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Open, Two-phase International Urban Design Ideas Competition Berlin-Brandenburg 2070


柏林,以我们所熟知的其中心,住宅区和郊区 - 标志着它在2020年诞生100周年。这是一个值得庆祝的理由,也是一个思考该地区未来发展的动力。柏林,我们常听说它的市中心、住宅区和郊区,将在2020年进行城市100周年庆典。庆典的另一层含义实则是在促进人们对于地区未来发展的思考。经过多年的城市发展低迷期,柏林勃兰登堡地区逐步地焕发生机,其中包括人口的增长、就业机会的增多、物流的更新换代、住宅的开发、交通系统的发展、公共交通的升级等方面。柏林是个大都市,其发展远超出其行政边界。因此当前需要大众对于柏林的整体发展进行构思,其中包括整体地区的可持续规划,也包括不同街区的具体功能。无论是政治家、商界还是社会公民,都有充分的理由一再呼吁进行构思规划。

人们该如何塑造未来的城市?柏林Architekten- und Ingenieur-Verein zu协会希望在庆祝柏林100年的同时,通过柏林勃兰登堡2070国际城市设计竞赛来完成这项内容,其中包含两个阶段。




主办方:Berlin 2020 gGmbH
注册截止日期:2019年9月27日 23:00
作品提交截止日期:2019年11月11日 23:00



非专业评审团成员有柏林和勃兰登堡政府,另外还有柏林Architekten- und Ingenieur-Verein zu协会的成员。主办方还会邀请能够代表政府、民用企业、商业界的成员作为嘉宾。



Arno Lederer/建筑师/斯图加特
Brigitte Bundesen Svarre/建筑学博士/Architect “Gehl Architects ApS”/哥本哈根
Cornelia Müller/景观设计师/Hochschule Osnabrück, Fakultät Agrarwissenschaften und Landschaftsarchitektur/柏林
Ellen van Loon/OMA建筑事务所建筑师/鹿特丹
Hans Kollhoff/建筑师/柏林
Jo Coenen Beheer/建筑师与城市规划者
Oliver Schwedes/教授/博士
Reiner Nagel/建筑师/城市规划者/波次坦
Werner Durth/建筑师/社会学家/建筑历史学者

Christoph Metzger/教授/博士
Silke Weidner/教授/城市规划者

Benedikt Goebel/教授/历史学家/柏林
Harald Bodenschatz/教授/社会科学家/城市规划者/柏林
Kathrin Schneider/勃兰登堡地方市政局代表
Markus Tubbesing/教授/建筑师
Reinhard Hüttl/教授
Tobias Nöfer/教授/建筑师/柏林
Wolfgang Schuster/教授/建筑师/波茨坦


Berlin as we know it – with its centres, residential quarters, and suburbs – marks its 100th anniversary in 2020. A reason to celebrate, but also a spur to think about the future development of the region. After years of stagnation, dynamism is returning to the Berlin-Brandenburg region: population growth, new flows of commuters and goods, new quarters and housing developments, a new rail map, a radically new airport arrangement, and a growing public transport system. Berlin is a metropolis, its integrated hinterland extending far beyond its administrative boundaries. What we need now is a broad public debate ranging from sustainable planning of growth across the region as a whole to the specific role of individual neighbourhoods within the growing metropolis. Both politicians and representatives of business and civil society have repeatedly called for such a debate, and with good reason.
How can we shape the future city? The Architekten- und Ingenieur-Verein zu Berlin aims to fertilise the debate by organising a two-phase International Urban Design Ideas Competition for Berlin-Brandenburg 2070, coinciding with this year’s 100th anniversary of the founding of (Greater) Berlin.
The main objective of the International Urban Design Ideas Competition for Berlin-Brandenburg 2070 is not to create a completely different, new metropolitan region beside or within the space occupied by the existing one, but to develop and improve the existing framework by building on its special strengths, features, and peculiarities. With a fundamentally outstanding transport network, diversity of centres, housing stock of above- average quality, and comparative lack of urban sprawl in its hinterland, the metropolitan region possesses ideal preconditions for future development. These need to be identified, maintained, developed, and improved. Achieving sustainable development means bringing together past and future in an integrated approach.
The object of Phase One is to prepare an overall plan of the Competition area with guiding principles for the spatial development of the Berlin-Brandenburg region at scale 1:100,000, as well as a planning concept for a selected site in 2070, which clearly represents the author’s concept and ideas for the city’s future. The site can be chosen freely from within the entire Competition area.
A registration is possible under the following address until 27 September 2019:

