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I. Background
To implement the principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on revitalizing the historical city and pushing forward the urban construction with maticulous efforts, and respond to the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee on high-quality development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the work requirements of the Notice on Further Strengthening the Management of Urban and Architectural Appearance of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the National Development and Reform Commission, Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau and Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau jointly launch the International Competition of Landscape and Functional Design for Substations in Guangzhou (the Competition) pursuant to the Notice of Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau and Guangzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau on Enhancing the Positive Guidance of Excellent Design Works and Strengthening Urban Design and Architectural Appearance Management, so as to further improve the management of urban design, planning and construction in Guangzhou, and enhance the urban environment quality.

正式公告 | 广州变电站景观及功能设计国际竞赛第1张图片


The Competition aims to establish a world’s first-class platform for design competition and solicit excellent landscape and functional design proposals for substations in Guangzhou from established Chinese and international design organizations, design masters and the general public. The goal is to better integrate the landscape and functional design of the urban substations with urban development in Guangzhou, and tackle the NIMBY (Not-In-My-Back-Yard) problems of substations from the source. Besides, the Competition is also anticipated to help make Guangzhou an attractive and clean city, maintain its national leadership in economy, revitalize the historical districts, and make new progress in all works following the principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s remarks on making new progress in four aspects (urban functions, soft power, modern services and business environment) during his inspection tour of Guangdong in October 2018.




II. Organization
The Competition is co-hosted by Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau and Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau.
The Committee of International Competition of Landscape and Functional Design for Substations in Guangzhou (hereinafter referred to as the “Competition Committee”) is set up as the decision-making body of the Competition. It organizes, coordinates, and renders guidance, supervision and inspection for the Competition, handles disputes relating to the Competition, and make decisions for key matters of the Competition.




“院士组”邀请院士,或曾获得“普利兹克”奖的国际建筑设计大师参加设计,对指定 1 处变电站项目进行设计,每个项目将形成不少于两个方案进行评选。

目前已邀请 6 名设计大师,分别是何镜堂(中国工程院院士)、王建国(中国工程院院士)、崔愷(中国工程院院士)、孟建民(中国工程院院士)、矶崎新(“普利兹克”奖得主)+胡倩、菲力普·考克斯(英国皇家建筑师终身院士、澳洲建筑师协会终身院士)。


“专业组”将公开接受国内外专业设计机构参与报名,在满足参赛单位报名条件的前提下,报名截止时间前,按指定的报名方式提交相关报名资料及对清单(见附件 1)内的2处变电站进行概念提案设计,主办方将根据报名设计机构的综合实力、拟投入项目的团队、概念提案等,择优选取设计机构作为参赛单位邀请参与本次竞赛活动。




III. Participant Categories
With three participant categories, namely “Design Masters”, “Professional” and “General Public”, the Competition intends to solicit landscape and functional design proposals for selected substations from global participants.
The Design Masters Category invites teams of academicians, fellows, or international architectural design masters who have won the Pritzker Architecture Prize to design one designated substation, and each substation will be provided with two design proposals for evaluation. By now, six design masters have been invited to the Competition, namely CAE academicians He Jingtang, Wang Jianguo, Cui Kai, and Meng Jianmin; Arata Isozaki, winner of the Pulitzer Prize + Hu Qian, and Philip Cox, RIBA International Fellow, AIA Honorary Fellow and RAIA Life Fellow
The Professional Category is open to the registration of Chinese and international design organizations. Eligible design organizations shall, by the registration deadline, submit registration materials and conceptual proposals for two enlisted substations (See Appendix 1). Hosts of the Competition will, in view of their comprehensive strength, proposed project team, concept proposals and etc., select design organizations to participate in the Competition. The shortlisted participants are required to design the substations designated by the Hosts, including the existing or new ones in CBD, the waterfronts or academic areas of the city.
The General Public Category is open to the registration of organizations or individuals from home and abroad, including design institutes, universities and etc. No limitation is set on number of participants in this category. Participants need to select substation(s) out of the ten designated by the Hosts (See Appendix 2) for design.




