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Olafur eliasson在Donum庄园立体观景亭使用了832块彩色玻璃砖
olafur eliasson uses 832 colored glass tiles for vertical panorama pavilion at donum estate


Other Spaces工作室设计的立体观景亭

Donum Estate为其新场地设计了专用的立体观景亭,这是一个由Other Spaces工作室设计的马赛克风格顶棚,该工作室由艺术家Olafur Eliasson和建筑师Sebastian Behmann创建,总部位于柏林。这座位于加州的锥形建筑致力于在开放的环境中创造品酒的场所,试图通过空间设计将感官和环境的本质结合起来。

Other Spaces工作室的设计理念旨在捕捉抽象的日历,描绘出每年太阳辐射角、风强度、温度和湿度的平均值,从气象学或大气及其内部运动的研究中得出研究成果。该工作室不仅设计了一个锥形的顶棚,还研究了空间,并将建筑集中在一个朝北的圆孔上。他们使用了832块彩色夹层玻璃板,具有24种颜色变化、半透明性和透明度,以确保结果能够反映Sonoma山谷周围的当地环境和酒庄建筑。


The Donum Estate introduces its new site-specific construction Vertical Panorama Pavilion, a mosaic-inspired canopy designed by the Berlin-based office Studio Other Spaces that artist Olafur Eliasson and architect Sebastian Behmann founded. The cone-shaped architecture in California is dedicated to wine-tasting in the open, intending to combine the essence of senses and surroundings through spatial experimentation.
The approach of Studio Other Spaces aims to capture the abstract calendar that depicts yearly averages of solar radiance, wind intensity, temperature, and humidity, drawing their research from meteorology, or the study of the atmosphere and the motions within it. Rather than just putting up a conical canopy, the studio studied the space and centered the architecture on a northern-oriented oculus. They employed 832 colored, laminated glass panels in 24 color variations, translucency, and transparency to guarantee that the result would reflect the surrounding local environment and winery architecture of Sonoma Valley.
The journey begins by walking on the gravel path, soaking in the sound of nature from the rustling grass to the chirping insect as one moves forward, and arriving at the pavilion. Looking up, a circular opening offers a view of the sky from below, all the while basking in the spectrum of colors the glass tiles confer the space and visitors. The maze ends with seating areas divided by low-height separations made of bricks and adorned with cushions and earthly colors.  From afar, the colossal installation may, at first, steal the limelight of the landscape, but soon, drawn from the color studies the studio conformed to, the shades of its surroundings overlap until Vertical Panorama Pavilion blends in with the environment.

all images © Vertical Panorama Pavilion at the Donum Estate, 2022, Studio Other Spaces – Olafur Eliasson and Sebastian Behmann | all photography by Adam Potts



集散空间位于顶棚的下方,游客可以坐在根据团体大小排列的长凳上。该工作室打算将空间场景设计成一个人的身体能够意识到场景,当游客开始品尝葡萄酒时,这一场景提高了感官体验性。对于Donum庄园,Other Spaces工作室设想在该场所下和有助于发酵的气候条件下品尝葡萄酒。Eliasson与Behmann写道:“展馆绘制出周围的气象条件,包括土壤、植被、风、太阳、大气和雨水,并将这些元素融入多彩的顶棚中,反映出葡萄酒的独特特征。”

向后倾斜并放松,让眼睛通过圆孔从山坡上的景色漫游到天空,并将注意力集中在能反映能见度、风强度、温度和湿度等气候条件的玻璃砖上。立体观景亭希望将游客的注意力从Donum庄园的葡萄酒转移到Other Spaces工作室设计的马赛克立面上,同时关注大自然。

The path leading to and from the pavilion rests on a surface topped with gravel, and the studio stacked the earth-colored bricks inside the canopy vertically to suggest the continuity of the architecture. The low-level division means visitors can still see the hillside around them as they continue their wine-tasting experience. ‘While walking along the path and into the pavilion, the wall grows higher until they finally reach eye level. Our eyes, ears, and nose are now in line with the turf, where earth and sky meet alongside rich biodiversity,’ the studio writes.
The gathering area finds itself under the eye of the canopy, and visitors sit on the benches that have been arranged according to group sizes. The studio intends the scene to be one’s body becoming physically aware of the land it is on, an element that heightens the sensory when visitors begin to taste the wine. For Donum Estate, Studio Other Spaces envisioned celebrating the wine on land and the microclimates that help ferment it. ‘The pavilion maps out the surrounding ephemera – the soil, vegetation, wind, sun, atmosphere, and rain – and incorporates these into the colorful canopy, reflecting the wine’s unique signature,’ writes Eliasson and Behmann.
To lean back and relax, to let the eyes wander from the hillside views to the sky through the oculus, and to focus on the glass tiles that form the weather calendar for visibility, wind intensity, temperature, and humidity. Vertical Panorama Pavilion wants to shift the attention of the visitors from the wine offerings of Donum Estate to the kaleidoscopic design of Studio Other Spaces, all while paying attention to the works of nature.



多年来,Donum庄园通过DONUM收藏与艺术家合作并举办活动,收藏了50多件纪念性作品,包括了从雕塑到声音艺术领域的代表作品,如Ai Weiwei、Yayoi Kusama、Doug Aitken、Elmgreen & Dragset以及Ugo Rondinone的作品。 Other Spaces工作室设计的立体观景亭是其不断增长的改造项目中的新内容,酒厂不断致力于平衡葡萄酒、土地和艺术的权重。Donum庄园的业主Mei和Allan Warburg重申了这一理念,因为他们认为观景亭是他们在葡萄酒、自然、艺术、设计和建筑之间的激情融合。

“这是我们不断努力的成果,我们为所有客人提供视觉、声音和气味的感官体验。2019年,我们和Olafur第一次踏上了这片土地。太阳与色彩的光谱形成了鲜明的对比,我们喝了一口Pinot Noir,就在那一刻,建造立体观景亭的想法诞生了。Donum庄园计划在新建造的观景亭内举办品酒和招待活动,游客可以在这里见证生产设施和土地生物动态和有机的实践结合。

The Donum Estate has collaborated with and hosted artist installations for years through The Donum Collection with more than 50 monumental works including the masterworks – ranging from sculptures to sound art – of Ai Weiwei, Yayoi Kusama, Doug Aitken, Elmgreen & Dragset, and Ugo Rondinone. Vertical Panorama Pavilion by Studio Other Spaces is the new addition to its growing repertoire, the continuous dedication of the winery to balance wine, land, and art. Mei and Allan Warburg, the owners of The Donum Estate, restate this ethos as they view the pavilion as a blend of their passion between wine, nature,  art, design, and architecture.
‘It is an achievement of our continuous effort to enhance the sensorial discovery of sight, sound, and scent experiences for all our guests. We first walked the land in 2019 with Olafur. The sun gave contrast to a spectrum of colors, we took a sip of our Pinot Noir, and at that moment, Vertical Panorama Pavilion was born,’ shares the Warburgs. The Donum Estate plans to host wine-tasting and hospitality events within the newly launched pavilion where visitors can also witness the production facility and the biodynamic and organic farming practices of the land.










设计师:Other Spaces工作室——Olafur Eliasson、Sebastian Behmann

project info:
name: Vertical Panorama Pavilion
designers: Studio Other Spaces – Olafur Eliasson and Sebastian Behmann
location: The Donum Estate, Northern Califonia, US




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