时间: 12月01日 周二 18:30-21:00
地点: 上海 同济大学(四平路校区)建筑城规学院B楼钟庭报告厅
费用: 免费
类型: 讲座
题目:Materialization of Intentions:from Mies to Wang Da-Dong and Chang Chao-Kang
Speaker: WANG Weijen(Head of Department and Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong)/ZHU Jingxiang(Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Moderator: LI Xiangning(Deputy Dean and Professor, CAUP, Tongji University)
General Introduction
(1) Can a designer formulate new perception with an aid from industry's growing ability ? How an architect introduces traditional construction method a new life? Mies van der Rohe and Eladio Dieste, genius and pioneer from 20th century, answered such questions through their fabulous influential architectural works. In this lecture, Professor and architect Zhu Jingxiang will review two unprecedented works selected from masters' critical moments, to exemplify comprehensive technology know-how, great sensibility on space and rite, hidden design skills and ever-lasting philosophy.
(2) The lecture examines three architects active in the fringe or the other China during the second half of the 20th century, engaging their modern projects with commitment over the issue of tradition, the paradox that Paul Ricoeur had described: how to become modern and to return to sources? All with origins from South China, spent years in New York or London and Shanghai shortly, eventually practiced in Taiwan and Hong Kong after 1949, demonstrated their concerns over the issue of craft and tradition through their each framing with space, system, material and construction.
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