Aedas-designed 323-meter Changsha Jinmao Tower out stands at the heart of newly planned Changsha CBD, the first national new area in mid central region of China. As a visual focal point along the central axis of the cityscape, the tower faces main roads on the west, overlooking the Meixi Lake well-known in Changsha. The biggest challenge is to distill iconic elements of Changsha that best represent its history of over 1,000 years.
项目地理位置/Geological location
“地标性的建筑一定是从有到有的,它必须要跟地方发生互动,和它的人文、环境、历史有一定关系,但不要直接复制仿造,仿造过去的东西没有任何意义。”项目设计师Dr Andy Wen(温子先博士)从长沙最具代表性的地貌特征着手,将独特的奇峰融入建筑设计中,以层峦叠嶂的山峰曲线勾勒出塔楼独特的轮廓,峰峦重迭,巍峨耸立。塔楼成山,梅溪湖作水,观景岛为洲,与周边环境共同营造出一幅长沙 “山水洲城”微型缩影景象。
“An architectural landmark must be contextually created. It has to interact with local surroundings, and to connect with its culture, environment and history. Direct imitation and replication would not work. It is meaningless to imitate something of the past.” Aedas Global Design Principal Dr. Andy Wen selected geomorphological features the best represent Changsha. He takes cue from the unique local mountainscape, to outline contour of the tower by curves of the steep and rocky peaks. Resonating with Mexi Lake and Gwangjing Island nearby, Dr. Andy Wen has reflected a miniature of Changsha - “a city of mountain and water”.
The design depicts the local mountainous landscape in a modern approach. The tower is divided into four rectangles in a staggered layout, framing dynamic reflections of cityscape. Such design also fully utilises its internal space, and maximises views within. Four staggered square volumes are set on top of tower to house different functions, alluding to multiple layers of the local rocky peaks. The podium is formed in stone-framed glasses, reminiscent of rocks protruding between mountain peaks. The overall tower design complements the natural landscape of Changsha, to convey an iconic architectural statement.
A huge LED screen adds a modern touch to the conceptual statement of traditional mountainscape. Like a glowing pearl, the champagne-colored screen decorates the adjacent Meixi Lake. Like an urban lighthouse, the screen displays varying lighting effects over time. It echoes with the art center sitting on the east of Meixi Lake, to showcase the unique cultural character of Changsha.
LED屏随时间显示不同灯光的效果图/The LED screen displays varying lighting effects
Facade design pays tribute to the “old streets of Changsha”, and integrates itself with local culture. The design team researched comprehensively on the old streets, then extracted key elements - classic vertical lines, arcades and balconies, to be embedded into the façade expression of tower and podium. Such design values local and cultural heritage with modernity.
裙楼石材边框的玻璃盒子商业体/Glass-box retail in podium
借鉴长沙老街骑楼元素的裙楼立面/Podium façade with elements of old streets of Changsha
Designers take careful considerations on both the surrounding environment and commercial values. Office tower and retail podium are zoned independently. The tower is located at southeast of the plot to optimize exposure, whilst the LED lighting screen and key elevation are oriented to the east, overlooking the Meixi Lake. The podium sits at sides of west and north. It adjoins the main street and public transportation systems, and thus maximise value of the retail façade. The central square is enclosed by the tower and podium, and it is connected with the landscape architecture south of the site. This welcoming placemaking provides multiple green spaces for leisure.
东侧梅溪湖方向的立面展示效果/East façade along Meixi Lake
功能分区示意图/Functional zoning
董事:Dr Andy Wen(温子先博士),全球设计董事
Location: Changsha, China
Scope of Work: Design and Project Architect
Client: China Jinmao Holdings Group Limited
Gross Area: 210,000 sqm
Completion Year: 2023
Director: Global Design Principal Dr Andy Wen