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Image Cortesía de Foster & Partners

50 Years After the Moon Landing: 15 Architecture Projects for Life in Space




This past July 20th was the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Mission, which departed Earth on July 16, 1969 and touched down on the moon 4 days later. This moment marked a milestone for humanity and, to this day, makes us reflect on how technological progress is bringing us ever closer to life beyond planet Earth.
With the help of 3D printers, highly developed and fully automated constructive technology, we have compiled a selection of 15 architectural projects that demonstrate that life on the moon and beyond is closer than we've ever imagined.


居住月球 / 福斯特建筑事务所


Architecture for Living on the Moon
LUNAR LIVING / Foster + Partners

In collaboration with European Space Agency (ESA), in 2012 Foster + Partners presented a project titled "Lunar Habitation," a space residence developed through study and experimentation that could house up to four people. With their proposal, the architects behind the project explore the possibility of using 3D printing to construct housing at the Moon's south pole, where sunlight permanently shines.

Image Cortesía de Foster & Partners

月亮村落 / SOM


Developed in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Moon Village project was established as the first human settlement that, through emphasizing durability and self-sufficiency, could be the first permanent human settlement on the Moon. This multidisciplinary project, to be presented in 2019, will be planned, designed, and developed by SOM.

Image © SOM / Slashcube GmbH

Image © SOM / Slashcube GmbH

测试实验 / Monika Lipinska, Laura Nadine Olivier and Inci Lize Ogun


TEST LAB / Monika Lipinska, Laura Nadine Olivier and Inci Lize Ogun
The Test Lab project is the winner of the "Moontopia" international design contest and stands out as self-sustaining lunar settlement, designed as a place for living, working, and research. Out of hundreds of entries, it was chosen by a jury of spacial architects, academics, and designers from NASA. The structure's design allows it to expand on completely on its own by using an auto-assembly method of 3D printing, enabling the gradual colonization of the Moon over time.

Image Cortesía de Eleven Magazine

Image Cortesía de Eleven Magazine

MOMENTUM VIRIUM in L1 / Sergio Bianchi, Jonghak Kim, Simone Fracasso, Alejandro Jorge Velazco Ramirez

“Momentun Virium”项目的地理位置非常特殊,既然月亮是一颗卫星,它也有着完整的表面,人们也许有能够在此生活的那一天,因此在设计方案中,建筑师将建筑放置在月球的轨道之上,通过电梯将这座太空城市和月球表面连接起来,整个项目充满了诗意与科幻质感。

The Momentun Virium Project is distinguished by its interesting placement. Understanding that the Moon is a natural satellite and that its integrity should not be obstructed by human constructions, the architects behind the project proposed placing their structure in Moon's orbit instead of on its surface. An elevator would link this space-city with the lunar surface below, providing a sensible and elegant solution that combines poetry and science fiction.

Image Cortesía de Eleven Magazine

Image Cortesía de Eleven Magazine

MODULPIA / Alessandro Giorgi, Cai Feng, Siyuan PanEsteban Analuiza


With modular characteristics, Modulpia is a structure that could organically expand itself over time and supply its own food by using plants that would provide oxygen and dispose of CO2 while also providing drinking water through greywater purification -- embodying the concept of bio-regeneration. By using a structural system called Weair-Phelan, the project proposes to generate an expandable landscape that would allow us to inhabit the Moon using relatively economical, sustainable, and simple means.  

Image Cortesía de Eleven Magazine

Image Cortesía de Eleven Magazine

月亮绿洲 / Edward Chew


LUNAR OASIS / Edward Chew
Lunar Oasis defines itself as a "biophilic sanctuary" that aims to reconnect the Moon's inhabitants with Earth's nature by focusing on vegetation as a way to combat the Moon's sterile landscape, thus supporting us in one of the most hostile environments known to humans.

Image Cortesía de Eleven Magazine

Image Cortesía de Eleven Magazine

大气层 / Stephanie Stiers

就空间而言,“大气层”是规模最小的月球项目。建筑师Stephanie Stiers以“太空旅行”为设计出发点,设计了一套可移动的空间装备,该装备主要满足使用者的生存需求。这个项目关注于月球上的临时逗留,参观者可以在既定的路线上进行探索。

THE AEROSPHERE / Stephanie Stiers
Dimensionally speaking, “The Aerosphere”  is the smallest project out of all the proposals aiming to have us living on the Moon. It's based on a refuge that focuses on the possibility of "space tourism." With this idea in mind, Stephanie Stiers designed a transportable suit that acts as life support and satisfies all of the wearer's needs. This project focuses on a temporary and nomadic stay on the moon, allowing participants to explore the Moon using predetermined touristic routes.

Image Cortesía de Eleven Magazine

Image Cortesía de Eleven Magazine


火星科学城 / BIG + Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center

该项目的设计团队由BIG建筑事务所联合工程师、科学家、设计师共同组成,这些专业人员来源于Mohammed bin Rashid太空中心,项目开发于2017年,目的是构思一座模拟火星生活的城市,研究人员们研究了能够抵抗火星辐射与热量的设计策略。这座名为“火星科学城”的项目由3D打印技术施工而成,利用Emirati沙漠中的沙子来建造,构成了实验性生活场所,研究团队会将在此居住1年。

Architecture for Life on Mars
MARS SCIENCE CITY / BIG + Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center

Designed by a team of engineers, scientists, and designers from the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center in association with BIG, this project, presented in 2017, aims to create a city that simulates living conditions on Mars. By doing so, they will research and test building strategies that will withstand the radiation and heat on Mars. The city, called Mars Science City, will be built using 3D printing that will use sand from the Emirati desert, creating an experimental living space that the team will inhabit for a year.