设计成果需达建筑与景观的方案设计阶段深度,成果内容包括说明书与图纸、展示图板、不多于 2 分钟的多媒体汇报演示文件、1:200-1:500 实体模型,具体设计要求以设计任务书为准。


专业组报名单位根据概念提案要求在指定的变电站中选择2处变电站(见附件 1),分别形成概念提案,设计内容包括但不限于设计理念分析(含站点命名)、整体空间示意、其他能够表达方案特点与亮点的内容等,每处变电站设计内容不超过 5 页。


每家入围参赛单位按举办方指定设计分组,分别对组内的2-4处变电站项目进行设计,每处变电站需提供 1个设计方案。每个设计分组将由3个入围参赛单位进行设计。


竞赛成果需达建筑与景观的方案设计阶段深度,成果内容包括说明书与图纸、展示图板、每处变电站不多于2分钟的多媒体汇报演示文件、1:200-1:500 实体模型,具体设计要求以竞赛技术文件为准。



IV. Work Contents and Detailing Level
(I) Design Masters Category
For each substation, individuals or organizations under the Design Masters Category are required to conduct designs including location and environment analysis, design concept and planning (including the naming of substation), overall functional design, master planning, architectural design (including façade and functional layout while excluding electrical design), outdoor space and garden, construction/operation/maintenance cost narratives, representation of design effect, etc. In particular, a standardized design approach is encouraged for the façade design, so that practical and cost-effective design components and combination methods could be worked out to create “standardized design products” that are easy for duplication.
The design deliverables should be detailed to the architectural and landscape SD level, and should include design narratives, drawings, display boards, multimedia presentation file within 2 minutes, and 1:200-1:500 physical model. The specific requirements are subject to the design brief of the Competition.

(II) Professional Category
Design institutes registered under the Professional Category need to select two substations from the given list (see Appendix 1) to prepare conceptual proposal according to relevant design requirements. The design contents include but are not limited to the design concept analysis (including the naming of substation), the overall spatial intent, and other contents that can show the highlights and features of the design proposal. Design documents for each substation is no more than 5 pages. The Competition Committee will select 15 design institutes as competition participants under this category based on comprehensive review on the submitted conceptual proposals.
Each participant under the Professional Category conducts design for two to four substations in a group of substations  designated by the Hosts, and submits one proposal for each substation. A total of three participants will provide designs for each group of substations.
The design contents of each substation include location and environment analysis, design concept and planning (including the naming of substation), overall functional design, master planning, architectural design (including façade and functional layout while excluding electrical design), outdoor space and garden, construction/operation/maintenance cost narratives, representation of design effect, etc. In particular, a standardized design approach is encouraged for the façade design, so that practical and cost-effective design components and combination methods could be worked out to create “standardized design products” that are easy for duplication.
The submitted proposal should be detailed to the architectural and landscape SD level, and the deliverables should include design narratives, drawings, display boards, multimedia presentation file within 2 minutes for each substation, and 1:200-1:500 physical model, with specific design requirements subject to the technical documents of the Competition.

(III) General Public Category
Each participant selects project(s) out of the ten substations (see Appendix 2) designated by the Host and conduct conceptual design accordingly. The design mainly presents the creative ideas, while deliverables include design narratives, drawings and display boards.







正式公告 | 广州变电站景观及功能设计国际竞赛第2张图片



正式公告 | 广州变电站景观及功能设计国际竞赛第3张图片



V. Rewards
(I) Design Masters Category
Individuals or organizations under the Design Masters Category whose deliverables are submitted as required by the Design Brief, meet the design requirements of the Competition as reviewed and are implementable will receive design fee for the design of each substation in view of the type of the substation. Each built substation will have the designer’s name (individuals or organization) appear on its name plate.

(II) Professional Category
1. Cost compensation:
The competition participants from the Professional Category whose deliverables are submitted as required by the technical documents and meet the requirement of the Competition as reviewed will receive the cost compensation for the design of each substation in view of the type of the substation, and those whose deliverables fail the technical review or are invalid will not receive the cost compensation. Details are set out in table below.
2. Bonus
For each substation, one winning proposal will be selected and be additionally awarded with the bonus in view of the type of the substation. Details are set out in table below.

