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FAV建筑节(The Festival des Architectures Vives )旨在提高公众对建筑广泛性的认识。不仅着重展示新生代建筑师、景观师和城市规划师的作品,而且注重发掘令人惊喜的城市空间。



FAV的组织者是蒙彼利埃建筑师Elodie Nourrigat 和Jacques Brion。

The Festival des Architectures Vives aims to raise public awareness of the wide range of architecture. It seeks not only to highlight the work of a young generation of architects, landscape architects and urban planners but also to make discover unexpected urban areas.

Through two urban courses, one in the historical heart of Montpellier’s town and a second in La Grande Motte, the public can discover works of contemporary architecture in unique sites and sometimes unknown from people. In La Grande Motte, the festival offers an urban course in the heart of Jean Balladur’s architecture, which characterizes this seaside town, recently approved “Heritage of the XXth Century”. In 2014, the Festival des Architectures Vives invested 8 sites in total with 7 installations + 1 pavilion.

Many works allow interaction with visitors. All of them take possession of the sites during the festival only.  Leaving no physical trace, the festivalseeks to make an impression, to initiate a global reflection on architecture and its development in existing urban context and finally, to create a dialogue between contemporary works and heritage. Mediators are present on each site. These mediators are students at the School of Architectureof Montpellier and they endeavour to strengthen appreciation of the works of the visitors. The event is free, this reflects the desire of openingarchitecture to the greatest number.

FAV is organized by Elodie Nourrigat and Jacques Brion, architects in Montpellier.

↑ 呼吸盒体 Breath box by NAS architecture

↑ 呼吸盒体 Breath box by NAS architecture

↑ 呼吸盒体 Breath box by NAS architecture

↑ 呼吸盒体 Breath box by NAS architecture

↑ 云朵花园 Cloud garden by DOTS

↑ 云朵花园 Cloud garden by DOTS

↑ 云朵花园 Cloud garden by DOTS

↑ 云朵花园 Cloud garden by DOTS

↑ 海边飘带 De fils en fils by BasileCHOPARD & SebastienCARE

↑ 海边飘带 De fils en fils by BasileCHOPARD & SebastienCARE

↑ 人浪 Ola_Port

↑ 人浪 Ola_Port

↑ 人浪 Ola_Port

↑ 编织白球 Onde sensuelle by MarionMOUSTEY & AlexandreARCENS

↑ 编织白球 Onde sensuelle by MarionMOUSTEY & AlexandreARCENS

↑ 编织白球 Onde sensuelle by MarionMOUSTEY & AlexandreARCENS

↑ 编织白球 Onde sensuelle by MarionMOUSTEY & AlexandreARCENS

↑ 颠倒 Sens dessous sens dessous by Fakir

↑ 隐形触感 Sensualite invisible by LeaCORBA & NicolasBAUDRU

Hear is more information form the FAV:

Festival des Architectures Vives 2014 in La Grande Motte presentation2014FAV建筑节之拉格朗德默特展区


Garden of soft clouds, hanging garden, lace on the sea, plaiting, moiré effect… In june 2014 took place the second edition of the Festival desArchitectures Vives on unique urban territories. In La Grande Motte from the 21st to the 29th of June 2014, on theme of Sensuality visitorshad the joy of touching, smelling, tasting and above all they had much of pleasure strolling in the town.

NAS Architecture was reward two times : ones by the Public price and twice by the Jury price. They had created “Breath Box”. A Special Mention was given to Marion Moustey and Alexandre Arcens for “Onde sensuelle” and a second Special Mention went to Dots, the American team behindthe “Cloud Garden” project.

FAV 2014 à La Grande Motte took place one week after FAV 2014 in Montpellier.

Teams of FAV 2014 in La Grande Motte2014 FAV建筑节拉格朗德默特展区设计团队


Teams who create the ephemeral works are selected after a call for submissions launched in september. They come from France and from abroadcountries. Regarding the Pavilions’ architects, they are exercising in the Languedoc-Roussillon region, where takes place the festival.

Name of team // Project nameNicolas Baudru, Léa Corba // Sensualité invisibleDOTS / Jason Scroggin, Akari Takebayashi // Cloud GardenPorté(e) / Rosine Autran, Elodie Bouin, Jorge Calderon Arias, Frédéric Ganichot // OlaMarion Moustey, Alexandre Arcens // Onde sensuelleFakir / Marie Bellorini, Charlène Cieslewicz, Ana?s Krebs // Sens dessus sens dessousNAS Architectures / Hadrien Balalud de Saint Jean, Guillaume Giraud, Johan Laure // Breath boxSébastien Caré, Basile Chopard // De fils en fils

PavilionAtelier Jér?me Lafond / Jér?me Lafond, Marion Pujol // Sailing cube

FAV 2014 in Montpellier in few figures

2nd edition in La Grande Motte9 days of festival : 11th – 15th of june 201410 000 visitors10 teams on 260 candidatures1 invited university1 Pavilion

Photos crédits:Paul KOZLOWSKI ?photoarchitectureSite :

MORE: Festival des Architectures Vives




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