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▲ Etzenrade城堡花园总体鸟瞰图
Overview of the completed Etzenrade Castle garden

Etzenrade城堡花园 | 荷兰,埃岑拉德 | LOLA Landscape Architects与Piet Oudolf
Etzenrade Castle Garden | Etzenrade, The Netherlands | LOLA Landscape Architects and Piet Oudolf




Etzenrader城堡是国家级和省级纪念性建筑单位,其独特的花园讲述着南林堡罕为人知的历史故事。古老的运河让这座坐落在农庄后的花园拥有亮丽的风景线。曾经的Etzenrader城堡运河系统,后来被扩建成为城堡后花园的一角。旧农舍的建筑材料很可能来源于 13 世纪的Etzenrader城堡,而城堡本身在 18 世纪被拆除或损毁了。城堡位于Rode Beek(红溪)以南的沼泽地区,四周被运河环绕。

Etzenrade Castle Garden won an Honour Award in the 2022 WLA Awards – Built-Large category

Historical starting point
The ‘Etzenrader Huisken’, is a national and provincial monumental building with a unique garden that tells the hidden history of South-Limburg. In the garden behind the farmstead, old canals stand out in the landscape. These were once the canals of ‘Etzenrade Castle’, which were extended at a later stage and formed part of the gardens behind the Etzenrader Huisken. It is likely that the old farmhouse is constructed from materials of the 13th century Etzenrade Castle, which was demolished or destroyed in the 18th Century. The castle was located in a marshy area south from the Rode Beek (red brook) and was surrounded by canals.

▲ 线稿标出场地内的历史、景观、考古、设计
Line map that displays the history, landscape, archeology, design


由于考古研究在这个设计项目中占据至关重要的环节,景观建筑事务所 LOLA Landscape Architects 和著名的园林设计师 Piet Oudolf 联手打造出这个公共的“考古花园”,让Etzenrade城堡的历史再度重现。在新设计中,场地的历史被准确地呈现给游客。尽管旧城堡已所剩无几,但通过土壤研究和沟槽试建,可以重塑运河原貌。被挖掘出来的运河现在被用作自然的水缓冲区。试验沟槽则转化为种植床,同时作为引导游线的混凝土人行道。试验沟槽是博物馆公园的中心部分,就算被再度填满,也是清晰可见的。

Archeology meets biodiversity
Landscape architecture office LOLA Landscape Architects and well-known garden designer Piet Oudolf created a public ‘archaeology garden’, to make the history of Etzenrade visible again since archaeological research was essential in this design project. In the new design, the area’s history is accurately brought up and presented to the visitor. Little is left of the old castle, but the canals were reconstructed through soil research and trial trenches. The canals are excavated and are now used as a natural water buffer. The location of the trial trenches became the planting beds that are guided by concrete footpaths. The trial trenches are used as a central museum park element and stay visible even though they are filled up again.

▲ 原沟槽的分布
Shape of the original trenches

▲ 考古研究挖掘出多层次土壤层
Research reveals the various layers of soil


Replicas of the most extraordinary artifacts unearthed during the archaeological investigation, are displayed in the gardens at the exact location they were found. Like sculptures amidst the planting. Artifacts found in the water and the southern island are arranged on a table. They tell about the history of the site from the Full Middle Ages to the present day: household objects of the inhabitants, bones of the cattle that grazed at the site and armor of knights who defended the area, and even weapon remains from the Second World War.

▲ 文物复制品布局示意图
Scale of the replicas of the artifacts

▲ 桌上展示着从运河和岛上挖掘的文物
The table displays artifacts found in the water and on the island

▲ 花园的种植设计由Piet Oudolf完成
The Etzenrade planting is designed by Piet Oudolf

▲ 文物的复制品安置在出土位置
Replicas of artifacts unearthed are displayed at the location they are found

▲ 文物的复制品安置在出土位置
Replicas of artifacts unearthed are displayed at the location they are found