Title :Open, Two-phase International Urban Design Ideas Competition Berlin-Brandenburg 2070
Type : Competition Announcement (Ideas)
Website :
Organizers : Berlin 2020 gGmbH
Registration Deadline : 27/09/2019 23:00
Submission Deadline : 11/11/2019 23:00
Venue : Berlin
Price : Free
After examining the Phase One submissions, the jury will select 20 teams (firms) to submit expanded contributions in Phase Two.

Phase Two of the International Urban Design Ideas Competition will focus above all on deepening the structural development ideas through an overall plan at scale 1:100,000 and proposals for three specific sites, freely selected in connection with ten topics. Two slides are to be prepared for each of the three sites. At least one of the selected sites must be in Brandenburg and one in Berlin.
Architects or urban planners are eligible to enter, in collaboration with landscape architects. The organiser recommends drawing as applicable on planning expertise in other fields (for example mobility/transport planners).
The members of the expert jury represent the various disciplines associated with the Competition brief. The expert jury comprises ten members and two substitutes.
The members of the lay jury are representatives of the states of Berlin and Brandenburg and members of the Architekten- und Ingenieur-Verein zu Berlin. The organiser intends to include representatives of administration, politics, civil society and business as non-voting guests.
The jury for Phase One will meet on 24 November 2019.

The jury meetings for Phase Two are scheduled for June 2020. Expert jury members:

Arno Lederer, Prof. Dipl.-Ing., Architect, Stuttgart
Brigitte Bundesen Svarre, MA Modern Culture, PhD Architecture, Architect “Gehl Architects ApS”, Copenhagen
Cornelia Müller, Prof. La.Arch. Dipl.-Ing., Landscape Architect, Hochschule Osnabrück, Fakultät Agrarwissenschaften und Landschaftsarchitektur, Berlin
Ellen van Loon, Architect “Office for Metropolitan Architecture”, (OMA) Rotterdam- t.b.c.
Hans Kollhoff, Prof. Dipl.-Ing., Architect, Berlin
Jo Coenen Beheer B.V. Prof. Ir. J.M.J., Architect and Urban Planner, TU Delft, Maastricht – t.b.c. Miroslav Sik, Prof., Architect, ETH Zürich
Oliver Schwedes, Prof. Dr., TU Berlin Fachgebiet für Integrierte Verkehrsplanung am Institut für Land- und Seeverkehr
Reiner Nagel, Dipl.-Ing., Architect, Urban Planner, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Bundesstiftung Baukultur, Potsdam
Werner Durth, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Architect, Sociologist, Architectural Historian, TU Darmstadt

Substitutes for the expert jury
Christoph Metzger, Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. Ing. habil., Kunstwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Geschichte und Theorie der Klangkunst, Braunschweig
Silke Weidner, Prof. Dr.-Ing., Urban Planner, Institutsleiterin des Instituts für Stadtplanung an der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus – Senftenberg (BTU)

Lay jury members
Benedikt Goebel, Dr. phil., Historian, Berlin
Harald Bodenschatz, Prof. Dr., Social Science, Urban Planning, Berlin
Kathrin Schneider, Ministerin für Infrastruktur und Landesplanung des Landes Brandenburg – t.b.c. Katrin Lompscher, Senatorin für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen Berlin
Markus Tubbesing, Prof. Dr. phil., Architect, FH Potsdam
Reinhard Hüttl, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h.c. Wissenschaftlicher Vorstand, Vorstandsvorsitzender Helmholtz- Zentrum Potsdam, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Tobias Nöfer, Dipl.-Ing., Architect, Berlin
Wolfgang Schuster, Prof. Dr. h.c. Dipl.-Ing., Architect, Potsdam




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