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皇后镇媒体图书馆 / Pascale Guédot Architecte第1张图片



From the architect. The township chose a strategic location for the media library : in the city center, a few meters away from the city-hall and the church, across the street form the music conservatory built in the 1990s.

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© Hervé Abbadie


A landmark building, the new media library is deliberately visible and identifiable, yet it blends politely with the existing urban fabric.

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© Hervé Abbadie


Respectful of the setbacks, it refrains from overshadowing the neighborhood. Shy of signaling its existence, it calls for a discreet discovery as one comes nearby. Only then, is one struck with the force of the volumes and the architectural identity. This is a building, which is not afraid of stating its bulk.

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© Hervé Abbadie


The façade of the media library presents several folds, each facet responding to a specific context and a particular constraint.

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© Hervé Abbadie

在大道一侧,大楼朝向一个景观广场宽阔敞开,它的通透预示着重要的深度。大楼沿着rue Bouvier街对折,立面是紧紧封闭的形式,只设置了两个开口来创造活力:一个在一层,类似于断口,邀请客人进来;另外一个很大的开口在二楼,暗示着主要空间所在的位置。在建筑背面,是市镇街区中心,大楼立面左右翻转过来,并以一棵美丽的百年胡桃树为固定点,大楼在它周围环绕成一个环状。

On the Boulevard side, the building opens widely towards a landscaped mall, its transparence lets anticipate an important depth. As it folds along the rue Bouvier, the façade closes itself tightly letting only two openings create an animation: one on the ground floor, similar to a fracture, invites the visitor inside; the other, very large, on the second floor, suggests the presence of a major space. At the rear, in the center of the city block, the facade flips around and loops about its anchoring point, a splendid 100 year old walnut tree.

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© Hervé Abbadie


The roof, faceted as well, details its height following an open variation: at the periphery, it is locked inconspicuously with the surrounding buildings; in the center, it maximizes the PLU regulations to offer the building the most volume it can afford.

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© Hervé Abbadie


The monolithic character of the construction is reinforced by the use of a gray quartzite stone, identical on the walls and roof.

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© Hervé Abbadie


Behind an apparent simplicity, complex technical prowess is hidden. Each side has a specific construction method. For the façade, the stone is set at a thickness of 80mm with varying heights and lengths.

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© Hervé Abbadie


For the main roof part, the stone being used is thinner, clipped to a metal substructure. The slope is steeper on the garden side to make room for the branches of the walnut tree. There the roof is clad with stone masonry on metal brackets, an innovative technology for which an Atex certification had to be obtained.

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© Hervé Abbadie

作为多用途会议室,新媒体图书馆总是能获得突出的社会功能。设计者Pascale Guédot解释说:“皇后镇媒体图书馆代表新的趋势。在设计开始和建造开始之间,总体积已经减少了40%。因此我们能够强调空间的使用,增加座位数量。”登入/登出都是自动化的,能让员工将更多时间用于公共场所。与媒体图书馆的活动以及不断变化的递送方式相关的需求和约束已经被仔细评估,这形成了清晰实用的目录组织。经过和建筑专员持续讨论,我们考虑到了最合理的空间布局,并给与阅览室占用很大的“开放空间”。

As multiuse meeting places, the new media libraries are always granted a prominent social function. “The Bourg la Reine media library represents a new tendency,” Pascale Guédot, its designer, explains. “Between the beginning of the design phase and the start of construction, the collection volume has decreased by 40%. We were therefore able to emphasize the usability of the space, increase the number of seats.” The check in/check out is automated, which allows more employee time for the public. Needs and constraints tied to the activities of the media library and to the ever-changing modes of delivery have been assessed carefully, which lead to a clear and functional organization of the inventory. A sustained dialogue with the building commissioners allowed for the most rational spatial layout, and for the reading rooms to occupy vast “Open Spaces”

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© Hervé Abbadie


Once inside, visitors discover a generous volume opening widely towards the garden. Interior and exterior blend, one of the exterior stonewalls continues inside, a stone bench lengthens simply, to wind around the walnut tree trunk, defying all notion of borders. Wood terraces, readily utilizable, lean to the adjoining party wall. During the summer, in the shade from the walnut tree, the garden becomes another reading room.

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On the ground floor, it is the kids’ corner’s wide-open space, which welcomes the readers. No bearing posts, or partitions come in the way of the expanded volume. It is within the thickness of the exterior walls that small reading rooms are tucked.

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A wide staircase, open to the surroundings, sky lit, and clad with the same stone, which gives the media library its unity, is inviting you to the second floor.

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There, at the top of the stairs, the main reading room’s space is striking. The ceiling, with its multiple facets, directly following the roof’s, reaches 7m at its highest. To the North, where the building widens, the roof rises up, to let in plenty of natural light.

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Floor Plan/平面图

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Floor Plan/平面图

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皇后镇媒体图书馆 / Pascale Guédot Architecte第22张图片
© Hervé Abbadie

建筑设计:Pascale Guédot Architecte
设计团队:Pascale Guédot Architecte ; Loïc Levisalles, chef de projet ; Luca Antognoli, assistant ; FORR, Carolina Fois, paysagiste ; Speeg + Michel, concepteurs lumière ; Batiserf, BET structure ; Alto, BET fluides et HQE ; Ayda, acousticien ; Forgue, économiste ; CL Infra, BET VRD ; Global, OPC ; Ateliers 59, signalétique
摄     影:Hervé Abbadie
企    业:LBC, gros œuvre ; ERTCM, charpente; SMAC, couverture pierre ; FIC, façades vitrées ; DBPM, façades pierre ; SAM+, serrurerie ; BONNARDEL, menuiserie bois ; DBS, faux-plafonds ; TROUVE LECLAIRE, peinture ; GIACALONE, carrelage ; CDI, chape ; BALAS, CVC-ELEC ; ATV, VRD ; BOTANICA, plantations; VALBOIS, sol bois

Architects:Pascale Guédot Architecte
Location: Bourg-la-Reine, France
Design Team: Pascale Guédot Architecte ; Loïc Levisalles, chef de projet ; Luca Antognoli, assistant ; FORR, Carolina Fois, paysagiste ; Speeg + Michel, concepteurs lumière ; Batiserf, BET structure ; Alto, BET fluides et HQE ; Ayda, acousticien ; Forgue, économiste ; CL Infra, BET VRD ; Global, OPC ; Ateliers 59, signalétique
Photographs: Hervé Abbadie
Entreprise: LBC, gros œuvre ; ERTCM, charpente; SMAC, couverture pierre ; FIC, façades vitrées ; DBPM, façades pierre ; SAM+, serrurerie ; BONNARDEL, menuiserie bois ; DBS, faux-plafonds ; TROUVE LECLAIRE, peinture ; GIACALONE, carrelage ; CDI, chape ; BALAS, CVC-ELEC ; ATV, VRD ; BOTANICA, plantations; VALBOIS, sol bois





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