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Courtesy of Paris Media Center

Is Paris Ready for the Olympics? Exploring the City-Wide Implications of Hosting Global Events


20 世纪初,奥林匹克运动会不只是奖牌竞赛,其中还包括建筑设计和城市规划。虽然这些比赛不属于奥运赛事项目,但建筑设计和城市规划仍对全球体育赛事的发展有着至关重要的影响。申办城市面临着一项重要挑战,即通过基础设施的调整,从而安全圆满地举办一届奥运会。本次奥运会也不例外。虽然巴黎曾在一个多世纪前举办过两届奥运会,但现代奥运会所面临的挑战,毋庸置疑是巨大的。不过,当地的城市基础足以满足奥运期间的需求,以及会后的发展,本文探讨的是当地针对本地奥运会所采取的措施,以及所带来的后期影响。

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Olympic games included some unusual medal competitions, including architectural design and town planning. While these are no longer awarded Olympic events, architecture and urban planning continues to continue to have a crucial effect on the development of the global sporting event. Cities that bid to host face an important challenge in adapting their infrastructure to accommodate not only the venues and facilities, but all the support structures needed for a safe and enjoyable edition. Paris is no different. While the city hosted 2 previous editions of the games over a century ago, the challenges of the modern-day Games have proven significant. However, the city’s expansive infrastructures have enabled officials to adjust the measures in an effort to have sustainable development for and after the Games. With less than a month to go until the opening ceremony, explore the measures taken by city officials and the long-lasting effects of hosting an Olympic event.


Pre-Existing Infrastructures

Grand Palais Restoration by Chatillon Architectes . Image © Laurent Kronental

巴黎的历史与奥运会紧密相连。1900 年,巴黎举办了第二届奥运会,很好地推动了城市和建筑的进步,包括连接万森的世界博览会和奥运会会址的地铁 1 号线的开通。仅仅 24 年后,巴黎又举办了一届至关重要的奥运会,这是首次通过电波转播的奥运会,极大地提升了奥运会的全球吸引力,还引入了奥运村的概念。


Paris's history intertwines closely with the Olympic Games. Hosting its second edition in 1900 prompted significant urban and architectural advancements, including the inauguration of Metro Line 1 to connect sites of the Universal Exhibition and Olympic Games in Vincennes. Just 24 years later, Paris hosted a pivotal Games, the first broadcast on airwaves, which greatly boosted the event's global appeal and introduced the concept of the Olympic Village.
Many venues and infrastructures built then remain integral to Parisian life, now repurposed to host Olympic events once more. The majority of this year’s Olympic venues (95%) were built before the bid was won. The conservation of historical sites such as the Grand Palais showcases Parisian architectural heritage, while temporary installations have been planned at historical landmarks further emphasizing the capital’s cultural offering.


Preparations for the Games

Courtesy of Paris Media Center

主办方已宣布要将本届奥运会打造成“史上最环保的奥运会”,目的是将碳排放减半。这意味着碳排放应保持在 150 万吨二氧化碳以下。主办方强调,利用现有基础设施和实施前的排放量计算是实现这一目标的主要措施。虽然目标有望实现,但赛事的规模对其可持续发展的主张仍然是很大的挑战。

由于巴黎利用了现有的体育基础设施,无需增加新建筑,因为这些建筑在赛事结束后很难融入城市结构。这与之前的奥运会形成鲜明对比, 比如2004 年雅典奥运会和 2016 年里约奥运会,里约的“大白象”体育建筑引发人们对举办奥运会的长期影响的质疑。不过,其他奥运场馆也进行了适应性调整,比如缩小规模,作为当地社区的设施开放。

Organizers have declared the aim of making the Games the “greenest in history,” halving the carbon footprint of the previous games in Rio and London. This would mean that the carbon footprint should remain under 1.5 million tons of CO2. Organizers emphasize the use of existing infrastructure use and pre-implementation emissions calculation as the main measures of achieving this. While the aims is expected to be met, its claims of sustainability are challenged by the scale of the event.
Since the city if employing its existing sporting infrastructure, Paris demonstrates its capacity for hosting global events without the need for adding new structures that have been proven difficult to integrate in the urban fabric after the event. This stands in contrast to previous Games, such as Athens 2004 or Rio 2016, whose “white elephant” sporting structures continue to raise questions regarding the long-term impact of hosting the Olympics. Other Olympic venues however have managed to adapt to their post-Olympic conditions, often by scaling down and opening up as facilities for local communities.

