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In the Handian, it is interpreted as a sensory organ that feels the stimulation of external things. Aristotle divided the body's senses into five: touch, smell, taste, hearing and sight.In the book "Design in Design", the famous Japanese architect Kenya Hara explained the theory of sensory experience and its application accordingly, and proposed that "understanding people's feelings and feeling forms, and then using design to let the audience get and understand the information, is a new direction of design development in the 21st century".

▼ 项目概览,Project overview ©徐英达


Huzhou Ousilan enterprise exhibition space is located in Wuxing District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China - Huzhou Ousilan Cosmetics Co., LTD. The project breaks through the traditional visual and auditory design methods, and turns to the multi-sensory coordination and common development of experiential design. To stimulate people's sensory system from multiple directions and angles, bring people immersive sensory experience, and more accurately interpret and transmit information and emotions to people. The design strategy combined with the current situation of the site, and the use of technology and certain aesthetic arts, so that the corporate image, culture and products get a certain influence to spread.

▼ 平面布局及人流动线,Floor plan and people flow line ©平介设计



The whole display space is segmented according to four major functions, namely the packaging material area, the corporate culture exhibition area, the exhibition hall and the warehouse. The overall direction of the exhibition space revolves around sensory experience and the integration of European and American elements, using installation modeling, materials, product displays, intelligent digital screen images, background music, etc., to display and convey the information of business expansion to Europe and America in this quarter. The exhibition hall is divided into seven functional areas according to sensory classification and combined with the value, function, research and development, partners and quarterly themes of the products required to be displayed, which are respectively color makeup area, new products exhibition area, high-end customer exhibition area, past products exhibition area, skin care area and theme exhibition area. The exhibition space adopts circular or curved devices, which weakens the regular rectangular space with edges and corners, and combines with the diagonal way to arrange and layout the size and order.

▼ 平面布局及人流动线,Floor plan and people flow line ©平介设计


As for the human flow line in the space, the design focuses on a sense of order in the interaction between the human flow line and the space, as well as the type of free moving line interspersed, avoiding the problem of crowd accumulation and enabling visitors to exert self-awareness and interact with the exhibits, so as to better explore the potential meaning in the space. In the streamline design of the overall space, a single serial layout is adopted, which is arranged in a linear order and is very clear, simplifying unnecessary interfering elements. From a mode of cultural publicity - material - product, visitors' tour route will cross the display and experience, and with the step by step advancement of the tour route and the change of the content of the space presentation, In addition to vision and experience, other senses have gradually increased, and the emotions of visitors in the exhibition space have gradually changed. In addition, in the display space design practice under sensory experience, the exhibition hall is an important node of the display space, and the number of visitors is more concentrated compared with other functional areas.

▼ 展厅空间,Exhibition space ©徐英达


In the exhibition hall space design, the information about the expansion of business to Europe and the United States in this quarter and the Barbie element as the theme are carried out, and the contemporary method is interpreted to highlight the enterprise display space with brand characteristics. Viewing, interaction, and product experience are added to the exhibition space, and different materials are superimposed to form completely different textures to seek for material contrast. Noble gold, dignified white, charming pink, and the classic black of the fashion world, all exude the charm of women.

▼ 视觉体验,Visual experience ©徐英达



Through the refraction of artificial light and natural light, the visitors' visual system begins to operate, and the combination of points, lines, surfaces, colors and other basic elements in the space forms a three-dimensional consciousness of the space.
In addition to the use of Western-style arch shape wall as a partition between areas, the exhibition space is also divided through the installation to guide the movement of visitors in the space.

▼ 视觉体验,Visual experience ©徐英达




In terms of modeling elements, the makeup area draws on European women's layered dresses and the form of Klinolin skirt, and is interspersed and superimposed in the form of large and small circles and ovals. The supporting columns are inlaid with LED lights, and the form of ribbons is rotated layer by layer and wrapped around the glass display rack on the columns. To weaken the strength and presence of the pillar.

▼ 视觉体验,Visual experience ©徐英达


The device of the new product display area and the previous product display area take the device of the high-end product display area as the central axis, symmetrical and consistent in shape. The display stands in the two areas use a downward center of gravity, which is distinguished from the high-end product display area with a gravity upward device, and the two areas use a circular chandelier to achieve a high degree of visual unity of the three. In the past, a large area of digital screen was installed on the wall of the commodity display area, whose purpose was not only to display the update and iteration of the product, but also to show the enterprise partners of the major brands, so as to achieve the industry recognition and popularity of the brand.

