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Studio Seilern Architects用20米高柱廊作为广场“护城河”
Studio Seilern Architects surrounds moated plaza with 20-metre-high colonnades


伦敦Studio Seilern Architects 事务所用三组柱廊围合位于埃及艾尔古纳红海度假胜地的艾尔古纳节庆广场。


London-based Studio Seilern Architects has enclosed the Gouna Festival Plaza in the Red Sea resort of El Gouna, Egypt, with a trio of colonnades.
Built within an artificial lagoon, the plaza is the first stage of the Gouna Conference and Culture Centre, which was designed to be a landmark cultural destination for the resort town.

▲ 埃及古纳节庆广场由Studio Seilern Architects 建筑事务所设计
Studio Seilern Architects has designed the Gouna Festival Plaza in Egypt

“客户希望把艾尔古纳塑造为一个文化旅游目的地,因此专门委托我们设计一组建筑以实现这一愿景。” Studio Seilern Architects事务所负责人Christina Seilern 说,“设计的核心概念是为古纳打造一处文化场所,以强烈的姿态统领整座城镇,再次让这个迷人的文化场所成为新的焦点。”

"Our client wanted to put El Gouna on the map, culturally speaking, and commissioned us specifically to create an architectural vision that achieved this," said Christina Seilern, principal of Studio Seilern Architects. "The idea was to give Gouna a cultural venue that would unify the town in a strong urban gesture, and give it a new point of focus with a captivating cultural venue," she told Dezeen.

▲ 20 米高的柱廊是艾尔古纳城中最高的构筑物
The 20-metre-high colonnades are the tallest structures in El Gouna

节庆广场的开发商是来自埃及黑山的投资人Samih Sawiris,他坐拥这座度假小镇,此前曾委托 Studio Seilern Architects建筑事务所进行瑞士安德马特音乐厅的方案设计,作为这处文化综合体的项目一期。

在未来几年内,广场内还会建造一座可容纳600坐席的音乐厅和会议中心,也将由 Studio Seilern Architects 建筑事务所设计。


The plaza was developed for Egyptian-Montenegrin businessman Samih Sawiris, who owns the resort town and previously commissioned Studio Seilern Architects to design the Andermatt Concert Hall in Switzerland, as the first stage of the cultural complex.
A 600-seat concert hall and a conference centre, also designed by Studio Seilern Architects, will be built within the plaza over the next couple of years.
It was designed to be a multifunctional space that will host the annual El Gouna Film Festival, sporting events and concerts as well as functioning as a public plaza between events.

▲ 建筑群被“护城河”环绕
The complex is surrounded by a moat

Seilern 说:“我们希望创造一处双重功能且壮丽的崭新公共空间。”。



"We wanted to create a beautiful new public space with a dual function," said Seilern.
"It will act as a venue for a wide range of major cultural events, and the ground for a concert hall and conference centre, the next two phases of the project," she continued.
"It should feel like an awe-inspiring and captivating public space for events such as the Gouna World Squash tournament or the film festival, or feel intimate and welcoming for a wedding or festive gatherings, while also acting as a tranquil and wonderful place to visit when not in festive use."

▲ 音乐厅将建在广场中心,会议中心则建在广场南区(图左)
A concert hall will be built in the central plaza and a conference centre in the southern section (left in image)



20 米高的柱廊是艾尔古纳城中最高的构筑物,此设计的意图就是以建筑学语言定义“综合体”,同时提供遮阳和避风的场所。

“我们希望游客在抵达时感到敬畏和好奇。”Seilern 说,“柱廊的庞大规模所带来的生硬感会被柱廊内部的纹理所柔化。”

Set on a series of artificial islands, a trio of spaces is enclosed by three L-shaped colonnades.
The concert hall will be built within the central plaza and the conference centre in the southern area, with the northern section left as a flexible space.
The 20-metre-high colonnades, which are the tallest structures in El Gouna, were designed to define the complex architecturally while providing shade from the sun and shelter from wind.
"We want the visitor to feel awe and wonder when they arrive," said Seilern. "The scale of the colonnade is counteracted by the softness of the internal cladding of the colonnades."

▲ 沙子颜色的柱廊内侧细节满满
The columns are detailed and sand-coloured on the inside of the colonnades


“柱廊表层是如沙滩般温暖的沙色,当在夜幕中被均匀地照亮,就犹如一座巨大的雕塑倒映在周围的水镜中。”Seilern 继续描述道,“我们所追求的效果是绝对的平静——这是一处冥想的空间,但也随时可以变成一个节庆场地。”

The staggard and interconnected columns were made from glass-reinforced concrete, with a sand-coloured interior profile and a white, flat exterior.
"The warm sand-like colouring of the column cladding is evenly lit at night, appearing as a large sculpture reflected in a mirror-like body of water," Seilern continued.
"The effect that we sought is one of absolute peace – a space for reflection which can turn into a festive place for gathering."

▲ 柱廊能够遮风挡雨
The colonnades provide shelter from wind and rain

Studio Seilern Architects事务所力求让建筑汲取古埃及建筑的宏伟、浸润摩尔文化的影响。

“我们是语境主义者,热衷于让建筑反映出古埃及建筑的宏伟建筑遗产。”Seilern 解释道。

Studio Seilern Architects aimed for the architecture to draw on the grandeur of ancient Egyptian buildings along with Moorish influences.
"We are contextualists and were keen to create an architecture that reflects the impressive architectural legacy of ancient Egyptian architecture," explained Seilern.

▲ 古纳节庆广场是度假小镇的地标
Gouna Festival Plaza was designed to be a landmark in the resort town


Studio Seilern Architects事务所之前在瑞士阿尔卑斯山的 Gütsch 山顶上设计了一家餐厅,其他作品还有伯克郡的一座焦木艺术中心和一栋位于非洲大坝顶部悬岩上的住宅。

图片:Paul Riddle

"We were keen that the design emerges from a language that relates to the history and culture of the site," she continued.
"The use of the arch was generated from the notion that the arch is a Moorish invention. Combined with the monumental scale of Egyptian architecture, such as is seen in Luxor, we played with this idea by oversizing the perimeter columns."
Studio Seilern Architects has previously created a restaurant on top of Mount Gütsch in the Swiss Alps, a charred-timber performing arts centre in Berkshire and a house on a rocky ledge above an African dam.
The photography is by Paul Riddle.











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