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Different from office buildings for rent and sale,
Headquarters building falls into customized designs.
Architects should listen to users’ needs,
understand the Company’s aesthetic positioning of brands,
and then materialize them into spatial language.
Such projects are usually realistic and logical,
With room for imagination beyond reasoning and problem solving.




Resonant Magnetic Field
It is not merely an office building
For enterprises, the headquarters building should be able to create a resonant magnetic field between the corporate culture and the place, and become the “second home” of workers to help enterprises shape a unique “sense of belonging” and “cohesion”. For cities, given the fact of emerging tycoons in the current era and the construction of extra huge headquarters building in succession, the headquarters building has the potential to become a new type of "urban complex" if it can ensure its own operation while giving back to urban life.

△ 总部办公与租赁办公的区分
(goa × CTBUH 总部研讨活动)
△ Distinction between Headquarters Office and Leased Office
(goa × CTBUH Seminars)


It took GOA 7 years to customize such a headquarters building for Yasha Group since 2012. Yasha Group is a well-known enterprise in domestic decoration industry with business covering the design and construction of exterior wall and interior decoration. If you want to know something more specific of this company, the primary characteristic is its constant and clear aesthetic tendency and persistent pursuit of professional engineering technology.

△ 亚厦集团总部官方网站
△ Official Website of Yasha Group's Headquarters


In the process of construction, Yasha’s corporate culture as a core factor deeply influenced the complete process of the project from conception to details, and the architects took office space and urban life into account. The final work can be said to be the result of the resonance of these two factors.





A Game of Stacking Boxes
Richness under Simple Order
The site, 10 kilometers away from the downtown of the old city of Hangzhou, is in an area with great potential for development. It is a rectangular flat land with an aspect ratio of approximately 1:2 and total area of about 35,400 square meters. In the future, it will be a brand-new exhibition area, but at the beginning of the project design in 2012, there was no construction around the plot, which was a typical land for new town.

△ 项目区位图(杭州主城区、西湖、五云山、12.2公里、钱塘江)
△ Project Location(, Main Districts of Hangzhou, West Lake, Wuyun Mountain, 12.2 km, Qiantang River)


After a period of exploration in the direction of design, understanding that the fundamental demand of the owner is not to pursue the unique appearance of the office building per se, but to create a premium and stable space atmosphere with plain design", the challenge facing architects gradually looms large. Since simpleness, symmetry and stability turn out to be boring, then, how to make space more interesting under a simple and stable plane?

△ 体量研究(80m塔楼 突兀于环境、50m 塔楼 协调于环境)
△ Volume Research(80m Tower, incompatible with environment, 50m Tower, compatible with environment)


First of all, the architects compared the line of sight to the mountains on the site, and determined the volume to be four 12-story 50m towers. With this volume framework, both internal and external spatial relations are smooth. The plane of each office tower was almost a complete rectangle, and the volume was symmetrical on the short side of the site, while the long side was cut into two unequal sections according to the requirements of capacity of each tower.

△ 总平面图
△ General Layout


The simple structure contains great possibilities - when the elements are set as extremely simple square boxes, the overall richness of the space can be expressed diversely depending on the logical relationship between the boxes and the hierarchy of the spatial structure. The definition of the six interfaces of the boxes brought different spatial attributes, while the definition of the interfaces between the boxes made the relationship between them diversified. In this way, the seemingly open-and-shut design has evolved into a game of stacking boxes that eventually evolved into towers, ground courtyards and sunken courtyards, entrance canopies, and overpasses and so on, forming a bright and rich spatial sequence. Therefore, the initial challenge of the design will be solved accordingly.

△ 概念发展
△ Development of Design Concept

△ 概念剖面
△ Profile of Concept



△ 叠盒子:线、面、体
△ Staking Boxes: Line, Plane, Volume




Semi-open Garden
Balancing urbanity and privacy
At its inception, the architects planned a diverse function plan based on the dialogue with the business owner, envisioning the park to become "a space with its own strong sense of territory, but being open to the city." The architects hoped that the headquarters can accommodate some visitors while providing activities for its own employees, so as to maintain the vitality of the underlying business located at the boundary of the park, and to promote the development of the new town in the region while helping the building blend with the outer city.

△ 最初的功能规划
△ Initial Functional Planning

△ 建筑师设想总部建筑具有一定的开放性
△ The architects envisioned that the headquarters building should be open

然而,随着设计的深入,这一设想与业主对于管理可控性的强烈诉求产生了一定矛盾。经过平衡,“可视而不可达”成为一个折衷做法,建筑师试图通过加强人在视线上的感知来达成一种 “联结感”。

As the design progressed, however, this idea was contradicted with the owner's strong demand for managerial controllability. After balancing, "visibility and unreachability" became a compromise choice. The architects managed to achieve a sense of "connection" by enhancing the perception of people's sight.

