位于Monza的皇宫别墅如同它的名字,属于皇家,但仅作为别墅而不是日常居住。这座华丽的古老建筑改建翻新保留了原有历史风貌。将原有的屋顶结构裸露出来,以及本真呈现斑驳的墙面,都成为室内最大的亮点。新铺的橡木地板将人们带往艺术展区的各个空间。 来自Michele De Lucchi对gooood的分享。
他们更多的项目: 咫尺之地,神思千里---微小教堂“圣雅各布”St. Jakob’s Chapel 和 微形变--Il Tronco办公大楼 “Il Tronco” Office Building。
As the name implies, Villa Reale in Monza is not a palace but a Villa used as an alternative residence. The building reveals the will of a royal house to supersede the local aristocracy through architectural and decorative prowess. The restoration of the building is following the same ambition. The attic is called Belvedere because of its view overlooking the park that unfolds from the top of the core body which sits on top of the historic staircase and the large entrance halls. Although it may seem the least important section, because previously occupied by the servants, it is actually an area of great impact. The spaces have been left as open as possible to maintain maximum visibility of the following elements: the wooden trusses of Piermarini, the residual ancient wooden structures, the old lost equipment, the steel tubes of the flooring, the graffiti left on the walls from the time of the Biennale of arts and finally the decorations left by Istrian families who occupied the Villa during the years of abandonment. The restoration’s highlight of the Villa is centered around an intensive full surgery and faithful reconstruction on the pavement with oak slats. In the main rooms, to give the Villa a character of greater importance, ‘Cocciopes to’ floors (a type of red, earthen flooring) were in stalled. These spaces are now ideal spaces for art exhibition sac cording to the latest trends of presentation.
PROJECT: aMDL Architetto Michele De Lucchi Srl - Michele De Lucchi
PROJECT TEAM: Angelo Micheli (project leader), Alessandra De Leonardis, AgnieszkaDrews, Maddalena Molteni, Silvia Figini
CONSULTANT: Italiana Costruzioni Spa (building contractor)
CLIENT: Nuova Villa Reale Spa
AREA: 2.400 m2
CHRONOLOGY: 2013 design; 2014 completion
PHOTOGRAPHY: Alessandra Chemollo