Image Cortesía de Dubai Media Office

Image Cortesía de Dubai Media Office

MARSHA / AI Space Factory

AI SpaceFactory设计的“Marsha”是“美国宇航局百年挑战”设计竞赛的获奖方案。该项目使用了3D打印技术和机器窗户安装技术,通过各种材料建造而成,这些材料由提取于火星岩石中的玄武岩和生物塑料。该项目与人们息息相关,塑造了当代太空建筑的新形象,注重空间的宜居性。

The Marsha prototype, from AI SpaceFactory, is the winning proposal from the "NASA Centennial Challenge." Built using 3D printing technology and incorporating robotically installed windows, the project experiments with different building materials like basalt fiber extracted from Martian rocks and bio-plastic. Marsha challenges the image of architecture in the Space era, focusing on highly livable spaces as they relate to us Earth-dwellers.

Image © AI SpaceFactory and Plomp

Image © AI SpaceFactory and Plomp

火星案例研究 / OPEN Architecture事务所 + 小米


MARS CASE / OPEN Architecture + Xiaomi
Presented in 2018, Mars Case  is a minimalist living prototype for inhabiting Mars. Through this project, OPEN Architecture visualizes the ideal house, combining technological perfection with design and architecture. MARS Case integrates Xiaomi's individual electronic appliances into a synthesized product, optimizing the available space and resources. Through the re-circulation of heat, condensation, and other secondary products generated by every electronic device, the house recycles energy, water, and air through an integrated ecosystem, minimizes the consumption of resources.

Image © WU Qingshan

Image © WU Qingshan

火星殖民 / ZA Architects


German firm ZA Architects, through the Mars Colonization project proposes to build a massive underground network of tunnels to begin populating the red planet. Through technology and robotics, they would first carve out large caverns in the planet's basaltic rocks to later insure the oxygen and water supply through the production of an underground glacier in a basalt processing plant.

Image © ZA Architect

Image © ZA Architect

火星栖息地 / 福斯特建筑事务所


MARS HABITAT / Foster & Partners

In 2015, after the presentation of their project for living on the Moon and during a contest sponsored by NASA, Foster & Partners proposed a modular residence made for life on Mars. Mars Habitat is a plan to develop a settlement built by semi-autonomous, pre-programmed robots. By using a 3D printing system, it will develop robust living modules that will be able to house up to 4 astronauts. On top of that, these residences will be built from Mars' own rocks. The robots will be configured and sent before the astronauts arrive.

Image Cortesía de Foster & Partners

Image Cortesía de Foster & Partners

冰屋 / SEArch + Clouds AO

“冰屋”项目是“3D打印栖息地挑战”项目的获胜方案,该竞赛由美国航天局主办。在这个项目中,Space Exploration建筑事务所和Clouds建筑工作室利用了火星当地材料、3D打印技术,并用冷冻水来保护居住者免遭辐射的影响。“冰屋”利用了冰块来过滤阳光的直射,整个项目以在火星生存为基础。

ICE House / SEArch + Clouds AO
The project ICE House stands out as the winner of the “3D Printed Habitat Challenge” sponsored by NASA. Here, using native martian materials and 3D printing, SEArch (Space Exploration Architecture) and Clouds AO (Clouds Architecture Office) use frozen water as a crucial element to protect the hypothetical residents from radiation. Using ice's ability to filter the sun's rays, ICE HOUSE prioritizes life on Mars, distinguishing itself from the many projects that opt to cover up their prototypes.

Image © Clouds AO y SEArch

Image © Clouds AO y SEArch

火星乌托邦 / IDEA Architecture 工作室

该项目由IDEA建筑工作室的西班牙建筑师Alberto Villanueva主要负责,“火星乌托邦”项目利用火星表面的材料和菌体,构成能够承受极端天气条件的结构空间,人工搭载小型大气层,让人们能够居住于此。设计方案中,建筑师将生物发光细菌用作有机溶液,从而在火星上产生光线。

MARS UTOPIA / IDEA Architecture Office
Spanish architect Alberto Villanueva from the IDEA Architecture Office, with his Mars Utopía project, proposes using materials from Mars' own surface and mycelium from fungus, an element known for its structural qualities and its ability to tolerate extreme conditions, to create a small atmospheric layer over the planet to make it habitable. His proposal also includes bio-luminescent bacteria as an organic solution to generate light on the planet.

Image Cortesía de Alberto Villanueva

Image Cortesía de Alberto Villanueva



Clouds AO建筑工作室曾经尝试利用火星上的冰层,而在这个项目中,建筑师尝试了漂浮在5000公里的太空之中的建筑。这个设计方案目的是在太空中建造摩天大楼,它能够与地球的自转共同使用轨道的周期。建筑漂浮于空气之中,因此建造地点不受限制,在建造完成后再运送到特定的位置。

Architecture Suspended in Space

The architecture studio Clouds AO, which we mentioned earlier for its design utilizing Martian ice, also has a proposal for an innovative building suspended 5000 km in the air. The hypothetical project hopes to implement skyscrapers in a geo-synchronized orbit, sharing their orbital period with the Earth's rotation. Being suspended in air, they could be built anywhere in the world and afterwards transport themselves to their atmospheric resting place.





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