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Golden Horn滨海运动公园与公共空间
Golden Horn Waterfront Sports Park And Public Space / Ervin Garip + Banu Garip + MY Landscape


该项目在“伊斯坦布尔Golden Horn海岸城市设计竞赛”中获得Balat-Eyupsultan海岸线的一等奖,总面积约为23万平方米,Golden Horn是Bosphorus海峡的主要入口,这里定义了老伊斯坦布尔半岛的北部边界,同时形成了一个角形港口,“滨海运动公园与公共空间” 是这个区域最为重要的组成部分,目前已向公众开放。

Text description provided by the architects. The project, which won the 1st Prize on the Balat-Eyupsultan Coastline in the "Istanbul Golden Horn Coasts Urban Design Competition," covers a total area of ​​230.000 square meters. The Golden Horn is the primary inlet of the Bosphorus, which defines the Northern boundary of the peninsula constituting “Old Istanbul”, and forms a horn-shaped harbor. As one of the most important parts of the project area, “Waterfront Sports Park and Public Space” has been constructed and opened for public use.

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项目场地Golden Horn地区有着天然的港口特征,自从拜占庭中期以来这里一直是伊斯坦布尔城市的主要港口,Golden Horn海岸区域在工业革命之前都属于娱乐功能区,而后在工业革命时期参与了生产过程,在此时期,这个区域也因此获得了工业特征,这里有着诸如Feshane以及 Sutluce屠宰场等设施,在上世纪80年代之后的不同时期,诸如填充区域的扩张、沿海公路的建设、忽视历史遗产的拆改等城市干预措施让这个地区的工业特征有所减弱,同时与城市的关系也渐行渐远。

The Site - The Golden Horn Region, which has a natural harbor feature, has served as the main port of the City of Istanbul since the Middle Byzantine Period. The shores of the Golden Horn, which were characterized by recreation and entertainment areas in the period until the Industrial Revolution, participated in the production process with the Industrial Revolution. During this period, the region gained the identity of an industrial area with facilities such as Feshane and Sutluce Slaughterhouse. Interventions in the scope of the urban projects in different periods after the 1980s, the addition of filling areas, the construction of new highways parallel to the coast, and the demolitions carried out ignoring the historical heritage, isolated the area from its Industrial identity and distanced the Golden Horn shore from urban life by severing its relationship with the urban texture.

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始于2016年的公共交通发展,覆盖了整个城市,这也有效地改造了Golden Horn海岸地区,但Golden Horn有轨电车路线并没有经过合理规划,因此破坏了城市与海岸的关系,让滨海地区的生活更加孤立,为了进一步让这些区域的关系更加融洽,让Golden Horn的城市功能更加丰富,“伊斯坦布尔Golden Horn海岸城市设计竞赛”在2020年应运而成。

The public transportation development covering the whole city of Istanbul, which started in 2016, was also effective in the Golden Horn coastline’s transformation. The Golden Horn Tram line, implemented without upper-scale urban planning decisions, further damaged the already broken coast-city relationship and isolated coastal life. In this context, to regulate these relations that were broken in the historical process and enrich the Golden Horn's urban use, the "Istanbul Golden Horn Coasts Urban Design Competition" was opened in 2020 (Competition Specifications, 2020).

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Urban Scale Decisions for Holistic Design Approach - In the scope of the urban design project, which won the 1st Prize in the competition, the holistic decisions taken at the upper scale were also decisive at the lower scales for different focal parts of the project site. This approach was defined by the principles below: 1. Developing a continuous fluid urban structure. Supporting fluid urban design approach in the context of function and identity with specific zones and subzones 3. To enrich daily life in the context of the focal zones, catalyzing activities with environmental features (geographic and historical texture)4. To develop a larger scale map directed to experience, discovery, and education with the created activity atlas based on the relationship between "programs-events-activities."

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Golden Horn滨海运动公园与公共空间——其中包含了运动区域、聚集区域、滑板公园,以及休息区,给Golden Horn海岸带来了亲水关系,在区域的设计中,流动的城市设计理念和重点区域的特殊连接,以及“功能-事件-活动”的关系整合、来源于环境特征的公共生活的丰富,也都起到了决定性作用。

Golden Horn Waterfront Sports Park And Public Space - The Golden Horn Waterfront Sports Park and Public Space includes Sports Areas, Gathering Spaces, Skatepark, and Seating Surfaces that provide relations with water in the Golden Horn Coast. The idea of ​​fluid urban design and connected unique focal zones adopted in upper-scale decisions of the project, integrated relationship of "programs-events-activities," and the enriched public life that derives its potential from environmental features have also been decisive within the design of this focal zone.

