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minä perhonen koti, Tokyo, Japan / Torafu Architects第1张图片
来自Torafu Architects的分享。这座小小店铺里面有一池令人惊艳的环氧树脂浇注的地板,色彩鲜艳斑斓的织物与纽扣被树脂覆盖,仿佛打了一层高光,或者说像被侵泡在水里,色彩更加艳丽,宛如一汪彩池。
基于建筑师文本:minä perhonen是一个时尚品牌,我们为其直接经营的新店minä perhonen koti进行室内设计。
form the architect : minä perhonen is afashion brand and we performed the interior design for their newdirectly-managed shop minä perhonen koti. The shop mainly showcasing householdgoods is found on the 1st floor of the Shonan T-SITE complex, where manytenants are located around a Tsutaya book store. The name of the store"koti", meaning house in Finnish, derives from the fact that ithandles everyday life items, such as cushions and tableware. Thus, deliverablesincluded a space to carefully present small objects and showcase productline-ups with color variations.

minä perhonen koti, Tokyo, Japan / Torafu Architects第2张图片

minä perhonen koti, Tokyo, Japan / Torafu Architects第3张图片

We designed the island of fixtures found atthe center of the store as to look light and appear to hover above the groundby using brass piping legs and varying the height of the compartments, to allowcustomers to look at the textile-covered flooring below. These compartmentsallow for a variety of displays adapted to each type of product, and can beused with the drawers drawn and the tabletop lid open. Moreover, in order tocreate a background for products on display, we painted the two back wallswhite and dressed them with glass shelves. Also, mobile partitions can be fixedto the steel pipes supporting the shelves to organize the layout of productsplaced on a single continuous shelf.

minä perhonen koti, Tokyo, Japan / Torafu Architects第4张图片

minä perhonen koti, Tokyo, Japan / Torafu Architects第5张图片

店铺层包括一个方形场地,覆盖着minä perhonen的多色织物和纽扣,并用环氧树脂固定,吸引着顾客一块块观看。
The store floor covers a square lot and iscovered in minä perhonen's colorful textiles and buttons and fixed with epoxyresin, which invites visitors to look at each one of them.

minä perhonen koti, Tokyo, Japan / Torafu Architects第6张图片

minä perhonen koti, Tokyo, Japan / Torafu Architects第7张图片

minä perhonen koti, Tokyo, Japan / Torafu Architects第8张图片

minä perhonen koti, Tokyo, Japan / Torafu Architects第9张图片

minä perhonen koti, Tokyo, Japan / Torafu Architects第10张图片

我们寻求创造一个店铺空间,以使各年龄层的人们,比如湘南T-SITE的顾客,都能进来这里挑选商品,同时向他们传递minä perhonen koti店提倡的世界观。
We sought to create a space in whichpersons of all ages, such as Shonan T-SITE shoppers, find it easy to set foot,while communicating to them the world view put forward by minä perhonen koti.

minä perhonen koti, Tokyo, Japan / Torafu Architects第11张图片

minä perhonen koti, Tokyo, Japan / Torafu Architects第12张图片

minä perhonen koti, Tokyo, Japan / Torafu Architects第13张图片

minä perhonen koti, Tokyo, Japan / Torafu Architects第14张图片

Principal use: SHOP
Production: TOKYO STUDIO/Nakamura
Credit: Lighting: maxray
Building site: Kanagawa Shonan
Total floor area: 66.8m2
Design period: 2014.06-2015.02
Construction period: 2014.08-11, 2015.3
Photo: Takumi Ota




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