Culturist Coffee House / SVOYA Studio
来自建筑事务所的描述。CULTURIST咖啡屋位于Dnipro 中央大道上一家古老建筑的一层。这间咖啡屋的定位并不只是一个休闲的场所,更是一个文化空间。从室内的元素到咖啡用具,这里的每一个元素都呼应这一主题。这间咖啡屋充满着静谧与安宁的氛围。然而内部空间并不限制顾客,而是为娱乐,交流和文化发展创造出一种理想的约束环境。
Text description provided by the architects. Coffee House "CULTURIST" is located on the first floor of a historic building on the Central Avenue of the Dnipro city. This Coffee House positions itself not just as a place of leisure, but as a cultural space where every element corresponds to this idea - from interior elements to coffee paraphernalia. It is a Coffee House with its atmosphere and ideology. Where the interior does not dominate the guests, but creates an optimal restrained entourage for recreation, communication and cultural development.
On the area of 70m2 has been achieved to place the coffee house hall with a bar area, where is the process of making coffee, and a small technical room, as well as one bathroom. For the comfort of guests was mounted vestibule.
The Coffee House provides seating for 36 people in different areas -bar (at the service area and at the window) sofa area and comfortable chairs, a large central community table.
以前,这里是儿童中心,所有的墙面采用石膏板,天花板采用阿姆斯特朗系统。拆除之后 ,天花板上发现一根灰泥装饰的横梁。建筑师决定去掉它,并保存墙上部分的砖石以及它的色彩。墙是由砖与灰泥有机结合而成。建筑师决定保留中心柱的古老元素,将其突出表达,并给它罩上玻璃盒子,地板由混凝土和压碎的大理石组合而成。大理石突出了咖啡馆的主要功能区域。
Previously, the room was a children's center and finishing all the walls were sheathed with plasterboard, and the ceiling by Armstrong system. After dismantling, a beam with stucco decoration was found on the ceiling. And it was decided to leave it, as well as partially save Ekaterinoslav brick on the walls (with tinted). Brick is very organically combined with plaster on the walls. It was decided to make the central column in the hall an accent element, highlighting and taking in a glass box. The floor covering is a combination of concrete and crushed marble. Marble highlights the main functional areas of the Coffee House.
幸运的是,照明和装饰由乌克兰生产制造。这里有很多专门为这间咖啡屋设计的独特设计细节。所有天花板上和墙上的灯都是单独设计并专门为咖啡屋定制,入口处的大量镜子,则由 SVOYA 事务所设计。
Furniture, lighting and decor preferably Ukrainian production. There are many unique design details designed for this Coffee House. All ceiling and wall lamps were designed and manufactured individually for the Coffee House. As well as massive mirrors at an entrance - design from SVOYA studio.
Naming and identity was developed by SAMOSOBOY, according to the values and vision of the customer.
建筑设计:SVOYA Studio
面积:70.0 ㎡
照片:Alexander Angelovskiy
制造商:Autodesk Media and Entertainment, Graphisoft SE, Harmony, Chaos Software
Architects: SVOYA Studio
Area: 70.0 m2
Year: 2019
Photographs: Alexander Angelovskiy
Manufacturers: Propro, Chaos Software, Autodesk Media and Entertainment, Graphisoft SE
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