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Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第1张图片

  Master Planning Summary
  Lianqiaojie situates at the center of Ningbo city, at the south of Tianfeng Tower. The Lianqiaojie block is wrapped by Nisha Street, Kaiming Street and South Jiefang Road, the block is an important part of the Ningbo Historical Preservation Zone of Ocean Silk Road. Its importance and scale is only after “Tianyi Ge”, ranks 2nd of Ningbo City. Lianqiaojie is one the the major projects of the renovation of Ningbo downtown. The site covers about 66,000 sqm, the GFA is about 91,000 sqm. There are 4 National Historical and Cultural Heritage sites and more than 20 Heritage buildings. Among them, stand out the Residence of Chuanzhe Sun, who is the pioneer of the Chinese postage stamp; Mao’s Courtyard, which is built in Ming Dynasty, Family Yuan’s Residence, which is famous for storage of lots of precious manuscripts; Family Li’s Residence,from this family come out 3 generation leaders of Ningbo business leagues.Since lacking of maintenance, the building status is quite worrying. You could never imagine the historical glory of the block. To restore the beauty of Lianqiaojie, Ningbo local government decides to revitalize the site. Because the site locates in the right center of the Ningbo city, the land value is very high, which raise the cost of the relocation of local residents. This is a common situation of current Chinese downtown renovation.

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第2张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第3张图片

  ↑ 疏通街巷结构

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第4张图片

  ↑ 疏通街巷结构

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第5张图片

  ↑ 迁建历史建筑

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第6张图片

  ↑ 迁建历史建筑

  Concentration of Heritage Buildings
  In 2008, Ningbo local government determined to integrate the heritage preservation and the development. The whole project has 2 main targets: one is to restore the Lianqiaojie historical glory;the other one is to upgrade the urban program, to let the local residents enjoy the modern life style.
  In order to realize the aim, the site is divided into 2 parts:
  1,Heritage Zone
  2,Urban Development Zone
  Heritage Zone, to relocate and concentrate the major heritage buildings and celebrity’s residence,reprogram the function of these buildings. The buldings are sorted in 2 categories:
  a)(Historical & Cultural Buildings),Such as the themed museums, celebrities’ residences, etc.
  b)(Commercial Buildings),
  The Commercial properties are owned by the Ningbo local government, leased to tenants. The rent will be used as maintenance fund, which also covers the cultural building’s operation cost.Urban Development Zone, this part is created by the concentration of heritage buildings and the demolition of some part of poor quality residential buildings. The development is to improve the local people’s life quality, the developing programs are sorted in 3 categories: Residential building, one part is to house the local residents, to provide some more residential floor area(comparison with existing status) for each local resident; the other part is residential units for sale, to balance the financial budget of whole renovation project.
  Elementary School and Kindergarten, to rebuild the elementary school; to increase the floor area;to improve the accessibility of the school; to provide more education services for surrounding residents. Community service center, which is situated in the north end of the the parcel. The community service center houses retail ,F&B,etc. The property is owned by local government, the rent is used to maintain the community service.

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第7张图片

  ↑ 毛衙街毛宅改建后与改建前对比 after & before

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第8张图片

  ↑ 毛衙街民宅改建后与改建前对比 after & before

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第9张图片

  ↑ 毛衙街民宅群改建后与改建前对比 after & before

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第10张图片

  ↑ 1-10小泥沙街小洋楼改建后与改建前对比 after & before

  Restoration of the glory thousands of years ago Lianqiaojie is backgrounded by Sun Lake Culture, is cored with religion and culture heritage, such as Tianfeng Tower, Yanqing Temple and Guanzongjiang Temple. Some of the existing buldings are relatively well preserved with the integrity of layout.Song Dynasty Emperor Jun Zhao ( 26 Jan. 1205 ~ 16 Nov. 1264 ) has spent some time learning around the Sun Lake ( which is dry nowadays, forms the Lianqiaojie block), the great Family Yuan of Song & Yuan Dynasty resided at south of the Sun Lake,; the great scholar Sanxing Hu, lived in Family Yuan for 30 years, footnoting the great book “Zizhi Tongjian”, the manuscript is preserved by Family Yuan.Lianqiaojie block as a witness, has seen the long history of Ningbo city. The old days glory and the current shabby scenario casts a dramatic comparison.
Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第11张图片

