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养老空间的新诠释——比利时Ten Kerselaere疗养中心第1张图片

Ten Kerselaere Residential Care Center / Atelier Kempe Thill


Kempe Thill工作室与Daniel van Doorslaer在2013年共同从一场设计竞赛中脱颖而出,该竞赛是在比利时的一个小乡镇里设计一座全新的疗养中心,建筑师们需要将一座建造于上世纪70年代的现有建筑扩建至120个住宅单元,整体的概念包含区域总体规划,项目用地是一个开放的人行公园,其中有4座长条形城市别墅,设计方案综合考虑了周边环境的空间规模与乡村尺度,这里多为二至三层的建筑,同时也强调了景观特征,除此之外,总体规划可以分期进行,每座建筑都保留了一定的自由度,城市别墅的设计需要满足目标群体的使用需求,同时结合考虑诸如造价等现实问题,综合以上问题而构成的总体规划具有一定的差异性,但也表达了21世纪老年疗养的社会复杂性。

Amidst the fields. In 2013 Atelier Kempe Thill won together with Daniel van Doorslaer an invited competition for the construction of a new retirement home in the small rural town of Heist-op-den-Berg in Flanders, Belgium. The task requested the substantial extension (c. 120 new residential units) of an existing senior housing center from the 1970s. The proposed concept was a master plan with four elongated urban villas in an open and car-free park. This idea plays on the one hand with the small-scale and rural context of the surrounding area, while emphasizing the horizontal character of the Flemish landscape with its two to three-story buildings. On the other hand, the master plan allows a step-by-step implementation with a reasonable degree of architectural freedom for each building. Each urban villa intends its design to serve the specific needs of its target group and implements the possibilities of the available budget and the design funding guidelines. The resulting master plan reflects and reveals with its differentiated "care landscape for the elderly" the social complexity of senior care in the twenty-first century.

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A home with an atrium and winter gardens. The first realized building project is a residential complex of 36 assistance flats all accessible with wheelchairs. All apartments are designed as two-room flats of c. 62 m2 with open kitchens and an axial dimension of 7,20 m. Larger three-room flats are situated at all corners of the building. All flats have 7 m wide winter gardens, allowing the inhabitants to use their balconies all year round. The building itself is very compact, and all levels can be accessed through two staircases and one elevator. All apartments are connected by galleries in the atrium, which generously provide daylight to the whole building. The brightness of the space enhances the social interaction between the residents. An open kitchen in it will transform the atrium in the center of the "care villa", and it will then become the emblem of the resident's community. The obtained building typology is remarkably compact, with more than 28 m depth on the short side. These are ideal conditions for a price-efficient construction, providing the highest quality to the residents with a thrifty use of means.

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Hard and soft. High-quality prefabricated concrete elements characterize the appearance of the new home. The large anthracite-colored façade components are made of white concrete mixed with black pigment aggregate, additionally polished and hydrophobized. The winter gardens façade consists of 1,80 m wide story-high sliding glass elements in slim dark grey anodized aluminum frames. The façade on the inside of the winter garden has a grey plaster finish and dark grey anodized aluminum windows. Large sliding windows are placed on the pinion of the building. As a result, the façade is robust and low-maintenance that perfectly matches the humid maritime climate of Flanders. The dark color of the whole is a subtle reference to the context and makes the fresh green of the surroundings stand out stronger. The façade forms a neutral backdrop, revealing the residents’ activities on their balconies and thus taking part in the whole architectural experience. A strong contrast with the outside characterizes the inside of the building. The atrium is bright and flooded with sunlight. All floors are set with sand-colored tiles, and all railings are made of solid glass. On the second floor, a glass firewall goes around the atrium and makes the interior appear as airy and open as possible. The entrance doors of the apartments were specially designed with great love in solid oak for this project. The result is a very homely atmosphere.

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该项目满足比利时Flanders养老建筑的标准预算,紧凑的工业化生产类型有着最为简约的表面,除此之外,建筑服务设施也简化了繁杂的吊顶和管道,从而为建筑增加了大面积的冬季花园和公共院落,让空间的品质得以提升,从Kempe Thill工作室的角度而言,各项特征都能够符合使用者的真实需求,从而让建筑成为养老空间的完美原型。

Ideal prototype. The project was realized with the standard budget for retirement homes in Flanders. The very compact and industrially produced typology has a minimal façade surface and development. On top of that, the building services were designed in order to omit as much as possible suspended ceilings, and long piping runs. This way, the architects could add qualities such as extensive winter gardens and a communal atrium to the building, enabling a very high-quality materialization. From the point of view of Atelier Kempe Thill, these qualities match very well the needs of the residents, making this home the perfect prototype for this building assignment.

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养老空间的新诠释——比利时Ten Kerselaere疗养中心第28张图片

建筑设计:Atelier Kempe Thill
面积:3363 m²
摄影:Ulrich Schwarz
制造商:Jansen, Reynaers Aluminium, Sto, AGC, Alpha, Asona, Genex, Imola Tiles, Larob , Lombardo, RLS, Reynaers, Tormax, Zorgplus
合作建筑师:Daniel Van Doorslaer bvba
设计团队:Atelier Kempe Thill architects and planners, Rotterdam NL André Kempe, Oliver Thill, David van Eck with: Marc van Bemmel, Martins Duselis, Kento Tanabe
工程管理:UTIL Struktuurstudies
建筑服务工程:Studiebureau Boydens
预制混凝土结构:De Jong Beton
不锈钢栏杆:Wim Vandevoordt
抹灰立面:T. De Neef
总承包商:Hooyberghs nv

Architects: Atelier Kempe Thill
Area: 3363 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs:Ulrich Schwarz
Manufacturers:  Jansen, Reynaers Aluminium, Sto, AGC, Alpha, Asona, Genex, Imola Tiles, Larob , Lombardo, RLS, Reynaers, Tormax, Zorgplus
Collaborating Architect: Daniel Van Doorslaer bvba
Design Team: Atelier Kempe Thill architects and planners, Rotterdam NL André Kempe, Oliver Thill, David van Eck with: Marc van Bemmel, Martins Duselis, Kento Tanabe
Engineering: UTIL Struktuurstudies
Building Services Engineer: Studiebureau Boydens
Prefab Concrete Structure: De Jong Beton
Glass Facade: Bruynzeels-Vochten
Glass Winter Garden Façad: Metaglas
Steel Balustrades: Wim Vandevoordt
Plasterwork Façade: T. De Neef
General Contractor : Hooyberghs nv
City: Heist-op-den-Berg
Country: Belgium




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