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尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第1张图片

来自专筑编辑罗晓茜,刘庆新的报道。香港Charles Lai事务所和东京Takehiko Suzuki事务所,与同香港当地时间单位中立建筑工作室合作,用竹子和当地可用的材料,为在尼泊尔地震难民设计了标准的快速安装避难所。两个建筑事务所发起一个建造救援组织——Architecture for the Mass,应对2015年4月在尼泊尔发生的地震。

From the architect. Charles Lai from Hong Kong and Takehiko Suzuki from Tokyo, together with Hong Kong based practice aona (atelier of neutral architecture), completed a prototype for a rapid erected shelter for earthquake victims in Nepal with bamboo poles and other locally available materials. The two architects initiated an architectural relief organization, Architecture for the Mass, in April 2015 in response to the Nepal Earthquake.

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第2张图片
Courtesy of Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki


One of the obstacles faced by disaster relief agencies in Nepal is that transportations across the mountainous country are of tremendous difficulties. Many of the road surfaces were not paved properly and were too narrow for trucks with heavy loads. As a result, even though emergency relief materials such as tents and canvas could be flew into Nepal by cargo planes, these materials can hardly proliferate into the remote villages. As a result, many families who lost their home have built temporary shelters by themselves. But apparently its structure is fragile and the space is uncomfortable without proper floors and walls. Mud bricks they use are not earthquake resistant, and dangerous because of its weight. When the monsoon season comes, the heavy rain water can easily come inside.

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第3张图片
Courtesy of Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki

为了应对这种情况,Charles 和Takehiko设计了一种竹子框架的结构系统,可以建造更舒适的避难所,且可以在尼泊尔的村庄就地取材,方便安装。竹子是一种廉价和丰富的材料,也很容易运输、切割和组装。通过简单的连接,非技术工人也可以在2 - 3天内组装避难所。建筑师还准备了施工手册,详细说明竹结构框架的组装方法。手册可以通过互联网传输到没有建筑专业人士的地区。即使当地没有建造方面的专业人士,也可以按照手册装成临时的各种功能的建筑,如住所、托儿所、诊所、社区中心等。

In response to that, Charles and Takehiko designed a system of bamboo frame structure that could allow shelters to be more comfortable and erected efficiently with materials that are available locally in the villages of Nepal. Bamboo is a cheap and abundant material in the area, also quite easy to deliver, cut, and assemble. Together with the simple connection details, unskilled workers can assemble the shelter within 2-3 days. The architects prepared a construction manual that illustrated the assembly methods of the bamboo structural frames. The manual could be transferred through the Internet into regions without construction professionals. The local could simply follow the manual and assemble the bamboo frames into temporary buildings of various functions, such as shelter, nursery, clinic, community center, etc. without the help from construction professionals.

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第4张图片
Floor Plan/平面图

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第5张图片

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第6张图片

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第7张图片
Courtesy of Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第8张图片
Courtesy of Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki

为了应对雨季的涝灾,建筑框架由一个凸起的平台和斜屋顶组成,这样的设计能保持室内干燥。对角线元素为框架提供刚性,提高结构的抗地震能力。根据建筑材料的可用性,金属板、帆布或竹条可以用来构造建筑的外立面。原型建筑位于Duwakot村,与香港One Village Focus Fund(乡村关注基金会)合作。一个10人的团队志愿者和4工人建造避难所只需要2天时间。木材和金属板从受损的房屋中取出被重新利用作为避难所的外立面。一个3米×6米大小避难所的成本约为400美元- 500美元。竹结构框架根据结构功能可以划分成四间不同大小的房间。Charles和Takehiko预测简装避难所可以在尼泊尔提供临时住所。当地可以从原型设计中得到启发,根据实际条件建造更高级的建筑。目的就是为大多家庭提供建造临时住所的工具和方法。该设计可以无形地加强当地社区建立其自助网络,加速从灾难中复苏。

To prepare for the rain during the monsoon season, the sectional profile of the frames consists of a raised platform and a pitched roof design to keep the interior dry. The diagonal elements provide rigidity to the frame and improve the quake resistant ability of the structure. Depending on the availability of building materials, metal sheets, canvas, or bamboo strips could be used to construct the envelope of the structure. The prototype was built in the village of Duwakot in collaboration with One Village Focus Fund in Hong Kong. A team of 10 volunteers and 4 paid workers constructed the prototype in 2 days. Timber and metal sheets from the damaged houses were reused to construct the envelope of the shelter. The cost of the 3m x 6m shelter is around US$400 -$ 500. The bamboo structural frame could be appropriated into different sizes depending on the function of the structure. Charles and Takehiko anticipate the prototype to provide an alternative solution for temporary shelters in Nepal. The local can assimilate the design of the prototype and produce evolved designs based on its principle. The aim is to equip general households with the tools and methods to erect their own temporary structures. Potentially, the design can empower the local community to establish a self-help network among themselves and speedup the recovery from the disaster.

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第9张图片
Courtesy of Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki

避难所的临时结构原型被发展和建造好后,建筑师将专注于重建在Gorkha, Katunge和 Bhaktapur地区遭到严重破坏的学校和社区设施。 (航空运输是由香港Expedia赞助)

After the development and construction of the temporary structure prototype, Architecture for the mass will focus on reconstruction of schools and community facilities in severely damages regions of Gorkha, Katunge and Bhaktapur regions.
(Air transportation is sponsored by Expedia Hong Kong)

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第10张图片
Courtesy of Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第11张图片
Courtesy of Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第12张图片
Courtesy of Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第13张图片
Courtesy of Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第14张图片
Courtesy of Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第15张图片
Courtesy of Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第16张图片
Courtesy of Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第17张图片
Courtesy of Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第18张图片
Courtesy of Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第19张图片
Site Plan/场地平面图

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第20张图片

尼泊尔临时避难所 by Charles Lai + Takehiko Suzuki第21张图片

建筑设计: Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki
设计团队: Eric Ng, Gigi Lee, Timothy Lam, Yorkun Ho (Architecture for the Mass), Hari, Bibek, Sujan, Dinesh, Sudip, Prabhakar, Bibhuti, Laxman, Binay (Nepal local team), Samantha Tang, Lai Pui Tung, Ho Fung Lun
摄影:由 Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki提供
投资: One Village Focus Fund

Architects: Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki
Location: Duwakot, Nepal
Design Team: Eric Ng, Gigi Lee, Timothy Lam, Yorkun Ho (Architecture for the Mass), Hari, Bibek, Sujan, Dinesh, Sudip, Prabhakar, Bibhuti, Laxman, Binay (Nepal local team), Samantha Tang, Lai Pui Tung, Ho Fung Lun
Area: 18.0 sqm
Project Year: 2015
Photographs: Courtesy of Charles Lai, Takehiko Suzuki
Funded By: One Village Focus Fund
Sponsors: Expedia Hong Kong





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