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Office ParkScheerbarth在柏林增建的显眼的明亮红色木质建筑
Office ParkScheerbarth adds bright red-timber building to compact Berlin site


建筑工作室Office ParkScheerbarth 在柏林一处紧凑的河畔地块上建造了一座多功能建筑:Haus 2+,建筑有着鲜红色的曲线造型。

该建筑位于 Holzmarkt 25 号,这里曾经是一个木材港口,现已发展成为一个文化区,该建筑采用木结构和鲜红色的落叶松覆层,旨在与周围的建筑形成鲜明对比。

Bright red curving forms and cubic volumes form Haus 2+, a mixed-use building that architecture studio Office ParkScheerbarth has added to a compact riverside site in Berlin.
Located in Holzmarkt 25, a former lumber port that has been developed into a cultural district, the building features a timber structure and bright red-painted larch cladding that is intended to contrast the surrounding structures.

▲ Haus 2+ 是柏林的一座红色多功能建筑
Haus 2+ is a red mixed-used building in Berlin

Office ParkScheerbarth 的联合创始人 Moojin Park 说:“我们希望为周围环境锦上添花,而不是突兀地无中生有。”


"We wanted to add to rather than emerge from the seemingly improvised surroundings," said Office ParkScheerbarth co-founder Moojin Park.
"Yet, we are also inspired by the vibrancy of the cultural quarter. To both harmonise and contrast, we created a timber building with a monochrome aesthetic and a clear sculptural quality," she told Dezeen.

▲ Haus2+的占地面积很小
It is located on a compact site


工作室联合创始人本杰明-谢尔巴特(Benjamin Scheerbarth)补充说:“色调和色相十分直观,但经过分析检验,我们试图参考和借鉴整个地区现有的红色斑块元素。”

According to the studio, the red colour draws on "patches" of colour nearby and is intended to signal the entrance to the cultural district.
"The tone and hue are both intuitive and analytic, trying to reference and build upon existing red patches throughout the area," added studio co-founder Benjamin Scheerbarth.

▲ 设有阳台和靠窗座位
The building features balconies and window seats

Haus 2+ 位于该区入口附近街道的一个小缺口处,共三层。分为六个单元,分别由纹身工作室、理疗师和摄影工作室等不同商家经营。


Set into a small gap in the street near the district's entrance, Haus 2+ is spread across three storeys. These are divided into six units occupied by businesses including a tattoo studio, a physiotherapist, and a photography studio.
Inside, the studio arranged the units based on their sizes, nestling the smaller ones closer to the river and the larger spaces towards the street.

▲ Haus 2+ 共有六个单元
Haus 2+ contains six units

Park 说:“我们的目标是使所有单元无论大小都具有吸引力。因此我们将较小的单元朝向河边,较大的单元朝向街道。”


Scheerbarth 说:“无论是通过阳台、坐式窗台还是挤压箱形窗,每个单元都有与外部互动的独特时刻。”


"The goal was to make all units attractive regardless of their size," Park explained. "This led us to place the smaller units towards the riverside and the larger ones towards the street."
Balconies and windows with seats protrude from the building throughout, framing views of the river and surrounding district.
"Each unit has a unique moment to interact with the outside, whether through a balcony, a sit-in window nook, or an extruded box window," said Scheerbarth.
On the top floor, the curving form of the building is expressed internally through a sweeping ceiling. White-painted walls feature throughout the interior, contrasting the bright colour of the exterior.

▲ 选择红色是为了让建筑更加突出
he red colour was chosen to make the building stand out

由于预算紧张,且建筑面积只有 200 平方米,舍尔巴特工作室希望通过邻近音乐厅现有的外部楼梯间,最大限度地利用建筑内部的可用空间,并在建筑顶部增加一个屋顶露台。

屋顶露台通过一座金属桥与相邻建筑相连,成为 Holzmarkt 25 开放式屋顶脉络的一部分,其中包含有桥梁、人行道和阳台。

Restricted by a tight budget and a small floor area of 200 square metres, Office ParkScheerbarth aimed to maximise the space available within the structure by using an existing external stairwell that belongs to the neighbouring concert hall, as well as adding a roof terrace to the top of the building.
Connected to the neighbouring structures by a metal bridge, the roof terrace forms part of Holzmarkt 25's network of open rooftops that feature bridges, walkways, and balconies.

▲ 内部采用白色墙壁,与外部形成鲜明对比
he interior has white walls to contrast the exterior

为了向Holzmarkt作为木材贸易港口的历史致敬,Office ParkScheerbarth 采用了全木质结构。


Aiming to nod to Holzmarkt's history as a wood trading port, Office ParkScheerbarth made the structure entirely from timber.
Outside, the building is coated in larch cladding, while wooden details such as pine window frames also feature across the spaces.

▲ 建筑的曲线在室内清晰可见
The curved form of the building is visible in the interior

Haus 2+ 结合了三种木结构建筑系统,Scheerbarth 说明道:“木结构墙体和楼板构件都由云杉制成,定向刨花板由云杉和松木混合制成。”


"Haus 2+ combines three timber construction systems," Scheerbarth explained. "The timber frame walls are from spruce with oriented strand board panels from a spruce-pine mix. The slab elements are also from spruce."
"Regionally prefabricated and screwed instead of glued, all components can be disassembled, segregated, and reused with little effort," the studio expanded.





图片:Jan Bitter

The photography is by Jan Bitter.




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