  ↑ 莲桥塔影

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第12张图片

  ↑ 莲桥塔影

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第13张图片

  ↑ 古树保留

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第14张图片

  ↑ 古树保留

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第15张图片

  ↑ 开放空间

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第16张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第17张图片

  Architecture Design Summary
  The first step of BIDG’s work is to classify the existing buildings into categories.
  The classification criteria includes 2 dimensions:
  The importance of the building, according to the value of historical and cultural heritage.
  The location of the building, whether in “Heritage Zone” or in “Urban Development Zone”.
  There are 3 classes of the importance of buildings.a,Historical & Cultural Heritage Buildings: 4 units, walls of which are basically complete, the doors and windows are partially damaged; b,Historical Buildings: the layout the the building is relatively complete, the roof and walls are partially damages, the doors and windows are missing for common. c,Common Houses, all of them has been demolished, the old bricks and tiles are preserved.According to the location, the buildings are sorted into 2 categories:

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第18张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第19张图片

  (Buildings in the Heritage Zone)
  (Buildings in the Urban Development Zone)
  Through the analysis of these 2 dimensional information, BIDG has come to 3 ways of preservation of existing buildings.
  Restoration, for the buildings in the Heritage Zone, BIDG’s work is to restore the facade, to restore the fine detail of the historical buildings.
  Relocation & Remodeling, for the buildings in the Urban Development Zone, BIDG’s work is to redraw all the plans, sections and facades of each existing building, choose a proper location in the Heritage Zone to rebuild it; in fact, the facades of these buildings are in quite bad circumstance, BIDG has to redesign a whole new facade which is a style mixed of Chinese architecture and European architecture generated from 1900s .
  Recycling of the old building elements, BIDG tries to recycle all the elements of the existing buildings,such as the door, window, brick, tile, wood, etc. These illusory concept of history becomes real and touchable by these old elements.

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第20张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第21张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第22张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第23张图片

  Landscape Design
  To renovate a historical block, sometimes it’s not only to repair the existing old buildings, it’s also about to restore some important memory through the long history. For the Lianqiaojie block, the most critical memory is the Lianqiao ( the Lotus Bridge ), which vanished with the Sun Lake.The Name of Lianqiaojie simply comes from the Lianqiao ( the Lotus Bridge ), which is situated at the cross of Lianqiao Street and Jiefang Road.
  Rebuilding of the Lotus Bridge
  Preservation of ancient trees
  Detail of landscape

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第24张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第25张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第26张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第27张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第28张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第29张图片

  项目地点: 宁波
  总建筑师: 朱隽夫
  设计总监 : 唐栩
  建筑团队 :朱洁尧, 刘运宝, 宣正伟等
  景观团队 : 丁红梅等
  建筑面积: 91,000 sqm
  占地面积: 66,000 sqm
  竣工年份: 2014
  摄影: 刘念,王娅
  Design Firm: BIDG
  Location: Ningbo
  Architect in Charge: Junfu Zhu
  Design Director: Xu Tang
  Architecture Team: Jieyao Zhu, Yunbao Liu, Zhengwei Xuan, etc
  Landscape Team: Hongmei Ding, etc
  Gross Floor Area: 91,000 sqm
  Site Area: 66,000 sqm
  Completion Year: 2014
  Photography: Nian Liu, Ya Wang

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第30张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第31张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第32张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第33张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第34张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第35张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第36张图片

Lianqiaojie, Ningbo, China / BIDG第37张图片

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