▼ 视觉体验,Visual experience ©徐英达



The installation shape of the high-end commodity exhibition area will be like the metal chandelier and the starry roof in the form of butterfly dancing, which will wrap all the beauty and romance in the form of a gift box.
In order to reflect the quality of the products, the skin care area uses blue as the background color to represent the natural and pure ingredients. Using a large area of wall digital screen, laid out in an L-shape. The design of the installation adopts the structure of a tree, and the curved colored acrylic is interspersed on the white acrylic luminous column in a clockwise direction, just like the branches extending upward, and the strip pattern carpet is matched with the vitality spreading around like the roots. The contrast between the light gold stainless steel booth and the acrylic material, the combination of virtual and real, blurring the boundary between the two, through the color change of the digital screen content, its installation creates different light changes under the multiple influence of reflection.

▼ 视觉体验,Visual experience ©徐英达




The installation shape of the theme exhibition area uses the dream elements of Barbie princess, and makes cosmetics into a large art installation, which is also a soft outfit collocation method used in many exhibitions to attract people's attention and create the center point of space.
In the exhibition space, the packaging area displays updated and updated products and packaging. The exhibition area of corporate culture presents visitors with information about the development and achievements of the company from its establishment to the present.

▼ 听觉体验,Auditory experience ©徐英达


Sound can create communication and participation, and has the effect of attracting the attention of visitors. Through the feeling of hearing, visitors can stimulate their emotions and brain thinking, so that they can get a rich level of feeling. In the space, the hearing is mainly based on the staff's elaboration of product design concepts for visitors, as well as the equipment in the corporate culture exhibition area and exhibition hall area. For example, the device in the skin care area will follow the color acrylic sheet interspersed on the white acrylic luminous column, the light flow is longitudinal flow and accompanied by sound. Compared with the traditional images, words and products to convey information to visitors, the design of this space for hearing can make visitors' hearing and vision form a correlation, better enhance the three-dimensional sense of space, and play a soothing psychological role, so that visitors can extend their stay in the exhibition space and strengthen the effect of service.

▼ 触觉体验,Tactile experience ©徐英达



The sense of touch is a more immediate sensation that can integrate the visitor into the surrounding space. Visitors react through contact with real things, and integrate their subjective feelings into the overall space, resulting in a deeper understanding of space, product and design information. In the packaging area, visitors can feel the changes in the texture of the product packaging material and the evolution of the product packaging design.
In terms of design, visitors' tactile cognition can be achieved by transforming the shape of the installation, comparing the use of materials and the product experience. For example, there are two makeup areas set up at the entrance, one is around the product, and the other is around the product experience. Visitors can not only simply contact with the product in the exhibition hall, but also feel the texture and effect of the product through the way of applying makeup. In addition, the entire exhibition space is positioned in a high luxury style, and the materials used in the design are mostly metallic texture, and acrylic, white lacquered wood finishes and other materials are used as embellishments. Visitors can more easily and clearly capture the positioning of the product through contact with the material.

▼ 嗅觉和味觉体验,Smell and taste experience ©徐英达



Smell and taste are closely linked to emotions and memories. The olfactory response extends immediately and directly to the brain, and odors are often associated with multiple sensory synesthesia. This quarter's exhibits in the space, including makeup and skin care products, focus on nature and original ecology to create the concept of ingredient safety. Visitors can distinguish the added content by smelling the smell of the products themselves in the space, and set up relevant areas to experience the raw materials, so that visitors can associate with the production process of the products.
With the continuous updating of technology and materials, as well as the interweaving and mutual enhancement between senses and senses, the display form and space design can give visitors a more shocking and real immersive experience, which can not only improve the satisfaction of visitors and partners, but also effectively disseminate the information of its display purpose and bring new development opportunities for its business.


Information of the project: Osilan Cosmetic Exhibition Space
Year: 2024
Area: 400㎡
Site: Ousilan Cosmetics Co.,LTD., Wuxing District, Huzhou City , Zhejiang Province,China
Copyright of photography: Yingda Xu
Design team members: Xiaowei Li, Nan Yang, Bowen Chang





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