来自纽约建筑事务所---荷兰阿姆斯特丹Stedilijk博物馆Bad Thoughts坏想法展览。艺术收藏意味着不断地进行选择,而这种持续不断的决定将会产生新的关联与新的感想。在一个不断膨胀的宇宙,你能怎样去建立新的关系呢?在展出Martijn en Jeanette Sanders收藏品的这个名为“坏想法”展览的策展过程中,我们尝试空间化地表现展览体验。我们组织不同房间的方式是让每个参观者都必须决定自己的参观线路。通过留出这种不同联系之间的开放性,参观者自己成为了其参观路径的创作者,从而创造出个人化的关联与感想。
form the architect : Collecting art entails a constant series of choices, where successive decisions lead to new connections and insights. How do you create relationships in a constantly expanding universe? In organizing the exhibition Bad Thoughts, the Collection of Martijn en Jeanette Sanders, we have tried to represent the experience of collection spatially. The various rooms are organized in such fashion that each visitor must decide its own route. By leaving the connections open, the visitor becomes the author of his or her own path, thus creating personal connections and insights.