(III) General Public Category
A total of 60 prizes are set up for the Competition. For each substation, 1 First Prize, 2 Second Prizes and 2 Third Prizes are provided, each with a bonus of RMB 20,000 yuan, 10,000 yuan and 5,000 yuan respectively. Besides, 10 Best Popularity Awards are set up, each with a bonus of 5,000 yuan.


本次竞赛时间为 2021 年 1 月至 2021 年 6 月。


















VI. Schedule
The Competition will last from January 2021 to June 2021.
(I) Professional Category
January 21, 2021: Release of Pre-announcement
February 7, 2021: Release of official announcement
March 7, 2021: Deadline for registration and start of participant shortlisting
March 12, 2021: Release of technical documents to shortlisted participants, Q&A and site visit
May 20, 2021: Submission of design proposals
Late May, 2021: Technical review & proposal evaluation meeting
June, 2021: Announcement of competition result

(II) General Public Category
January 21, 2021: Release of Pre-announcement
February 7, 2021: Release of official announcement
March 12, 2021: Release of technical documents
April 30, 2021: Deadline for registration and submission of design proposals
Early May, 2021: Online voting
Late May, 2021: Proposal evaluation meeting
June, 2021: Announcement of competition result
Note: All time and dates are subject to Beijing Time. The Hosts or Organizer reserves the right to change the above schedule.








报名截止时间预计为北京时间 2021年3 月7日下午17:00。逾期抵达的文件概不受理。







报名截止时间为北京时间2021年4月30 日下午17:00。逾期抵达的文件概不受理。

VII. Means of Competition
(I) Professional Category
1. Registration Requirements
(1) No professional qualification threshold is set for the registration of the Competition.
(2) Design institutes from the Chinese Mainland must be independent legal entities, and those from the outside of the Chinese Mainland must be design offices legally registered in the corresponding country/region.
(3) For different institutes with one same legal representative (including its wholly-owned subsidiaries and its holding company), only one is allowed to register for the Competition.
(4) Registration in name of consortium is acceptable, while each consortium should have no more than two members.
2. Means of Registration
Interested parties shall send the completed registration form duly signed and affixed with the corporate seal (see Appendix 3), commercial documents (see Appendix 5) and conceptual design proposals (see Appendix 1) to the email address designated for Professional Category by the deadline, and mail the hardcopies of such documents (signed and stamped with the corporate seal) to the Hosts by the deadline.
3. Deadline for Registration
Registration will be closed at 17:00pm, March 7, 2021 (Beijing Time). Late submission will be rejected.

(II) General Public Category
1. Registration Requirements
Registration in name of design institute, individual or team is acceptable, with a maximum of five persons for the professional credit of each design proposal.
2. Means of Registration
Interested parties shall send the duly completed and signed application form (see Appendix 4) to the email address for General Public Category by the deadline.
3. Deadline for Registration
Registration will be closed at 17:00pm, April 30, 2021 (Beijing Time). Late submission will be rejected.




本次竞赛的设计成果知识产权(不含“标准化设计产品”成果)属于主办方和竞赛组织单位 ,参赛者享有该设计成果的署名权。“标准化设计产品”(典型设计)如确定推广至其他变电站使用的,具体知识产权归属与服务方式由主办方与参赛者签署合同约定。



VIII. Other Matters
All documents and correspondence relating to this Competition are written in Chinese or English.
The laws of the People’s Republic of China are applicable to the Competition and the relevant documentation.
The Hosts and Organizer shall own the intellectual property rights of the design deliverables related to the Competition (excluding “standardized design products”), and all participants enjoy the professional credit of such design deliverables, as well as the intellectual property rights of “standardized design products” (typical design). Where the “standardized design products” will be applied to other substations, the details of IP rights and service means are subject to separate design contract to be entered by and between the Hosts and the participants.
The Competition solicits conceptual design and involves no statutory planning or land requisition. The subsequent project implementation is subject to legal procedures and approvals.
Any inconsistency between this official announcement and the design brief or technical documents is subject to the latter two.







IX. Contacts
Email for Professional Category:
Email for General Public Category:
Address: F6, Annexe of Guangdong Machinery Building, 185 Yuehua Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou
Contact person: Mr. Luo, Mr. Deng
Tel: 020-83647079, 020-22099922


正式公告 | 广州变电站景观及功能设计国际竞赛第4张图片



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