城堡遗址坐落在一片四周环绕运河的沼泽地中,运河水源来自鲁德比克河内的泉水系统。随着历史更迭,运河逐渐淤塞,最终在20世纪被填平。直到现在,只有 Etzenrader 农庄还能让​​人想起以前的城堡。2019 年,运河被重新开挖,作为来自周围山丘的径流水缓冲区。 LOLA Landscape Architects事务所和Piet Oudolf联手打造了 Etzenrade 城堡花园,不仅让历史再次可见,同时通过保留水资源来支持场地生物多样性。

The former castle stood in a swampy area, surrounded by canals that were fed by the numerous springs in and by the Roode Beek. The historic canals gradually silted up. In the course of the 20th century, the last remnants of the canals were filled in. As a result, only the Etzenrader Huisken is still a reminder of the former castle. In 2019, the canals were re-excavated and now function as a water buffer for runoff water from the surrounding hills. LOLA Landscape Architects and Piet Oudolf created the Etzenrade Castle Garden that not only makes the past visible again but is also designed to support biodiversity and used for water retention.

Showing the different layers of the site in the design

▲ 不朽的风景
A monumental landscape

▲ 农庄前的花园
The garden with Etzenrader Huisken in the background

▲ 农庄前的花园
The garden with Etzenrader Huisken in the background

为打造这座具有纪念意义的Etzenrade城堡花园,LOLA 景观建筑事务所在对花园和场地进行布局时经历了草图绘制、初步思路和最终设计的过程。在种植方面,景观建筑事务所与Piet Oudolf 和Deltavormgroep 进行合作,制定了植物选择/种植设计,在技术方面,由Plan Group Heggen负责。LOLA景观建筑事务负责在实施阶段把关整个种植过程的美学效果。

To create this monumental Etzenrade Castle Garden, LOLA made the sketch design, the preliminary design and the final design for the garden and the area layout. For the planting, the landscape architect teamed up with Piet Oudolf and Deltavormgroep, who made the planting plan/planting design, while the technical design was made by Plan Group Heggen. LOLA supervised the planting and has been involved in the project through the aesthetic supervision for the implementation phase.

▲ 人行道指引游客穿越花园
The path leads visitors through the garden

占地 15 公顷的Etzenrade城堡花园现在是IBA Parkstad 的重点项目之一。公共花园和景观设计则是Rode Beek区域景观规划的重要组成部分,公园的改造既达到生态和娱乐目的,也创造更多的蓄水量,以促进自然发展并改善该地区的可达性。2020年该建设工程竣工,2021年9月花园正式开放,现已成为步行者和花园爱好者的热门打卡地。连通南边的 Kneijkuilerweg 和西边Bredestraat的铺砌小路,Etzenrade城堡花园不仅对来自荷兰的游客开放,也欢迎邻国的比利时和德国游客。

The 15 hectare Etzenrade Castle garden is now one of the important key projects of the IBA Parkstad. The public garden and landscape design are part of a bigger plan for the surroundings in which the Rode Beek is upgraded for ecological and recreational purposes, to create more water storage, to contribute to nature development and to improve the accessibility of the area. The construction work was completed in 2020, and the garden is officially re-opened in September 2021. By now, it has become a popular destination for walkers and garden lovers. Via semi-paved paths from Kneijkuilerweg in the south and Bredestraat in the west, the new public garden is not only open to visitors from the Netherlands, but also from nearby Belgium and Germany.


景观设计:LOLA Landscape Architects 和 Piet Oudolf
项目合作: Deltevormgroep、Plangroep Heggen、IBA Parkstad、Provincie Limburg、Waterschap Limburg、Regioarcheoloog Parkstad、RAAP
客户:Gemeente Beekdaelen
图片来源:LOLA Landscape Architects

Etzenrade Castle Garden
Location: Etzenrade, The Netherlands
Landscape design: LOLA Landscape Architects and Piet Oudolf
Collaboration: Deltevormgroep, Plangroep Heggen, IBA Parkstad, Provincie Limburg, Waterschap Limburg, Regioarcheoloog Parkstad, RAAP
Client: Gemeente Beekdaelen
Image credits: LOLA Landscape Architects




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花园 (209 articles)

荷兰 (470 articles)

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LOLA landscape architects (15 articles)

Piet Oudolf (2 articles)