porter + Bowman以及另外三只从42个参赛作品中脱颖而出的队伍,他们重新构想了埃菲尔铁塔的景观。本次国际竞赛寻求的设计,将简要回应探索、通达、游览等问题,并提供符合巴黎市愿景的景观方案,以实现富有弹性、包容性和环保的未来。Gustafson Porter + Bowman工作室的获奖提案为“OnE”,建筑师设想了直观且可读的景观,展现了统一性、连续性和多样性。


The City of Paris shortlisted Gustafson Porter + Bowman – alongside three other teams from 42 entries – to reimagine the landscape of the Eiffel Tower. This major international competition sought designs that would respond to the brief - discover, approach, visit – and deliver a landscape that aligns with the City’s vision for a resilient, inclusive and environmentally-oriented future. The winning proposal, Gustafson Porter + Bowman’s OnE scheme, envisions one readable landscape that reveals unity, continuity and diversity.
"Thanks to an open and ongoing dialogue, the City has played an essential role in stimulating ideas and debate around the proposals for this site. We have never experienced such a resonsive approach to a competition".

2024年总平面布局/2024 Masterplan ©GP+B. Gustafson Porter + Bowman, Winners of the Site Tour Eiffel Competition. Image courtesy of ©GP+B.

2030年总平面布局/Vision 2030 masterplan. Gustafson Porter + Bowman, Winners of the Site Tour Eiffel Competition. Image courtesy of ©GP+B.

建筑师提出了统一轴线,整个空间连接了特罗卡德罗广场(Place du Trocadero)、夏乐宫(Palais de Chaillot)、耶拿桥(Pont d’iena)、马尔斯广场(Champ de Mars)和巴黎军事学院(Ecole Militaire)。沿着这条绿色的中轴线,一系列重新构思的景观交织在一起,特罗卡德罗广场(Place du Trocadero)绿色圆形剧场重塑了人行空间,一个新的充满活力的公共空间从Varsovie喷泉向耶拿桥展开,这座桥被改造成一条通往埃菲尔铁塔花园的绿色长廊,埃菲尔铁塔的前院有着许多服务设施,它们隐藏在树林中,吸引着人群,而马尔斯广场的草坪更加突出了景观。

OnE proposes a unifying axis: celebrating the Eiffel Tower at the centre of a line that connects the Place du Trocadéro, the Palais de Chaillot, the Pont d’Iéna, the Champ de Mars and the Ecole Militaire. Along this central green axis, a series of reimagined landscapes interlock: at the Place du Trocadéro, an amphitheatre of greenery restores space to pedestrians; a new and enlivened public space unfolds from the Varsovie Fountains towards the Pont d’Iéna; the bridge is reincarnated as a green promenade towards the gardens of the Eiffel Tower; the forecourt of the Eiffel Tower caters to the crowds with additional services and facilities discreetly hidden amongst the trees; and the raised lawns of the Champ de Mars protect and elevate the landscape.

埃菲尔铁塔与特罗卡德罗广场视角/View of the Eiffel Tower and the Trocadero terrasses. Gustafson Porter + Bowman, Winners of the Site Tour Eiffel Competition. Image courtesy of ©MIR.

耶拿桥构成的绿色长廊/The Pont d’Iéna Bridge regreened as a planted promenade. Gustafson Porter + Bowman, Winners of the Site Tour Eiffel Competition. Image courtesy of ©MIR.




OnE also creates spaces of pleasure and contemplation that punctuate the length of the site, and serve to prioritise the human scale. New perspectives are framed and staged, rebalancing the gravitational pull of the Eiffel Tower and activating a sense of arrival throughout. The OnE proposal establishes a coherent and refined hierarchy of uses across the site, improving pedestrian accessibility and city circulation.
OnE thus evokes the union of two historic landscape typologies: classical French gardens, characterized by major axes that express power; and French picturesque gardens, as places of artistic experimentation. In this urban landscape, green routes and gardens reserved for creative pursuits frame and soften the central axis. These “corridors” and “glades” introduce biodiversity, as well as areas for hosting temporary events. such as musical performances and sculpture exhibitions. Thus, OnE compresses into one word the idea and ideal of a unified space.
Lastly, OnE embodies the international character of the site; it connects not only the site from West (Trocadéro) to East (Joffre) – the Ouest-Est / OnE represents the interconnections on this site between the West and East of the world: one humanity, one planet. Therefore, OnE encapsulates a unified environmental approach towards the future. The City of Paris and the OnE proposal represent the vanguard of instituting environmental resilience into an urban context. As part of the city’s showcase for the 2024 Olympic games, the first phase of the redevelopment is to be completed by 2023.




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