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城市公园De Motten
City Park De Motten


复原通赫伦杰克河历史的‘De Motten’城市更新公园

“De Motten”作为一处更新的城市休闲公园,复原了杰克河曾流经此处的支流,是优化市中心小气候、提升生活质量的典型案例。


Renovated city park ‘De Motten’ with disclosure of the Jeker River in Tongeren.
The renovation of ‘De Motten’ as a recreational City Park with full disclosure of an historic branch of the Jeker River is a good example of how water can give the transition towards climate adaptation and quality of life a solid boost in city centers.
After more than 60 years the Jeker flows again through the center of the oldest and a former Roman city of Belgium called Tongeren. The aim of the project was to use the disclosure of an old derelict and once-covered riverbed to redesign its surroundings as a valley area within the city. A city park with water experience was created around the river. Today, the area has become a revitalized meeting area with open spaces for recreation and retreat.


该项目以凭借经验恢复自然功能作为设计指南,以古城与自然环境的对比作为设计原则。杰克河沿古城墙流动,形成城市和河谷之间的纽带。这条河流经坚硬的水泥城市和柔软的天然河岸。沿着河流路线,它将打开通往河谷的大门,把东加兰自然保护区(De Kevie)的自然美景和户外体验带到了通赫伦本地人民和外来游客的触手可及之处。





The guideline was the restoration of natural functions combined with experiences. The contrast between the old city and the natural environment was used as a design principle. The Jeker follows the old city walls and thus forms the link between the city and the valley. The river has a hard urban and a soft natural bank. Along its course, it opens up the door to the valley and brings the natural treasures and outdoor qualities of ‘De Kevie’ within reach of the people of Tongeren and its visitors.
A new beginning for the Jeker River, with the various forms and meanings of transition embodied by the Roman god ‘Janus’ as a metaphor. In conjunction with the disclosure of the Jeker over more than 1 kilometre and the redesign of the park, the opportunity was taken to reduce the amount of hard-covered surfaces in the park and its surroundings, linked to a new vision of mobility. Existing roads throughout the park and parking lots were removed, and alternatives were sought in the surroundings or partly moved to the edges. The result is now a large cohesive whole that can fully play the role of a central City Park and a vital link in the valley.

Focus on transition by connecting with the past and surroundings
Based on the Sweco motto ‘Transforming society together’, the underlying idea was to focus on transition. A new City Park is created to last a long time, opening up a river even more so. A new beginning is based on the idea of connecting with a forgotten past and reestablishing old key values. The answer was, of course, to begin with, the reconstruction of the riverbed to breathe new life into a place where the city had turned its back on the river. The riverbed follows the old Roman and Medieval ramparts. A set of new bridges rebounds the city with the park and living areas on the other side of the valley. Existing Community gardens were not wiped out or hidden away but integrated into the park and city life.
Meanwhile, a new fresh wind blew through the streets of the lower city with a new circulation plan in function which emphasizes heritage, the residential character and safe school environments. Parking was shifted to the edge and integrated into a new distribution system for the entire city centre. Covered surfaces with no further use were removed and transformed into water surfaces and green open spaces with footpaths and bicycle lanes.


Heritage riverbanks with old ramparts and beguinage




Water experiences for humans and nature
The Jeker as a river is just as atypical as the city of Tongeren. A former Roman city based on the banks of a river mainly watered by rainfall. Therefore the water flow varies greatly according to the whims of the weather gods and the seasons, the extent of human water management and the impact of climate changes. Flow control on the different branches regulates the flow and rate of the river to prevent flooding and shortage of water. Fish ladders in the course of the river make upstream fish migration possible again.
In a bend of the river, comfortably nestled against the old ramparts of ‘Kastanjewal’, a new ‘Water Square’ forms the ‘heart’ of the park and a new focal point at the foot of the old city. The ‘Water Square’ makes the vital role of water tangible and visible and links it to experience. A unique ‘three-pointed’ bridge completes the picture was once an old Roman crossroad and gate engaged with the river.




The ‘Water Square’ follows the natural contours of the terrain and forms an open meeting space with a lowered amphitheatre centred around the experience of water. It forms a safe and controlled water environment for all ages that is visually linked to the Jeker without actually being connected to it. In summer it’s being used as a play fountain while in winter it can be transformed into an ice-skating pond. Ultimately, when the entire water system of the city centre is remediated, it will be fed by clean rainwater flowing down from the hill, but in the meantime, it’s still being fed by tap water.




复杂项目中的“BUUR touch”

正是因为有各个政府机构和行政部门合作参与这个强大的“设计流程驱动”项目,“De Motten”和杰克河的修复才如此成功。这是Sweco设计团队和BUUR所代表的跨学科方法的典型例子。对涉及众多学科、有各类合作伙伴参与的复杂任务时,设计本身是关键。一方面要在所有的评估和决策步骤中实现目标和预期,另一方面是在整个过程中明确传达关键信息。





2021年,“复原通赫伦杰克河历史的‘De Motten’城市更新公园”获得了公共空间奖。区域知识中心公共空间所每年都会为佛兰德斯的“最佳”公共空间颁发奖项。公共空间奖是对项目良好调试、高质量设计和执行过程的著名表彰。专业人士和公众都可以为其最喜欢的项目投票。设计团队为这一认可到非常自豪,表示未来将继续致力于可持续公共空间的设计。

The ‘BUUR touch’ in complex projects
‘De Motten’ and disclosure of the Jeker is the result of a successful collaboration between various governmental institutions and administrations that took part in a strong ‘design and process-driven’ project. It’s an example of the interdisciplinary approach that we at Sweco and BUUR stand for. Within a complex assignment and constellation of actors involving many disciplines and partners, design was key. Not only to carry the goals and ambitions through all the steps of evaluations and decision-making but also to clearly communicate the core message throughout the entire process.
With visual power, both stakeholders and the general public were involved in an intensive journey with a compelling story that was feasible and technically substantiated. From survey through masterplan and design to execution, the entire process was completed in the short lead-time of 5 years and with 90% of the masterplan already realized.

Today everyone can find some form of leisure activity or retreat in the park. Sports, heritage, nature and culture play a central role in a City Park that is the starting point for many cycling and hiking routes. The result is a significant improvement of the public domain and local mobility. A useful public action that supports a safe and pleasant living environment and one that strengthens the tourist and recreational potential of the old city centre. The social network of the neighbourhood was strengthened. As a new ‘crowd favorite’ the park and riverbanks receive broad support which let them grow into a beautiful and meaningful meeting place.
Over more than a hectare of covered surfaces were depaved. We’ve seen a restoration of natural functions along the course of the river, both in the valley and the urban environment. Afterwards, the city council of Tongeren implemented the overall vision and goals in its climate adaptation plan. As a result the city recently planted 200 extra ‘climate trees’ within the park.
In 2021 the ‘Renovated city park ‘De Motten’ with disclosure of the Jeker River in Tongeren’ won the Public Space Prize. Every year, the Regional Knowledge Center for Public Space presents an award for the‘best’ public space in Flanders. The Public Space Prize is a prestigious recognition for good commissioning and high-quality design and execution of a project. Both professionals and the general public can cast its vote for its favourite project. We are very proud for this recognition, and we will continue to work on the design of sustainable public spaces in the future.





设计团队:Sweco Belgium
项目摄影:Bram Goots

Project Data
Landscape Architecture: Sweco Belgium and the Infrastructure division of Sweco
designed by Sweco Belgium
Type: Cultural Heritage / Parks / Riverbanks / Water features
Client: City of Tongeren
Location: Belgium, Tongeren
Date: 2015-2019
Photo: Bram Goots




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