△ “可视而不可达”
△ "Visible and Unreachable"


The originally open and travelable ground-floor courtyard became a "semi-open" garden. Several passages that divide the volume of podiums were set up with a landscape water system or a sinking space, although the accessibility was limited, the sight was unobstructed. There are gray spaces with a ceiling on the border, and passerby can see the interior of headquarters through the glass.

△ 办公门厅采用超白玻,形成视线通廊
△ The hall of this building uses clear glass, forming a sight corridor

△ 园区边界的灰空间,可由外部向内窥视
△ The gray space at the boundary of the park can be viewed from the outside





Flat Building Skin
Basic attributes were superimposed to create a delicate texture
The building facade continued the concept of "simpleness and richness", and the completely "flat" but exquisite facade fit the corporate image. The basic attributes of facade are usually simply understood as three settings of transparency-translucency-opacity; however, these three basic attributes can be combined with factors such as materials, colors, and textures to bring infinite forms.
The curtain walls of main building with the height of 3.9m were divided into units with a height 1.3m. They expressed themselves by horizontally protruding lines and  hidden vertical lines only divided by thin metal strips 25mm in width on the glass surface. According to the space requirements, the facade of the podium adopted fully transparent and ultra-clear glass, opal or gray glass, gray or champagne metal grille, gray granite curtain wall and various stainless steel surfaces. All materials were spliced with each other in extremely small linear structures, in order to keep the shape simple and convey the delicate texture of the building skin.



△ 平坦的表皮
△ Flat Building Skin


The ventilation of glass curtain wall had always been one of the problems that puzzled architects. On the one hand, natural ventilation can be energy-saving and environmentally friendly, which is in line with the psychological needs corresponding to the traditional Chinese concept of human settlement; on the other hand, poorly arranged window sashes will impact the facade of the curtain wall, so it was a big challenge for architects to achieve minimalist building. From the perspective of ergonomics, the architects arranged the window sashes at a distance of about 60cm from the indoor floor, so that people can feel the natural wind when working in the office. At the same time, the architects studied a variety of ways to hide the window sashes, considering the use of perforated aluminum plates to cover them, and made a 1:1 model. However, in the final implementation, the owner still chose more traditional window sashes.

△ 幕墙立面开启扇及细部做法(铝合金横线条、开启窗)
△ Window Sashes and Details of Curtain Wall Facade(Aluminum Bar, Window Sash )

△ 门厅玻璃肋使用极小勾边(LOW-E钢化中空玻璃+衬板、夹胶钢化玻璃、铝合金格栅、超白钢化夹胶玻璃肋板、19mm钢化玻璃面板、拉丝抗指纹不锈钢饰面门框、12mm钢化玻璃地弹门)
△ The glass ribs in the hall use extremely small hooks(LOW-E tempered insulating glass plus liner plate, Laminated tempered glass, Aluminum grille, Ribbed plate of ultra-clear tempered laminated glass, 19mm tempered glass panel, Brushed fingerprint resistant stainless steel decorative door frame, 12mm tempered glass spring door)


Thanks to Yasha Group's profession and high standards in exterior wall decoration, many exquisite operations have been implemented in this project, such as a printed glass surface with a height of 11m and width of only 0.4m, and a cable curtain wall with the height of 38m. On the other hand, some structural dimensions that need to be weakened, including the hooks of small-unit curtain walls, the joints of glass-ribbed curtain walls, and floodlighting lamps, were all controlled within a limited size.

△ 办公门厅内部
△ Inside of the


△ 室内外细部的对线情况
△ Alignment of Indoor and Outdoor Details


"Integrated" design thinking ran through the project. The architects fully considered the unified counterpoint relationship between the design results of architecture, landscape, interior in their creations. The alignment of the building skin division was the most basic and difficult part under this goal. All divisions were based on the virtual axis and designed with the same modulus unit. Take the position control of the surface of the curtail wall as an example: if there was a change in the position of the surface due to structures, they would make partial changes on the last piece without adjusting the division modulus of the large surface. The unification of principles and benchmarks allowed architects to achieve most of the vertical lines in the complex process of multi-disciplinary cooperation.




Reviewing the design process of this project, the role of the architects is like that of “tailors”. Under the established conditions, they constantly sought the resonance between the deal design and the users’ needs, and finally presented itself in a relatively tolerant attitude in the backdrop of city.
The topic that the architects tried to explore under the constraints of the project - openness of the headquarters to the city - though was not fully implemented, but the course of it was a real and transferable experience.

建筑面积:180,000 ㎡

Designed by: GOA
Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Commencement /Completion: 2011-2017
Building Area: 180,000 square meters
Chief Architect: He Jun, Zhang Xun
Full List of Design Team: Fang Ting, Wang Jin, Li Lingjie, Ma Jia
Photography: SCHRAN Image





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