Grand Palais Ephémère / Wilmotte & Associés Sa. Image Courtesy of Wilmotte & Associés Sa

尽管巴黎有这样的能力,但事实证明,奥运组织者和巴黎政府的一个承诺却难以实现,那就是让塞纳河成为游泳安全河的目标。这已成为奥运会最具挑战性和最有争议的承诺。在过去的十年中,法国政府花费了 14 亿欧元用于清理塞纳河和改善巴黎的污水处理系统,因为塞纳河的污水溢流会自动将未经处理的污水直接排入塞纳河。市政厅表示,各项措施已提高了水质,并计划于 2025 年在Bras Marie、Bras de Grenelle和Bercy为公众开放三个浴场。

Despite this capacity, one promise of the Olympic organizers and the administration of Paris has proven to be particularly difficult to achieve: the goal of making the Seine River safe for swimming. This has become to be one of the most challenging, costly and controversial promises of the Olympics. French authorities have spent 1.4 billion euros in the last decade in the effort to clean up the river and improve Paris’ sewage systems, whose overflow automatically diverges untreated sewage directly into the river. The efforts have boosted water quality, with plans in place of open three bathing sites for the public in 2025 at Bras Marie, Bras de Grenelle, and Bercy, according to city hall.

Courtesy of Paris Media Center

针对本次奥运会而言,根据计划,开幕式将在河上举行,这打破了奥运会在体育场举行开幕式的传统。巴黎当局希望可以在市中心长达 6 公里的河段上安排游行船只,举办一场对所有人都免费开放的开幕式。然而,出于安全考虑,参观人数还是受到了限制。

For the Olympics, the decision to allow athletes in the river will be taken on the day of the competition, but now, less than a month before the competition, prospects are not favorable. The river is also planned to be the location of the opening ceremony, a break from the Olympic tradition of hosting the ceremony at a stadium. With boats parading along a 6km stretch through the city center, Paris authorities aimed to have a ceremony free and accessible to all. However, safety concerns have led to the limitation of the number of attendees.

Courtesy of Paris Media Center

奥运会门票已售出近 880 万张,预计在 7 月 26 日至 8 月 11 日的奥运会和 8 月 28 日至 9 月 8 日的残奥会期间,游客数量会激增。由于地铁是奥运会期间的主要交通方式,预计每天的乘客数量将从平时的 15 万人次增至约 80 万人次。尽管巴黎在申办奥运会时做出了承诺,但在奥运会和残奥会期间,公共汽车和地铁的票价预计将翻一番。

为了缓解交通基础设施的压力,奥运成为进一步推动大巴黎快线(Grand Paris Express)的契机,这个项目于 2013 年启动,计划在大巴黎地区增加 200 公里的轨道。这个项目设有60多个站点,改善了巴黎许多郊区的交通,包括圣丹尼区,这是迎接体育赛事的主要区域。虽然有几条支线已经完工,但连接机场和东站的戴高乐高速公路这一关键连接线仍无法在赛事期间完工。

Almost 8.8 million tickets have been sold for the Olympics, promising a challenging surge of visitors for the July 26-August 11 Olympics and August 28-September 8 Paralympics. As the metro lines are expected to become the main transportation mode during these times, the number of expected daily passengers is expected to increase from the usual 150,000 to an estimated 800,000. Despite promises made in the Paris bid, bus, and metro fares are expected to double for six weeks, the duration of the Olympic and Paralympic games.
In order to ease the pressure on transit infrastructures, the Olympics have been an opportunity to further push for the Grand Paris Express, an urban rail network project that began in 2013, planning plans to add 200km of tracks to the greater Paris region. With over 60 stops, the project improves the accessibility of many Parisian suburbs, including the regeneration of Saint-Denis, one of the main areas to welcome sporting events. While several extensions already complete, one key connection, the Charles de Gaulle expressway linking the airport and the Gare de l’Est railway station will not be ready in time for the events.

