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BIG to revive danish supermarket complex as museum for paper art with draping roof


BIG——Bjarke Ingels建筑公司接了一个改造项目,位于丹麦北日德兰地区,前身是超市,现需改造成纸艺术博物馆。纸艺术是丹麦文化遗产,其代表性的作品有Le Klint的标志性折叠灯罩和H.C.安徒生的剪纸作品。由木材建造的博物馆向游客展示了各种纸艺术和关于纸艺的专业知识,使得游客数量相较往年增加一倍。博物馆馆长Karen Bit Vejle介绍该建筑时说“该博物馆的核心使命是将纸艺术遗产带向未来”。

BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group is set to transform a former supermarket building into the new Museum for Paper Art in the North Jutland region of Denmark. With paper art deeply rooted in the Danish cultural heritage, including the iconic folded lampshades by Le Klint and H.C. Andersen’s paper clips, the timber-designed conversion and extension of the building intends to double the museum‘s annual number of visitors as well as embrace paper as an art form and expertise. ‘Carrying this legacy into the future is something that this museum has at its heart,’ says Karen Bit Vejle, the museum’s director.

rendering © BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group

书法家Bit Vejle于2018年创立了纸艺博物馆,其是北欧唯一一家专注于纸工艺品和设计的专业博物馆。新建博物馆前身是约900㎡的超市,由BIG团队改造扩建成2300㎡大小的纸艺术博物馆。博物馆内部设计有研讨室、活动室、教学室、储藏室和办公等设施。经过适应性改造的项目正在申请德国可持续建筑委员会(DGNB)的黄金或白金认证。该建筑的屋顶采用轻型屋顶结构,像纸一样覆盖在建筑之上,将新旧空间联系在了一起。设计师将外墙增加一层以折纸为灵感的纸艺隔音层,该设计手法是BIG设计团队与几位纸艺术家合作完成的。

The Museum for Paper Art, founded by psaligrapher Bit Vejle in 2018, is the only specialized museum for paper fine crafts and design in the Nordics. The approximately 900 sqm former supermarket building will be renovated and expanded by the team at BIG to create a 2,300 sqm museum with space for workshops, events, teaching rooms, storage, and office facilities. The adaptive reuse project is pursuing DGNB Gold or Platinum certification. Conceived as a new lightweight roof structure, the building emerges like a single sheet of paper, with the roof landing gently over it to create space for the new functions around it – uniting the new and old under one roof. The existing walls will get a new acoustic-regulating layer of paper art on the exterior, inspired by origami and designed in collaboration with several paper artists.

rendering © Wizarch

纸艺就是用一张单色的纸通过折叠创造一个三维立体空间或形状,且具有复杂的图案特征。该博物馆的屋顶形状就是这种处理手法,类似一张纸一样的轻质屋顶覆盖在建筑之上,将新旧建筑联系在一起。博物馆的屋顶通过简单的设计手法来创造复杂的功能,表现了建筑张力。Bjarke Ingels评价该建筑说“一座废弃的超市在这漂浮的弧形屋顶下重获新生”。

‘Paper art is about creating three-dimensional shapes and complex images from a monochromatic two-dimensional material – a sheet of paper. By treating the roof surface as such – a single sheet of folded paper – existing and new functions are brought together in one unifying gesture. The expressive is accentuated by the clear, complexity arises from simplicity. And an obsolete supermarket finds new life under the floating curved roof,’ notes Bjarke Ingels.

rendering © BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group

博物馆的内部空间聚焦于建筑的结构上,因建筑木结构表面还覆盖一层用于造纸的木质材料。该项目的合伙人David Zahle评价该建筑“在建筑内部的门厅和活动空间中,新旧结构互相交融,最终通过纸和木材进行装饰,整合成统一空间。”该项目建成之后,将会为人们提供多种公共活动空间。在场地内有着一条蜿蜒的小道,周边种植有当地的花草树木,吸引着游客探索和体验这一独特环境,并指引游客进入到博物馆内部。

Inside, the focal point of the Museum for Paper Art is reflected in the architecture as surfaces are draped with a timber construction made from the wood that is used to make paper. ‘In the foyer and assembly space, the old structure is clearly felt within the new one – a unified space inspired by paper and crafted in wood,’ concludes BIG partner David Zahle. Once completed, the project will offer spaces for a variety of public activities. A meandering path with plants and trees native to the area will invite the public to explore the surroundings and create a welcoming public realm to pull the visitors into the museum.

rendering © BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group

rendering © BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group

rendering © BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group

rendering © Wizarch

rendering © BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group

rendering © Wizarch

rendering © BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group


建筑设计:Bjarke Ingels建筑公司
主管团队:Bjarke Ingels, David Zahle
项目负责人:Tomas Ramstrand
项目团队:Mantas Povilaika, Neele Maree Ohlrogge, Jesper Ullbing, Matthew Goodwill, Kai-Brith Kalda
BIG可持续设计建筑师:Kannan Selvaraj

project info:
name: Museum for Paper Art
architect: Bjarke Ingels Group – BIG | @big_builds
location: Hune, North Jutland, Denmark
partner-in-charge: Bjarke Ingels, David Zahle
project leader: Tomas Ramstrand
team: Mantas Povilaika, Neele Maree Ohlrogge, Jesper Ullbing, Matthew Goodwill, Kai-Brith Kalda
BIG sustainability: Kannan Selvaraj
size: 2,300 sqm




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