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在该项目中,建筑师构思了连续的海岸线长廊,同时让“有轨电车穿越入口区域”成为了当地的“主要交通枢纽”,从而连接了城市与海洋,通过这样的策略改善了Golden Horn大桥及其周边环境所构成了分裂关系。在项目范围内,体育活动就如同开放的公共空间,运动功能成为了人行步道与聚集空间的重要组成部分,篮球场设计于公共广场之中,保持着视觉与功能上的连续性,在城市设计范围内,建筑结构则处于整体方案的另一个核心地位,通过灵活的结构体系,让其中的功能可以根据需求而调整,在运动区域范围内,其中一个建筑结构单元也兼具更衣室的功能。

The main aim is to improve the broken relationship of the area defined under the Golden Horn Motorway Bridge with its surroundings with the proposed urban design by providing a continuous coastline promenade and considering the “tram crossing-entrance zone” as a "main transit artery" to the area which connects the city to the sea. In the project's scope, sports activities are defined as open-public space activities rather than enclosed spaces. Sports functions have been interpreted as parts of pedestrian paths and gathering spaces. Basketball courts are placed within the proposed public square, keeping the visual and functional continuity. In the scope of the urban design project, architectural structures are located in different focal zones within a holistic program, constructed within a flexible structure, which can be modified according to the needs and functions within their specific focal zones. Within the scope of the implemented Sports Zone, one of the defined architectural structural units is constructed with the function of fitting-locker rooms.  

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滑板公园将废弃的桥下区域作为公共空间进行再利用,这是整个区域的设计中最具决定性的部分,这里是一个开放性的活动空间,结合了城市与水的关系,让人们从中获益,滑板公园的定位与设计表达了这样的想法,及使用者能够在Golden Horn海岸体验到滑板的意义,他们能够欣赏到海洋,从而拥有特别的体验。

The Skatepark, which gives meaning to the idea of ​​activation and reuse of the abandoned under-bridge area as a public space and which is placed as the most determinant element of this area, is considered an open activity surface that regulates the city-water relation and benefits from this relation. The Skatepark is located and designed to implement the idea that the users will strongly experience the sense of skating on the shores of the Golden Horn, where they can see the sea and perform this experience on a track that makes it special for the Golden Horn.

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Golden Horn滑板公园是开放的社交核心区——该区域的设计策略是将不同的社会群体聚集在一起,构成了人们共同使用的多个部分,来自不同经济与文化背景的人们都可以聚集于此,在满足滑板技术要求的同时,公园也重新构建了运动核心区、水,以及城市之间的关系,虽然它们“位于一个大桥之下”,这就如同一个具有自我保护特征的运动区域,但是,Golden Horn大桥也如同一个巨型雨棚,定义了强烈的城市特征。

Golden Horn Skatepark as an Open and Social Focal Zone - Current design approaches of Skateparks describe these areas as places that bring together different social groups of people and are free from discrimination, such as status and gender. The Skatepark created within the project's scope is described as a multi-participation area that brings together different groups of people from different economic and cultural backgrounds. While fulfilling the technical skating requirements, the park also reorganizes the relationship between the Sports Focal Zone, water, and the city. While the "condition of being under a huge bridge" describes a self-protected area for Sports activities and recreation, in this case, the Golden Horn Motorway Bridge turns into a substantial "canopy" and defines a strong urban identity.

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建筑设计:Banu Garip, Ervin Garip
类型:城市规划 公共空间 公园
面积:30000 m²
摄影:Egemen Karakaya Architectural Photography
景观设计:MY Landscape
建筑设计人员:Ervin Garip, S.Banu Garip
项目团队:Ervin Garip, S.Banu Garip, Fatma Karakaya, Salih Gül, Samet Küçükbay
景观设计:Merve Yavuz
合作方:SLM, BODEN, Murat Ozben

Architects: Banu Garip, Ervin Garip
Area: 30000 m²
Year: 2023
Photographs:Egemen Karakaya Architectural Photography
Landscape Design: MY Landscape
Architects: Ervin Garip, S.Banu Garip
Project Team: Ervin Garip, S.Banu Garip, Fatma Karakaya, Salih Gül, Samet Küçükbay
Landscape Designer: Merve Yavuz
Collaborators: SLM, BODEN, Murat Ozben
City: İstanbul
Country: Turkey



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