Courtesy of Paris Media Center

比赛场馆周围还设有禁区。奥运会期间,还将实施广泛的交通限制措施,比赛场馆、马拉松赛道和自行车比赛区附近禁止机动车通行。所有这些措施都对巴黎人产生了负面影响,44% 的巴黎人宣称举办奥运会对巴黎不利。这种担忧不仅基于暂时的不便,还基于为举办赛事所投入的资金。

Exclusion zones are also enforced around the venues. During the Games, extensive traffic restrictions will be imposed, with no motorized traffic allowed in the vicinity of the competition venues, the marathon routes, and the cycling competition areas. All of these measures negatively affect Parisians, with 44% percent of them declaring that hosting the Olympics is a disadvantage for the city. The concern is based not only on the temporary inconvenience but also on the amount of money invested in hosting the events.


The Expected Legacy of the Games

Courtesy of Paris Media Center

在巴黎北部,塞纳-圣丹尼(Seine-Saint-Denis)地区将在奥运会后发生扭转式的变化。这里较为贫穷,建造了奥运村和残奥村,以及一个新的水上运动中心。虽然这些地方在奥运会期间很关键,但他们计划在闭幕式后将其改造成当地社区的设施。奥运村在奥运会期间将容纳 14250 名运动员,在残奥会期间将容纳 8000 名运动员,还配备现场诊所、食品中心和训练区等设施场地。

从 2024 年 11 月起,这里将变成 2500 套永久性住房、一个学生公寓和一家酒店,此外还有办公和零售空间。开发项目包括约 7 公顷的景观公园,以保护生物多样性。这个项目被视为 2050 年欧洲城市的先驱,与《巴黎协定》的 2050 年目标相一致。这里设有混合用途区、新学校、幼儿园和通用无障碍设施,并将环保目标放在首位,包括通过大量使用木材、低碳混凝土和可回收材料,减少 50% 的碳排放量。地热能源网络和气流优化等适应性强的设计特点,解决了长期的气候变化问题。

In the north of Paris, the area called Seine-Saint-Denis will see the most permanent changes after the games. Here, in one of the poorest parts of Paris, the Olympic and Paralympic Village, and a new aquatics center have been built. While these will serve as key locations during the Games, they are scheduled to be transformed into facilities for the local communities after the closing of the ceremonies. The Village will accommodate 14,250 athletes during the Olympics and 8,000 during the Paralympics, with amenities including on-site clinics, food centers, and training areas.
Starting November 2024, it will be transformed into 2,500 permanent homes, a student residence, and a hotel, in addition to office and retail spaces. The development includes about 7 hectares of landscaped parks to protect biodiversity. The development is seen as a precursor of the European city of 2050, aligned with the Paris Agreement targets for 2050. With mixed-use districts, new schools, nurseries, and universal accessibility, the village prioritizes environmental goals, including a 50% reduction in carbon emissions through extensive use of wood, low-carbon concrete, and recycled materials. Adaptable design features, such as geothermal energy networks and airflow optimization, address long-term climate change.

