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House With The Heads


在一项封闭式竞赛中,LOLA景观设计事务所被选为阿姆斯特丹里特曼图书馆(Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica或者The Ritman Library)花园的主设计方。图书馆收藏了大量珍贵的具有历史、科学和物质价值的珍贵书籍,对研究解释学和相关的潮流具有重要的价值。荷兰商人Joost Ritman于1984年创立这座图书馆,部分藏品具有国家艺术遗产的地位。其藏书列的亮点包括1471年的《Corpus Hermeticum》和1481年的《Dantes Divine Comedy 》的第一版插图。

As part of a closed competition LOLA has been selected as the designer of the garden for the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica/Ritman Library in Amsterdam. The library contains a substantial private collection of valuable books of great historic, scientific and material value to the study of Hermeticism and related currents. Established by the Dutch businessman Joost Ritman in 1984, a portion of the collection has the status of National Art Heritage. Highlights of the collection include the Corpus Hermeticum of 1471 and the first illustrated edition of Dantes Divine Comedy from 1481.




2015年秋季,Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica搬迁至位于阿姆斯特丹Keizersgracht的Heads(建于1622年)住宅。历史上的住宅位置被重建作为自由和思维碰撞的平台。17世纪时期,它是De Geers家族的住宅。住宅中有一个庞大的图书馆,在那里,家族可以接待 Comenius等创新型思想者,以此来促进思想的自由交流。而2015年的这座房子已经再次恢复原来的功能:一个拥有图书馆的欢迎开放交流的住宅。随着BPHS对西方精神和哲学传统卷的独特收集,带着Heads花园的住宅再次与阿姆斯特丹言论、出版、宗教和思想自由的历史密不可分。住宅的重新开放和图书馆的重新安置保持了生活的轨迹。

In the autumn of 2015 the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica will relocate to the House with the Heads (built 1622) on the Keizersgracht in Amsterdam, reestablishing the houses place in history as a platform for free and contrarian thinking. Originally the family residence of the De Geers in the 17th century it housed an extensive library where the family welcomed innovative thinkers such as Comenius and promoted free exchange of ideas. As of 2015, the house will once again be what it was originally: a home with a library and rooms welcoming open exchanges. With the BPHs unique collection of volumes on Western spiritual and philosophical tradition the House with the Heads once again becomes inseparable from Amsterdams history of freedom of speech, press, religion and thought. The reopening of the house and the relocation of the library keeps the living tradition Hermetically Open for a new generation and opens access to a wider audience.




For the new garden LOLA has proposed a striking dark stone ellipse as the central element. From the center window of the second floor of the house the ellipse is seen as a perfect circle: the symbol for infinity. A thin layer of water on the surface reflects the sky above. In other words, this symbol of infinity is also a mirror to the cosmos. This symbology references themes which are very important in the collections of the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. The oval stone is a multifunctional platform: when drained it can be used as a stage for events. The plants in the garden will form a collection of species either referenced in the literature of the library or important to the history of the house itself.




设计委托方:Stichting Huis met de Hoofden

year: 2014
size: < 1 ha
type: specials
client: Stichting Huis met de Hoofden




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