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柬埔寨未来住宅竞赛获胜提案/Cambodian Future House Competition Winning Propos...第1张图片

•        2013.3.30
•        由Alison Furuto发布
•        柬埔寨小型住宅类
•        30 MAR 2013
•        by Alison Furuto
•        Houses mini Cambodia

国际建筑信托比赛(Building Trust International)是为有需要的组织或个人提供设计帮助的非营利组织。该组织与仁爱之家(Habitat for Humanity)和卡鲁纳柬埔寨(Karuna Cambodia)共同宣布了该设计比赛的获胜方。他们的设计为柬埔寨低收入家庭的住宅设计带来了新的活力和方案。获胜提案包括:‘干湿坊’(Wet + Dry House),设计者为来自澳大利亚视觉设计开发有限公司(Visionary Design Development Pty Ltd.)的玛丽•安•杰克逊、拉尔夫•格林、穆罕穆德•卡米尔和尼克•谢尔曼(Mary Ann Jackson, Ralph Green, Muhammad Kamil 和 Nick Shearman);‘四合院’(Courtyard House),设计者为来自英国的杰西•科勒和亚历山大•科勒(Jess Lumley & Alexander Koller);‘放开怀抱’,设计者为来自美国的基斯•格林沃德和丽萨•艾科勒(Keith Greenwald 和 Lisa Ekle)。获胜的学生设计为来自伊朗的Sanaz Amin Deldar, Nastaran Hadidi, Ehsan Naderi 和 Simak Khaksar。本段后有更多的图片和信息。
Building Trust International, a non-profit organization offering design assistance to communities and individuals in need, in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity and Karuna Cambodia announced the joint winners of the design competition that brings new life to housing design and delivery for low income families living in Cambodia. The winning projects include: ‘Wet + Dry House’ by Mary Ann Jackson, Ralph Green, Muhammad Kamil and Nick Shearman from Australian firm Visionary Design Development Pty Ltd., ‘Courtyard House’ by Jess Lumley & Alexander Koller from the UK, and ‘Open Embrace’ by Keith Greenwald and Lisa Ekle from USA. The Winning Student Design was by Sanaz Amin Deldar, Nastaran Hadidi, Ehsan Naderi and Simak Khaksar from Iran. More images and information after the break.

柬埔寨未来住宅竞赛获胜提案/Cambodian Future House Competition Winning Propos...第2张图片

The design competition asked for designs of a $2000 house that can withstand flooding and offer a safe and secure home for low income families in Cambodia. Habitat for Humanity Cambodia have supported the competition from the start and now plan to deliver these homes in the coming months giving the families that they support a chance to choose a design that relates to their specific lifestyle needs. Hoping to provide poor Cambodians with a better standard of living, the winning projects will be built later this year.

柬埔寨未来住宅竞赛获胜提案/Cambodian Future House Competition Winning Propos...第3张图片

The jury picked three designs that reflected the desire to have a large flexible space to meet changing family needs, a space to rear chickens and a design that allowed for a shop front on the ground floor. A wide range of submissions made use of sustainable materials and highlighted the need for Cambodia to look at the nature of the booming construction industry and to think about more environmentally friendly ways of meeting the housing demand. The short listed designs show both traditional and new techniques in reducing the carbon footprint of delivering new homes. There will be an exhibition in Phnom Penh in May showcasing the best designs and the winning projects.

柬埔寨未来住宅竞赛获胜提案/Cambodian Future House Competition Winning Propos...第4张图片

柬埔寨未来住宅竞赛获胜提案/Cambodian Future House Competition Winning Propos...第5张图片
柬埔寨未来住宅竞赛获胜提案/Cambodian Future House Competition Winning Propos...第6张图片
柬埔寨未来住宅竞赛获胜提案/Cambodian Future House Competition Winning Propos...第7张图片

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