Courtesy of Paris Media Center

巴黎还通过一项新的生物气候城市总体规划,重新制定了城市规划条例,以应对气候和住房方面的挑战。经过两年的研究和咨询,这个计划将指导巴黎直到 2030 年的发展。地方生物气候城市规划旨在通过优先考虑建筑翻新、低碳建筑和生物多样性保护,使巴黎成为环境友好型城市。为了在 2050 年前实现碳中和,这个计划提倡在 2040 年前新建 300 公顷绿地。私人公园和花园将向公众开放,到 2030 年,巴黎北部将建成一个占地 15 公顷的大都会公园。这个计划还包括一些地方性举措,如禁止改造巴黎市中心的旅游住宿设施,还要修建社会住房。这个计划旨在促进团结和社会人口混合,目标是到 2035 年建造约40%的公共住房,30%的社会住房 ,10%的经济适用房,除此之外,任何超过 5000 平方米的项目都必须拿出 10%的面积用于建造住房。这个计划还支持城市农业、太阳能屋顶和无障碍屋顶露台。

Paris has also redefined its urban planning regulations to meet climate and housing challenges through a new bioclimatic urban master plan. After two years of studies and consultations, this plan will guide the city's development until 2030. The Local Bioclimatic Urban Plan aims to make Paris environmentally friendly by prioritizing building renovations, low-carbon construction, and biodiversity preservation. To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, it promotes the creation of 300 new hectares of green spaces by 2040. Private parks and gardens will open to the public, and a 15-hectare metropolitan park will be established in northern Paris by 2030. The plan also includes localized initiatives such as prohibiting the transformation of tourist accommodations in Central Paris and creating social housing. It aims to promote solidarity and mixed sociodemographic aspects, targeting 40% public housing by 2035, with 30% social housing and 10% affordable housing. The plan mandates that any project over 5,000 square meters must allocate 10% of its area to housing creation. It also supports urban agriculture, solar roofs, and accessible rooftop terraces.

Courtesy of Paris Media Center

我们以独特的方式打造 2024 年巴黎奥运会遗产,与其他几届奥运会不同。它不太注重有形遗产,如体育基础设施,而更注重对一个地区的社会、经济和社会影响。因此,我们实施了几项与无形遗产相关的计划:增进法国人的积极性,改变对残疾人的看法,为企业,包括中小型企业以及社会和团结经济企业创造经济机会。这对主办城市塞纳-圣但尼和巴黎地区产生了具体影响。这是我们的工作重点。这项遗产最终会直接影响到人们。—— 巴黎 2024 影响力与遗产总监 Marie Barsacq

We have built this Paris 2024 legacy in a unique way, different from other editions of the Games. It focuses less on the tangible legacy, such as sports infrastructure, and more on the social, economic and societal impact on a territory. This is why we have implemented several programmes related to the intangible legacy: encouraging the French to be more active, changing perceptions of disability and creating economic opportunities for businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises and those in the social and solidarity economy. It's a specific impact for the Seine-Saint-Denis and Paris areas, the host cities. That was our main focus. It's a legacy that, in the end, directly affects people. - Marie Barsacq, Director of Impact and Legacy at Paris 2024

Pigalle Duperré / Ill-Studio. Image Courtesy of Paris Media Center

巴黎奥运遗产战略的一部分是鼓励所有人参加体育活动,而不仅仅是训练有素的运动员。巴黎拥有1122个供公众使用的体育设施,自2014年以来,通过大规模投资,设施数量增加了71%。除已建成的设施外,巴黎还在全市范围内组织了多条运动路径和运动旅行,还配备了现成的训练器材。此外,还启动了各种计划,鼓励巴黎人参与体育活动。其中,“巴黎体育之夜”计划每周在 19 个地点提供免费课程,到 2022 年将吸引 4000 人参加,而“包容性俱乐部 "和”巴黎体育”等计划则为残疾人提供了更多便利,同时也鼓励女性参与。

Part of Paris’ legacy strategy for the Olympics has been the encouragement of sporting activities for everyone, not just trained athletes. The city boasts 1,122 sports facilities available for public use, increasing the number by 71% since 2014 through large-scale investments. In addition to the built facilities, the city has organized several sports trails, and exercise tours across the city, equipped with readily-available training equipment. Additionally, various programs have been initiated to encourage Parisians to participate in sporting activities. Among these, the Paris Sport Dimanches plan offers free weekly sessions in 19 locations, attracting 4,000 participants in 2022, while programs like "Inclusive Club" and “Paris Sportives” enhance accessibility for people with disabilities and encourage female participation.

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